Prefrence #92 "You just don't love him anymore!"

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Harry: …And it hurt you just as much as him. Because you knew you once had feelings for him. How could they have just faded away? Faded away like your tail lights from his vision. Your face from his memories. His dimples from yours. How could they? How could you let them? How could a relationship crumble so fast? But it did. And he was left with the pictures and the things you forgot. The t-shirt you always slept in. His heart shattered on the ground.

Liam: …And he couldn’t see straight. After all the alcohol he consumed trying to forget you. Forget your eyes and that smile that could always brighten his mood. The darkness that surrounded him after you left made him vulnerable. And he wanted to be numb. Numb to the empty and soundless house he stayed in now. Numb to not hearing your laugh. Numb to not seeing you walk around in his shirt in the mornings. Numb to all the apologies and check ins that were bound to come from his family and friends. Numb to the world.

Louis: …And he couldn’t get his words out fast enough. He was stumbling over them, over his feet, over the furniture. His hands were reaching for you, but you weren’t there. You hadn’t been there in awhile. And he noticed too. He noticed your hesitant moves and resistance. He noticed your fake smiles and half-ass attempts. He noticed, but he couldn’t process it. He didn’t want to believe that you might be leaving soon. He just couldn’t. And he still couldn’t.

Niall: …And he’s pretending to move on. Pretending that she’s what he wants. She’s better. But in reality, he can’t get you off his mind. And he won’t either. Because he still has faith. Faith in you. Faith in him. Faith in both of you. Faith in ‘us’. He just wants you. ‘Cause it’s not the same with her. She doesn’t think he’s funny. She doesn’t run her fingers through his hair like you did. You. You. All he thinks about, you.

Zayn: …And he’s spent all his money trying to get over you. Over what you said to him that night. The harsh words you shared on impulse. When he tried to defend himself, saying it was your fault your not in love anymore, when you defended yourself by saying he never cared. But you both knew good and well it wasn’t either of your faults. It was what it was. So he goes out every night and spends his money. Whether it be on drugs, love, alcohol. Its blown by the time the sun streams through his curtains in his room.

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