drunk for breakfast

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"Oh fuck me!" Lexa said loudly.
"What?!" Dylan asked, curiosity heavy on his face. He followed her eyes. Turning his head, he found the object of Lexa's irritation. It was the blonde woman from the bar.
"Well hello there," she said smiling. "Can I get you two anything to drink?" Of course she's the fucking waitress, Lexa thought.
"Yes please!" Dylan exclaimed much too enthusiastic for Lexa's mood. "I'll have a raspberry lemonade...Lexa?" he said and both sets of eyes were on her. If it wasn't for the African in her, her face would be red. She thanked her dad in her head quickly for that.
"I'll just stick with water, thank you," Lexa answered, not looking at the waitress.
"I'll get those right out to you." Clarke flashed one final smile and left.
"What the fuck, X?!" Dylan cried when Clarke was out of earshot.
"What?" Lexa answered nonchalantly.
"What?" Dylan repeated in a mocking tone. Lexa stifled a giggle. She loved his generic fake girl voice. "What is with you and her?"
"Nothing," Lexa replied, still insisting ignorance.
"Too much, Lex. Way too much denial for 10 a.m. on Saturday morning. What is it-"
"Dude. Drop it," Lexa said calmly. He was pushing it.
"She's so your type. Why aren't you trying to....You don't even look at her!....oh my SHIT! You looked-" Lexa looked up from the menu but kept her head down. He knew he was right thinking that she had looked too long into the blonde's eyes. It was obvious. Lexa's expression gave him the confirmation he was searching for. Her eyes burned into him and he shut his mouth and looked down at his own menu. After a few moments, each searching their menus, Lexa broke the silence.
"We've been coming here for years, Dylan. I've never seen her here before. Not once!" Lexa complained. "How long have we been coming here?"
"Years, Lexa," he responded, a smile creeping into his face. Then something behind her head caught his eye. This seemed to amuse him even more. Lexa's face felt hot. 'Thanks, dad.'
"I just moved here," Clarke's thick Australian accent came from behind her. She was on her way to take their order. She came into view cheerful as ever, not deterred by Lexa's rudeness. 'I don't date,' she had said the night before, even before Clarke had a chance to explain her intentions. This blatant irritation at Clarke's presence had nothing to do with her actual presence and everything to do with how Lexa was reacting to it. She didn't take it personally.
"Have you decided on anything yet?" Clarke asked with a pleasant smile.
"Eggs Benedict with rye toast and home fries, please Clarke," Dylan replied, matching her smile. She nodded then looked to Lexa.
"Maria's with bacon and hashbrowns, over-medium and a bloody Mary, please," Lexa said, briefly meeting the server's eyes then looking past her to a flower pot attached to the side of the building. Clarke nodded again.
"I'll be right back with your bloody mary," she said with a smile and left.
"Bloody mary, X?!" Dylan had been staring at her with a shocked look since she placed her order. She met his eyes and chuckled at his dramatic facial gesture.
"Like I've never had alcohol for breakfast, D. Drama queen!" she chuckled.
"Yeah, only when one of your one night stands won't leave you alone..." she laughed out loud at his comment.
"Grrrrl! If I drank every time a female didn't get that I don't date, I would never be sober!" She continued laughing and he joined.
"Jesus, Lex, you're worse than I am."
"Only cause girls fall in love faster, Dill."
"No...it's cause girls keep their hearts in their vaginas!" Dylan replied with a smirk.
"HAH! Ain't that the truth!" They were still laughing when Clarke appeared with a bloody mary. She set it down in front of Lexa, who thanked her. She was so distracted by the conversation her and Dylan were having that she looked too long into Clarke's eyes. Both felt their hearts flutter. But Lexa's also ached.
"Very much. Thank you," Lexa said, disjointed. Clarke smiled and Lexa finally broke eye contact.
"You're most welcome," she responded. She felt the energy shift and took her leave. What was it about this dark haired creature that captivated her so? She needed to find out. She felt resistance; but when their eyes met, she felt that resistance break down. 'Patience, young padawan,' Clarke told herself.
"What the fuck was that, Lexa?!" Dylan demanded. She responded by chugging half her bloody mary. He kept his eyes fixed on her, eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Very much thank you?! Are we Yoda today?" The corner of Lexa's mouth twitched with a hint of a smile.
"Lexa!" He repeated her name and finally got acknowledgement. But not the kind he wanted. She met his eyes without raising her head again. The deep green burrowed into his skull, sending shivers down his spine. He looked away, knowing that pushing any further would result in her leaving. Not only did he not want to piss her off, he didn't want to pick up the entire check.
They spent the rest of the meal talking about everything but the beautiful waitress. Lexa didn't look into Clarke's eyes again that day. She knew better. But the fact that she left a larger than average tip didn't go unnoticed by Dylan. He had to literally bite his tongue to stop himself from saying something about it. Something about Clarke did something to Lexa. He wanted so badly to know what it was but knew better than to ask. And maybe Lexa didn't know any more than he did.

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