Chapter 3: Weak Knees

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Here's chapter 3 for you all!! Hope you enjoy! :)


"Taylor.... Ye gotta wake up hun..." My eyes fluttered open to find Daryl laying beside me lightly rubbing my arm.

"Good morn'n sleepy head!" He exclaimed as I started to sit up.

"How are he feelin?" He asked, his hand wandering down to mine.

"Sore..." I muttered, this immediately put a frown on his face.

"Thank you! Thank you so much for saving me!" I said a minute later remembering that I never thanked him last night. He smiled and gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"Nah, ye ain't gotta thank me. He might have had his hands all on ye but he can't help tha' yer so pretty." He said jokingly, I blushed.

"But if that asshile does lay another hand on ye, yer gonna come tell me, ye hear?" He said waving his finger in my face.

I smiled and nodded as he pulled me to a standing position and we walked out of the tent.

He rested his hand on my lower back while we were walking.

I actually liked it, feeling his touch and warmth.

Every now and then, I'd look over and see him smirking to himself.

I was greeted warmly by everyone and handed a plate. I sat down with Daryl beside me and ate my eggs in silence.

I saw someone walking up out of the corner of my eye, it was Shane. His face was all bruised and swollen, he grabbed a plate and sat across from me a few feet away looking me up and down with every bite he took.

I tensed up and just stared down at my plate.

Daryl laid his hand on my knee and gave me a reassuring pat.

I noticed Ricks eyes grow huge at the sight of Shane's bruised face.

"Hey Shane, what happened?" He asked pointing to Shane's face with a shocked look.

"It ain't nothing." He muttered, the look he gave Rick told him to back off. So that's exactly what Rick did.

Maggie then called up to us from the house,

"Hey Taylor, you are welcome to use our shower to clean up. I know it's probably been awhile since you've had a decent shower." She said smiling, I chuckled and nodded.

After breakfast, I had my stuff ready and was walking up the stairs to the bathroom.

I immediately shut the door and locked it. I started to take my clothes off and glanced in the mirror. I had a huge bruise across my back and along the side of my neck.

"Shit..." I whispered to myself, I lightly ran my finger over my neck.

I knew he had choked me but I didn't expect it to leave a humongous bruise.

I ignored it and flipped on the water to the shower and stepped in.

Hot water! It has been so long since I've taken a hot shower. I thought, I then started getting very deep in thought while washing up.

Why did Shane do that to me, me of all people? Why did I have to go outside and sit on the bench? Why couldn't I have just stayed in my tent and tried to go to sleep?

All these thoughts flooded through my mind. I was crying now, tears streaming down my face along with the water. I wrapped my arms around myself.

The cold tile of the shower biting at my bare skin as I slid down the wall, I sat there for several minutes just crying and rocking.

This is stupid! Stop it! Your acting like a baby, get up!!

My conscience screamed at me, I then got up dried and dressed myself.

I opened the door and saw Daryl leaning his back against the wall in front of bathroom. His eyes looking at me with pity and concern.

"Ye were cryin in there... Weren't ye?" He asked, an edge of sadness in his voice. I just looked at the floor and shook my head no.

He pushed himself off the wall and walked toward me stopping about a foot away.

"Don't he lie to me. I know what he did musta scared ye but I ain't gonna let him lay a hair on ye. I promise." He lifted my chin up, our eyes connecting.

His beautiful vibrant blue ones looking into my green ones. I always believed that people's eyes tell a story.

A story of life, feelings, and personality. His eyes told the most beautiful of all. There was pain, hurt, love, peace, and protection showing through his eyes.

He wasn't going to hurt me, I trusted him completely. He slowly leaned in and our lips locking together.

My knees went weak at his soft and gentle yet controlling lips, he knew exactly what he was doing.

We slowly pulled away after looking at each other.

"Yer safe with me pumpkin." He leaned in and whispered in my ear before going back down stairs.

This man had some sort of power over me in the little one I've known him, it makes me go weak and feel all warm and tingly inside.

I've never experienced such thing, I was loving it!!


End of chapter 3! Did you guys like it? Leave a comment telling me what you think!

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