Q76 - What would you do if you met Jamaica? (Mandipolo)

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Admin: Questions, Ice, we have questions!

Iceland: Not like that's a surprise. How many are we at, sixty?

Admin: This is... seventy-six. You are twenty-three away from our goal, remember the list?

Iceland: You're lying! There's no way there has been seventy-six questions!

Admin: You could count them all out later, for now, questions~

Heya... Ummm... What would you do if you met my character Jamaica? (Admin: she's not in a story yet but she has dark green eyes that can change into multiple colours by her rivers: blue, brown, etc. because she's the land of wood and water ya know? About 5'9. She has long dark brown hair with three beads at the end in red, green and yellow. Around Seychelles' complexion but a bit lighter a tad darker than Spain I suppose. She's nice to be around and her coffee, though not very acknowledged, is actually the best in the world. She also has the fourth best ice-cream in the world. I supposed that's just about what ya need to know to answer this question. Oh! And she speaks proper English but will only change into patoise, Jamaican creole, when really angry. Thanks and goodbye! Sorry for such a long question!)

Iceland: If I met Jamaica? Well she sounds nice. I would probably talk with her, maybe we would get along... The best coffee in the world would attract Norway though... And ice-cream attracts America... Under the circumstances that they wouldn't be there, it would be nice. If she really has the fourth best ice-cream in the world, maybe we could have ice-cream together.

Admin: That sounds nice!

Iceland: I think so too, Admin. Jamaica sounds like a nice person and would probably be a good friend to have...

Admin: Hong would be jealous because you're hanging out with a female country.

Iceland: Would he?

Admin: Probably *laughs a bit* he wouldn't show it though, just suddenly be mad or somethin'?

Iceland: Whatever...

Admin: Anyways, I hope that answered your question, Mandipolo, thanks for asking and ask again later~

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