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"What is up, X?!" Dylan called out as Lexa walked over to their usual table at the bar.

"Hey, gorgeous," she replied. He stood for a hug.

"No, I mean what's up?!" He asked into her ear. When they pulled away, he continued. "You are MIA all week, don't answer any of my calls or texts and now you're here like nothing happened!" She just smiled. He looked at her with a combination of shock and curiosity. "And you look..."

"Yes?..." Her smile remained. She was thoroughly amused.

"Happy! You look happy!" His tone was a mixture of confusion, excitement and a hint of disgust. She laughed.

"I think I might be..." she responded. His eyes narrowed.

"I've never seen you this happy, Lexa. What is going on?!" She chuckled at his curiosity. "And where have you been?!!"

"I had some feelings that I had to work through, Dill."

"Feelings?! You have feelings?!" he joked. She giggled.

"I guess so..." she replied, looking toward the DJ booth. "I'm gonna go sign up for some songs, dude. Any requests?" His eyes lit up at the question.

"OH! Little Mermaid!" he shrieked loudly.

"You got it, buddy," she laughed. After turning in a few slips, she got a drink and sat down. She had just taken a sip when something told her to look up. It was Clarke. She was looking directly at Lexa with a smile in her eyes.

"Fuck me," Lexa said with a half-smile.

"What?!" Dylan exclaimed. When Lexa didn't answer, he followed her eyes. He looked from Clarke to Lexa, then gasped.

"Oh, my, GAWD! Did you sleep with her?!" Her smile grew to the other side of her face.

"It was better than sex," she responded, still looking at Clarke.

"Better than-WHAT?!" She looked at him to respond.

"We talked."

"You talked..." he repeated. "Ok, who are you and what have you done with my best friend?!"

"I ate her." Before anyone could say anything else, Lexa was called up to sing. When she got to the stage, she scanned the crowd. She met Clarke's eyes and smiled in spite of herself. As she realized she was doing it, she averted her eyes.

"She'll just fuck you and leave," said a beautiful blonde to Clarke, who responded with a smile. "She doesn't date. Get out before it's too late.

"Oh. I don't want to have sex with her," Clarke responded, smile remaining. The woman looked confused. "Besides, I've already gotten what I want from her." When the confused look remained, Clarke chuckled.

"Deep, meaningful conversation...an emotional connection without physicality...that is what I want more than anything from her. And I have it."

The woman scoffed and walked away in a huff. Lexa had been watching from the stage, recognized the woman as someone she slept with a few weeks ago. She was surprisingly worried about their interaction. But when the woman walked away, Clarke returned her gaze to the stage with the same look as before. She seemed undeterred by whatever the woman had said to her. Lexa's relief was slight, but Clarke noticed. The side of her lip raised, her eyes beaming. Lexa almost forgot she was singing as she unwittingly smiled back.

To Dylan's surprise, Lexa motioned for Clarke to join them. The look they exchanged intrigued him, made him smile. He had never seen Lexa look at anyone that way. With the other women, there was a carnal urge, detached from emotion. It was different with Clarke, deeper and more tender. Was she finally letting herself have feelings for someone?! This thought inspired a large smile. Introductions were made all around. Dylan offered to buy the next round. He took their orders and headed to the bar.

"Thank you," Lexa said when he left. Clarke narrowed her eyebrows. "For the other night. It's been years since I've allowed myself to feel anything. I couldn't sleep for six months after it happened. Then I pushed it down so far that..." Clarke smiled. Lexa nodded.

"Anyway, thank you. For that and for being safe enough to open up to..." They both turned their attention to the singer, who was squeaking out the chorus to a Britney Spears song.

"He doesn't know," Lexa said after a few moments. Clarke looked at her. She felt sad and honored at the same time. "I moved shortly after it happened. I couldn't be in a place that reminded me of them. So when I moved here, it was my fresh start. No one here knows what happened. And no one here feels sorry for me."

"Here you are, ladies," Dylan exclaimed, depositing drinks in front of the two women. "What are we talking about?" he asked with mock nonchalance.

"Your mom," Lexa replied quickly.

"Bitch tits!" he responded jokingly.

"Jizz whip," she replied with a smile.

"Oh, those are fun, aren't they, honey," Dylan asked Sam, who had arrived while Dylan was at the bar.

"EW!" Lexa and Clarke exclaimed at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Could you imagine if we could do that?!" Clarke asked Lexa, who laughed.

"I don't think that even I am that good with my hips!" Lexa replied.

"EW!" the boys cried, which gave the women another laugh. It also distracted them all from noticing that Clarke was blushing hard at Lexa's comment about her own hips.

Dylan was completely intrigued by Lexa's interest in this new woman. He could definitely see what Lexa liked about her, other than the obvious natural beauty; her blue eyes like tropical waters, luscious lips, rather large breasts, and a great ass. But there was something else about her that Dylan couldn't see yet. And he longed so bad to ask his best friend everything. He had been deep in thought when his boyfriend cut in.

"Don't do it," Sam said.

"Do what?" Dylan responded innocently.

"I know you think you need to know what is going on, but we both know that she won't tell us. Not until she wants us to know." Dylan responded with a disgusted look, tongue out. Sam smiled.

"You know I'm right, boo."

"Yeah..." Dylan said, deflated. "But I do NEED to know!"

"Neeeed to know what?" Lexa cut in. But before Dylan could say anything, Sam answered.

"What conditioner you use! Your hair is on FLEEK!"

"Yeah, girl! That is some Olivia Benson style perfection you got going on there!" Dylan added. Sam knew just what to say to distract his boyfriend for long enough for him to forget his real quandary. Clarke laughed.

"Thanks! I just use essential oils after I dry it," she responded. The boys looked intrigued.

"Really?!" Dylan cried.

"You'd be amazed at what oils can do, guys." As Dylan, Clarke and Sam discussed oils, Lexa watched them. She knew that Dylan was curious about Clarke and what had happened between them. All in good time, she would let them know what was going on. But for now, she would enjoy watching them get to know each other.

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