Chapter 12 - FIFA

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During recess, we met up at our usual spot in the cafeteria. "Where's Michael?" I asked Luke and Calum who were already sitting at the table with their food.

"He has Social Science before recess," Luke reminded me. "Oh," Right, Miss Barbara teaches Social Science and she literally lets students off the hook 10 minutes after bell rings...on purpose.

I set my stuff in the bench of the table and lined up to get my food. To be honest, cafeteria food was not bad. I liked their sandwiches.

I walked away from the counter after paying and literally, live Barbie dolls came my way. And there were three of them. Why do they always come in three?

The middle one had curves only an average girl can dream of and curly blonde hair of which she can't stop twisting around her pointer finger. The two girls on her side were almost identical. Brunette, straight hair, mini skirts, crop tops, fishnet leggings, that kind of girl.

"Hey," I could never get used to their Australian accent, it was so inviting. "Hey?" I said back, trying not to imitate their broad accent. I couldn't help it. It was contagious. I was bound to catch their accent in a year or so.

"You're Arzaylea's twin, right?" She said, her eyes was filled with interest it was almost dangerous. For a second there, I caught eyes with Arzaylea just over the blonde girl's shoulder. She was chilling with her friends. She sent me a smile and I didn't know why or what had taken over my body but I smiled back. I guess my mindless body was trying to be polite and thought I was smiling at a homeless poor old lady.

"Yeah," I told her before I easily made a complete fool of me by standing there motionlessly like an idiot. "Brilliant! Then you must be related to Arzel too," she said excitedly, her eyes grew bigger despite all the makeup she had applied around her eyes to make it bigger.

I just nodded. I also cautiously and uncomfortably backed up a little. She was getting all jumpy and when she calmed down, one of her two side chics spoke, the one on my right to be specific.

"Come on and join our table," she said politely. "Oh no it's okay, I already have a spot," I declined in a polite manner as well. "Oh my gosh, that's right! You're best friends with the school's rockstars!" Blondie started going jumpy again.

I groaned. I didn't like being labeled, 'Best friends with the school rockstars'. I didn't like being labeled in general. Like, was it too hard to call me by my name because that was accurately who I really was and would always be.

I covered up my groan with a little trick of clearing my throat. "Mmm hmm," I hummed. "We'll join you," the chic on the left invited themselves. "Umm, okay?" I really wasn't in the mood to deal with 'No, you can't sit with us' bullshit. So I let them tag along.

"Hi," I awkwardly stood at the edge of the table holding my cold plastic wrapped sandwich with three plastic Barbie dolls posing behind me. "Brought company did you," Ashton smiled politely. All of them returned the smile. Blondie instantly slid right next to an empty spot next to Luke.

I sat next to Ashton. Michael still wasn't around. I gingerly unwrapped my sandwich and sunk my teeth into it. I watched as the two blondes, blondie and Luke converse. Blondie was getting a little too close to him, from my observation. And what'd you know, Arzaylea came right after.

She sat next to me, where Michael was suppose to sit. "Hey," she cracked a devilish grin and I'm her sister, so if she doesn't like someone, that's the kind of grin you should be taking as a hint.

"Hey Arzaylea," Blondie said with that sickly sweet tone that made me, well, sick. She also purposely squeezed into Luke's own space. From the corner of my eyes, I could see my sister's sneer form. But she couldn't let the sneer go because the boys were here and she probably didn't want to make a scene. This felt like a movie where two girls would end up in a catfight to get the perfect, flawless, popular boy.

She cleared her throat to bring all attention back to her. "So Luke, wanna come over to my house for some video games?"

"Umm I'm actually going to Michael's after school," Luke shrugged, "But thanks, I'd love to come over anytime soon." "Okay coo-" Arzaylea got cut off sharply by Blondie who was very eager to say something.

She turned to her side to fully face Luke and asked, "Are you free on Sunday? My house is a whole video game heaven because of my father."

"Oh really?" He had a pitiful face and was in that situation where he couldn't find a way to push her offer politely without hurting any feelings, "Well umm-" and he got cut off as well. "We have FIFA or whatever," she replied.

"Oh my god are you serious?" Now Luke looked sincerely interested. "Yeah," her smile that time, could kill. She knew she had made the right move. But Arzaylea was going to crap on that move.

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