I Remembered

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When Clarke woke up five hours later, she felt more rested than she had in a long time. The first thing she felt was Lexa's hand squeezing hers. It wasn't just a dream. She smiled. She wrapped her arms tighter around Lexa then loosened her grip, but only slightly. She didn't ever want  to let go. There was just something about the way Lexa fit perfectly into her that seemed to make sense. It just felt right.

"Hi," Clarke mumbled. She could hear Lexa smiling, but there was no answer. She felt Lexa's chest  expand slowly then a happy sigh. Lexa began to run her fingers up and down Clarke's arm. It made her insides stop again. She felt tingly all over. She traced Lexa's collarbone gently. Lexa's head tilted back to rest on Clarke's.

"I still want to kiss you, Clarke," Lexa said after several minutes of sweet embrace. "And I remember everything that happened last night." Clarke moaned softly, melting with the sound of those words. She then wondered how she would ever breath again since Lexa kept stealing all the air from her lungs. It made her chuckle a little.

Lexa's energy changed suddenly. Though she didn't stop touching Clarke's arm, the brunette tensed up a bit. It felt like she was closing herself off. 'Please don't leave me, Lexa,' Clarke pleaded in her head. And then, as if she had heard Clarke's thoughts, Lexa turned to face her. Her face was wet with tears.

"I'm scared, Clarke," she said, barely audible. "Fucking terrified." Her voice was trembling. Seeing her this vulnerable made her heart skip a beat. She was honored beyond words to have the trust of someone so closed off. Somehow, she knew that this was rare, for Lexa to talk about her emotions, especially to express fear.

"Me too." They locked eyes. Clarke felt tears burn the back of her eyeballs. She really was scared. "No one has ever kissed me like that before. I just....I don't..." She sighed, having no idea what to say, how to express what she was feeling. Lexa smiled meekly. 

A comfortable silence followed. Lexa put her hand on Clarke's face, and they both closed their eyes. Nothing had ever felt this way to Clarke,  this sort of peace mixed with the longing to kiss Lexa so bad that she might explode. She put her hand on Lexa's waist, pulling her in closer. She moved the other arm from under Lexa's neck to her back. She was suddenly completely content just having Lexa in her arms. It was magic.

Lexa's long, tan fingers made their way to Clarke's head, gently massaging the back of it. The blonde sighed in her throat, a half-moan. She melted into Lexa's touch. Their lips moved instinctively toward each other, met, and they were lost again. Lexa pulled Clarke even closer, heat radiating from every ounce of their beings. Clarke felt the wetness of Lexa's tongue searching her lips slowly and she inhaled sharply. She felt Lexa smile.

Clarke felt intoxicated by Lexa's smell, her lips, her gentle touch. Lexa grabbed her waist and moved even closer. Then she slowly brought the blonde onto her back. They readjusted for comfort, their lips still pressed together. After a few moments, Lexa pulled away to grab both of Clarke's hands. She interlocked fingers and put them above Clarke's head. Both women moaned softly. As Lexa's mouth made its way down Clarke's neck, she moved her fingertips slowly down the blonde's arm. Clarke tilted her head back, moving into the kisses. She put her hand on the back of Lexa's neck. Her hands moved down Lexa's back.

Lexa pulled up Clarke's shirt to expose her soft stomach. She continued gently kissing Clarke's skin. The blonde closed her eyes. She felt Lexa smile on her stomach. When the kissing stopped suddenly, she opened her eyes to find green staring back at her. Lexa was smiling with her whole face.

"What?" Clarke asked, slightly concerned. Lexa chuckled.

"You're just so fucking beautiful." Lexa moved her body back up to face Clarke directly. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. She wanted to devour the stunning woman beneath her, to make the most out of every moment with her. But there was a part of her that also wanted to wait. Clarke seemed to sense her hesitation.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Lexa responded with a smile.

"I don't want to rush this. I really like you, Clarke." It was Clarke's turn to smile. 

"Of course," Clarke responded genuinely. "I really like you too, Lexa." There was a short silence and Lexa lowered her face down to Clarke's. Again, they lost themselves in each other. Roaming hands, lips, moans, it was all magic. Lexa pulled away after several minutes, breathless. 

"I'm hungry," she said, and smiled. Clarke returned her smile. Her smile turned into a chuckle. "What?!" 

"You're really cute." Lexa shrugged, flashing her cocky half-smile. "Let's go get some food." This made Lexa's smile grow.

"Sweet!!" She got off of Clarke and sat next to her. "I smell like a distillery. I should maybe shower first?..." Clarke laughed out loud.

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

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