5 - Preparations for the Party

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I still had one hour before the party started. There was a lot of trafic on the path I chose and I tried to take a detour, but that only took me more time. 

Anyway, I got a message shortly after arriving that said "Look at the grey building's 18th floor". I looked around to try to find the grey building and when I saw it, I looked at the 18th floor. My boss smiled, took his right hand out of his pocked and waved at me. I got in the building and took the elevator to the 18th floor. In there, there was an old lady that greeted me as soon as I got in the elevator: 

- Hello, my dear child!

- Hi! - I said, uninterested. I pretended I was checking my phone to avoid any more conversations. I only talk when I need to talk, when I am with a person I know or when I am in a mission. Fortunately, the elevator was really fast so the lady had no other chance to talk with me. 

I got out of there quickily and I knocked on the only door on the 19th floor. My boss was on a big room with no decoration looking outside.

- We haven't seen each other in a time. - He said, not moving a muscle. 

- Well, you are the one who gives me the information I need, so you are my boss in a way, and I need to follow your rules. So if you say that we must not meet regularly, I don't meet you regularly. And that's it. 

- Good point. You are going to be in there in an hour. - He pointed to the building where you could see the Ambassador, one security agent and a waiter, preparing drinks. - I will be here, watching all of it. If anything goes wrong, or if I see anything suspicious that can't be explain, I will take this gun - he pointed to a gun he had - and I'll shoot once at the window, without hitting anybody, just to cause some panic.

- What do you mean anything suspicious?

- Well, you told me that they knew that a spy would be at the party, so there might be a sniper. If I see a laser or anything suspicious, I will shoot against the window.

- Wouldn't it be smarter to shoot against the sniper?

- If I have an angle - he said, finally moving. He turned to me and continued - I will try to shoot him. Don't doubt that.

- Ok, great! Any information I need to know?

- Well, I have here a map of his house, information about the guests and other stuff. Do you want to see it?

- Duh! Obviously - I said.

He showed me a little folded paper. I unfolded it, while he checked his briefcase looking for another piece of paper. It was the map for this house. He lived on the 18th floor of the building on the other side of the street. When you opened the door to his apartment, you would be on the hall. On the left there was a bathroom and in another door the Ambassador's bedroom. On the right there was a kitchen and a living room on the same room.

About the guests, there would be 15 people in the party: counting with me, 8 men and 7 women. All of them from different places and different origins. We were in America, but there were only 7 Americans. There was a French man, a Nigerian man, a Japonese woman, a South African woman, a British woman, me, an Irish woman and an hispanic man. 

I wanted to read more stuff about the guests, but it was already time for the party.

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