Prefrence#14"You have a fight"

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Louis: “How was i supposed to know you didn’t like spaghetti Y/N!” You turn to give him a look of superiority. He’s acting like a child, so you might as well. “We’ve been together for two years, and I’ve NEVER liked spaghetti!” His eyes turn to a glower. “What so you can’t eat it once? I COOKED it for you!” you turn away calmly, trying your best to control your anger. “I’m going to go get a burger. I’ll be back in a few.” You grab your car keys off the counter and leave him to cool off. You hadn’t driven 15 minutes before his annoying ring tone went off. You normally wouldn’t answer, but it had to be important for him to call you while you were driving. “Hello,” you answer exasperated. “Hey..I um..I burnt the spaghetti…mind getting me a big mac?” I silently giggle, and agree before i click off. I know this is his way of apologizing. Sure enough, when I pull up, there’s perfectly cooked spaghetti in the trash. I walk up our flight of stair and see Louis in the kitchen. He’s at the stove when he turns to me. “Oh great your home, I’m cooking your favorite! Spaghetti!”

Niall: You pull up to the stage door in your disguise. “We’ll see if you get away with this shit with anyone else again,” You say to yourself as you grab your bag from the passengers seat and get out of the car. You’re in good with the security guard who, first hand, saw what Niall did. He nods to you as you walk in. with your “Press badge”. You found a backroom and began to set up. After you finished, you waited for the show to start. When it did, your plan was set in motion. When it got to Nialls solo in little things, the mics got cut, and were overridden. “Lady’s and gentlemen,” your voice was echoing through the whole arena. “I would like to introduce you to the real Niall Horan” As your announcement is made you sneak your way to the stage. You see all twenty of the other girls you called previously, joining you from the audience. Niall is as white as a sheet. He knows whats coming.

Liam: “Well then, I guess it’s over,” you say calmly. “I guess it is.” you nod your head at the awful set of words that make up his reply. The tears are racing to your ducts, ready to commit suicide, but you don’t release them yet. You make sure to wrap your arms around him one more time, before your feet step across the threshold and out of his house forever. Once you con no longer feel the warmth of his home; you let the tears jump to their death. You both knew that one more heated argument like that would put you both over the edge. You tried to avoid it as long as you could, but in the end, it was inevitable.

Harry: The sound of a gavel being slammed onto a wooden podium  breaks the heated silence. “Mr. and Mrs. Styles. I will have order in my court!” Everyone is as silent as possible, until Harry’s attorney calls you to the stand. “Mrs. Styles, would you say you’re a fit mother?” “Yes,” you answer monotone. “And, is it true that you are requesting custody of the children you have with Mr. Styles, on the grounds that he is never home?” He knows you can only answer yes or no, and you see the path he’s taking. “Yes,” you answer harder this time, as an evil grin creeps across his face. “Now, wasn’t your father in the military when you were a child Mrs. Styles?” “Yes,” Your reply growing more hesitant. “Was your father not a good father Mrs. Styles?”. He can see it in your eyes. “No, He…” You stop yourself. “Even though he would be gone for months at a time?” You could feel the tears burning the surface of your eyes. “No, but!” he interrupts before you can finish. “You’re contradicting yourself Mrs. Styles!” You stand up with his last comment, unable to control your anger anymore. “My father didn’t get wasted when he was home, or sleep around with half of Hollywood while he was away, just because my mother wasn’t there to “Do her job”!” 

Zayn: ”Y/N What are we going to do? How the hell did OUR daughter get pregnant at sixteen!” Your husband angrily whispers to you as your both lying in bed. Neither of you had expected it. You though Evangeline was the perfect daughter. Not that she wasn’t still, but you all knew that things were going to be a lot harder now. Neither of you were really mad at her; you had each lost your virginity at sixteen as well. Your parents just didn’t find out. ”Well,” you look at your husband, “You did sing a song, when you were nineteen, about having sex on the beach.” His eyes grow wide as he stares at you. “First of all, I didn’t write that song. Second of all, since when are we playing the blame game? You’re the one that gave her a fucking promise ring! I mean come on! everyone knows that when you tell a teenager not to do something, they do it anyways!”  Your eyebrows are pinched together in a glare, “Oh! So this is my fault!” you sit up away from the pillows. “Well, if the condom fits!” I look at him disgusted as he laughs at his witty comeback. “Well obviously It didn’t!” I smartly reply, throwing a pillow at him as he walks across the room to the small sofa.

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