not a date

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[I somehow erased this chapter on accident, so I'm redoing it.]

Lexa's words floated through the air, putting everyone in the room under a spell. The magic of her voice hit them hard and didn't let go. Even after she had left the stage eyes followed her as she headed towards her table with Dylan. A few girls smiled at her. She returned most of their smiles in that half-hearted, humble way. But then she saw a girl with short curly brown hair and tight clothes which left little to the imagination. This was the one for the night. Lexa always got the girl she set her eyes on.
The girl came over and put her hands on the table. She leaned down revealing too much cleavage. She smiled. Lexa smiled back in a carnal way.
"Kendra," the women said.
"Lexa. Pleasure to meet you."
"That was...moving," Kendra said.
"What are you drinking, beautiful?" Kendra smiled.
"I'll take a shot of whiskey," she said, blushing.
"I'll make that a double," Lexa replied, winking. Kendra giggled.
Lexa was turning to walk away from the bar, drinks in hand, when she was met with familiar blue eyes. "God damn it," she muttered loudly, not even trying to hide her irritation.
"I thought that you don't date..." it was Clarke.
"I don't," Lexa responded, not looking at the blonde.
"So that beautiful woman you're buying drinks for?..."
"Not a date, Clarke," Lexa answered, moving past Clarke. Then she turned back. "Not that its any of your business!" She said this more coldly than she intended.
"Then why did you feel the need to tell me?" Lexa knew the answer but said nothing. She just walked away pretending she didn't care. Clarke laughed. Lexa fought the urge to turn around and tell her off. But somehow she knew that whatever she said, Clarke would have a response that she would not be able to counter. So she kept walking.
Clarke got under her skin in a way that made her extremely uncomfortable. She grunted slightly in frustration. She shook it off and went back to Kendra.
The night finished as expected. Lexa went home with Kendra, Dylan went home with Sam. And as Sam fell asleep in Dylan's arms, Lexa left Kendra's place after having sex 3 times. Lexa went home and removed the whiskey from her freezer. She poured herself a glass and chugged it all. She screamed, a short vocal burst of complete confusion. The feelings that were rising up inside her were building uncomfortably quickly. She just didn't understand how Clarke had already gotten so far under her skin. She just wanted her out. And she vowed to do everything she could to make sure that she didn't get any farther in. As the whisky rose to her head, the feelings rushed away and she passed out.

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