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The day has come for the most awaited moment or their lives

Their wedding. For her it's just the tradition because they are already married. But for the sake of their family and friends they have to perform this ceremony.

And also what has Robert told her.

"All women's dream is to get married to the man of their dreams. And mostly they wanted their wedding like fairy tale."

Well, that's the other women thoughts. What important for her is that the man he loves loved her back.

They manage to get her mother and two kids to be with them on their wedding.

She's so happy that her love ones are joining with them.

Lyndon is so happy that the other Prince and Princess came.

"Mommy call Uncle Matin." He told her.

"Daddy have called Uncle Martin already." She told him.

She explain to Lyndon that his Kuya Marco and Marie cannot understand English so he must tell her first or Lola so they can translate to him. The small boy nodded 'OK'.

She don't have to worry with her children. They are both understanding and even Lyndon. Sometimes she think that Lyndon is her son only came out from other woman. She can connect with him.

Robert's family also came. His mother was been with her for weeks in preparation. Robert was right when he told her that his family will love her. They really do. She could feel it.

His mom told her while they were in cake tasting.

"I'm so happy that my son's dream will finally come true." She told her.

His family were full support to their wedding even his five sisters. All of them have contributed to their wedding. She didn't work hard for it.

Though it's just a ceremony seeing her husband waiting for her at the altar made her giddy. He's so handsome with his tux.

She smiling from ear to ear as she walk towards the altar.

Her husband is smiling too.

When she's beside him. He whispered.

"You're so beautiful sweetheart."

"You're handsome too my love." She told him.

"We are gathered here in the sight of God and these witnesses to unite Robert and Vida in holy matrimony. As believers in Jesus Christ, they recognize that it was God who instituted marriage, and who said, "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." The God who made and redeemed them also instituted this relationship they are about to enter.

Robert and Vida, the vows you are about to take are not to be taken without careful thought and prayer. For in them you are committing yourselves exclusively the one to the other for as long as you both shall live. This love is not to be diminished by difficult circumstances, and it is only to be dissolved by death.

As God's children by faith in Jesus Christ, the relationship of marriage is especially meaningful. Certainly it is possible for non-believers to marry, but only members of God's family by faith in Jesus Christ can ever experience the joy and fulfillment which God intends for marriage to have. Let me remind you, Robert and Vida, your home will never be what God intends for it to be if you leave Him out of your relationship. As you are obedient to the Word of God, and allow God to control your relationship, your home will be the place of joy and testimony to the world that God intends.

You two face each other and say your vow.

"I love you Vida as I love no other. All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my wife through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and forever."

"I take you Robert, to be my wedded husband, to love you from this day onwards according to God's holy ordinance, and thereto I pledge you my love and faithfulness.

"Remain facing each other for the exchange of rings."

Marco came forward.

Robert: "I do promise this day to love, honor and cherish you as my wife, companion, and partner.
I place this ring upon your hand
as a sign of my love and fidelity."

"I do promise this day to love, honor and cherish you as my husband, companion, and partner.
I place this ring upon your hand
as a sign of my love and fidelity."

For as much as Robert and Vida have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and these witnesses, and thereto have pledged their faithfulness each to the other, and have pledged the same by the giving and receiving each of a ring, by the authority invested in me as a minister of the gospel according to the laws of Hong Kong, I pronounce that they are husband and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Those that God has joined together, let no man put assunder.

Join with me as we ask God's blessing on this new formed family unit. Shall we pray?

Eternal Father, creator, redeemer, lover of our souls, we now turn to you, and as the first act of this couple in their newly formed union. We as you to protect their home. May they always turn to you for guidance, for strength, for provision, for direction. May they glorify you in the choices they make, in the ministries they involve themselves in, in all that they do. Use them to draw others to yourself, and let them stand as a testimony to the world of your faithfulness. We ask this in Jesus name, Amen.

You may kiss your bride.

Robert lifted her chin and claimed her lips. Guest clap their hands.

"Now it is my happy privilege to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Davies.

People applauded.


At the reception at the one of the five star hotel.

Vida took the microphone from the Emcee.

"I want to thank you-- all of you for sharing with us in our special day. And since you're all been the part of our first step in climbing our life ahead I want to share it with you-- with my husband" She pulled her husband in her side.

She faced her husband.
"My love I have a gift for you." She said and took out a small white envelope she pinned in the hem of her bridal gown and handed to him.

Robert tear the envelope and took the paper inside.

He gasped.

He hugged his wife very tight with a tears in his eyes. When he finally calmed down he took the microphone from his wife's hand.

"Well, I'm a Daddy" He said waving the film, the ultrasound of his baby.

He claimed his wife's lips and kissed her with all his love.

People cheered. And congratulations flooded.

---the END---

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