Q1 - Do you enjoy my company? (BestWeirdoEver)

572 14 2

Admin: Icy, question number one is from @BestWeirdoEver.

Iceland: Really, a question already?

Admin: Yes! BestWeirdoEver asks:

I have a question.

Do you enjoy my company?

*aura grows larger than Russia's* answer TRUTHFULLY

Iceland: Um.... don't you agree that that's a bit scary?

Admin: Yes, it may be a bit scary, but you're avoiding the question now, Iceland.

Iceland: Well... I guess having you talk to me was nice, but the sinister aura isn't fun. The fun facts that you tell me are nice to, so I guess the answer would be sometimes I enjoy your company. 

Admin: Well thank you, BestWeirdoEver, for the question! I hope you liked Icy's answer~ 

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