Back to Sleep

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Lexa woke up a few hours later. It took her  moment to realize where she was. But when she did, she smiled. Just as she felt how parched she was, she noticed a glass of water on the bedside table. She smiled again and chugged the whole thing.

In the living room, Clarke was dreaming pleasantly when she felt a disturbance in the blankets on top of her. She stirred slightly, waking up just enough to figure out that it was Lexa. She felt the woman's body back up into hers. A scent filled her nostrils. It was a combination of sweet scented candles, patchouli, and cedar with a hint of alcohol. It was oddly comforting, strangely intoxicating, like a memory she didn't know she had.

"Shh," Lexa whispered. "Go back to sleep, love." She then took Clarke's arm and laid it over her, holding it close to her chest. Clarke felt her heart beating gently against her hand. The rhythm was like a song, melodic and soothing. It lulled her back to sleep as Lexa found Clarke's other hand and interlaced their fingers. The blonde let out a soft, happy moan and Lexa smiled again. She then closed her eyes, snuggled in closer and fell asleep quicker and more deeply than she had in years.

(Sorry so short. But I'll make up for it in the next chapter, which I will publish shortly.)

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