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Oh god I can't believe it's already 30+ chapters!! Such a long way we came. I promised y'all this will soon be ending. No long eternal boring stories. Almost almost..

Luhan's heart stopped right there when he received a call from the man he loved but cannot called his. The deepness of the other's voice literally melt him right away as it spoke.

"I did it. I..Im single."
Sehun's voice was shaking. Like he just came back from a war and was worn out. He sounded like something precious but heavy was lifted and was relieved but heartbroken at the same time.

Luhan gulped before saying.
"Do you need time? Or can I meet you right now?"

He heard Sehun on the other hand seeming to be breathing hard.
"I need you now."

Luhan involuntarily shuddered at Sehun's husked voice sounding from the phone. There seemed to be cold air shooting down from the top to the bottom of his spine.

"Where are you?"
Luhan whispered back.


Luhan nearly stopped breathing.
It was the very place they first met.
And also the place he had not been for a long time since incident mister slender face.

"I'll meet you there."

And Luhan slammed the end call button in such an anxious way.
He changed his best clothes and drew on eyeliner before he hastily threw his bag over his shoulder as he exited the house.
He knew Sehun would never be able to resist eyeliners.

Nobody could.

"Be right back."
Luhan said as he watched Lay stared at him with wide eyes as he exited the door.

He must be shocked at the sudden event turn. Luhan would explain later, once they were all cleared.

As Luhan arrived at Veyna with Lay's car, his heart started beating fast. He left his own fancy car at his house and he had yet to retrieve it, fearing Kris may be there since he had a spare key.

But Luhan did not care anymore. Kris wasn't going to find him. Sometimes Luhan felt that he didn't even try to find him.

"Master Lu."
The guard seemed to recognized him as he entered. Shocked to why he suddenly came after so long .

Luhan weaved his way to the bar counter and was met with the familiar face of his beautiful ex, Newt.
Just one look and he immediately understood.

Newt smiled slightly as he pointed to his right.
"Never knew you would actually fall for that slender face. But he's that way. Congratulations Lu. Long time no see by the way."
He added with a wink.

Luhan smirked as he followed his directions, slamming money on the counter.
"You too. Here's your money for the drink I owed you."

"Aye have fun."
Newt smirked back as he accepted the money.

Luhan couldn't hear anything and he certainly couldn't care for anything other than the way to Sehun's room. All he could see was his front and all he could hear was his head chanting Sehun nonstop.

Finally he recognised the room. Nobody told him exactly what room Sehun was in.
But he could smell his perfume from out here and he was hundred percent sure it was the very man he was looking for.

With a racing heart, threatening to fight its way out of his chest, he raised trembling hands to put his hand on the door knot and twisted.

He could hear the door creaking. And he stepped inside.

It was seconds later when he was suddenly slammed back to the door as it closed with a big thud. A pair of soft lips captured his in his own as they weaved their way to each other's heart.

Luhan slipped his hands to Sehun's hair and pulled at them as he deepened the kiss hungrily.
It was rough yet gentle in a way.
Like you were touching glass with knifes.

Nobody attempted to pull out clothes as they savoured the moment with each other. And finally Sehun pulled away, resting his forehead on Luhan's as he felt a tear slipped.

He heard Luhan panting and he gasped as the cold drop of tear fell on his face.
Luhan looked up into Sehun's eyes as he smiled a very gentle smile, holding his hands up to touch Sehun's face and wiped the tears away.

"Am I that bad of a kisser?"
He whispered in a joke.

That made Sehun chuckled before he replied.
"Hell no. You are the best kisser I've ever had. "

Luhan smiled as he said, hesitantly.

"Im single. You're single."
Sehun stated out.

Luhan breathed out and braced himself for the following words that would be tumbling out of Sehun's lips.

"Will you be mine, Luhan?"

Luhan replied in a heartbeat as he felt lips slammed into his again as arms held him up towards the direction of the bed.

Luhan felt his back met with the soft mattress as hands fumbled on his clothes and jeans.
With a racing heart, he placed his hands gently on Sehun's, stopping him.
He panted.

"It's been so long. Im gonna sucked at this."
He continued, looking down.

Sehun laughed a melodious laugh, catching Luhan by surprise.
"Please master Lu. Where's your confidence? You exceed in sex as much as you exceed in your fashion. Or maybe even better."

And he heard Luhan breathed out before their lips collided again.

"My confidence just always seemed to vanished in front of you."

Just you, oh fucking Sehun.

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