Friar At First Sight...

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"Maya, Get Up! I made Your Favorite, Green Eggs and Ham" Maya's Mother Said Throwing a Pillow at Maya's Head. Maya Groaned, "Mom, That Joke is like so 2 centires ago" Maya Says Throwing the pillow back at her. "I'm Serious though Maya, Get out of bed! Your Gonna be late to pick Riley up" Katy Said. After Grabbing Some dirty Clothes on the floor in Maya's Room Katy Leaves Maya's Bedroom. Maya Pulls the covers over her head and Turns Over. Why Does School Have to start at 7am? She thought to herself. After Closing her eyes again for 2 seconds, Maya Climbed out of Bed and went to the bathroom to freshin' Up. When Maya Looked in the Mirror to examine herself, She looked a complete mess. "What did i do sleep on the street?Or worse yet in the woods?" Maya said to herself aloud. "I don't hear the shower Flowing" Maya's Mom Yelled From Downstairs. "Okay! Okay! I'm Going!' Maya Yelled. walorg

"So did You do the homework?" Riley asked Walking with Maya To Her Locker. "No, I didn't do the Homework, but the question is did You?" Maya asked Opening her Locker and Grabbing her Spanish Textbook. "Did i do My homework? Psh That's Ridiculous"Riley said Fake laughing and Opening her Locker Too. "Hey Ladies" Farkle said Walking up to riley and Maya with Smackle under his arm."Hey, Farkle, How's The Science Summer Camp Coming along?" Riley asked Trying to start a Good conversation. Maya Fake Yawned and Went to The Vending Machine In the "Hole". "Yeah Mom, I'll be fine,Okay but i don't want you to worry about me" A Voice said Nearby. Maya GrabbedHer Chocolate Brownie From the vending Machine and Turned around to see a Boy with a Jean Jacket and Red Flannel shirt on. He looked Pretty Handsome from Maya's Perspective, "Bye Mom, I love you" He said before Hanging up the phone. When He turned around he saw Maya Staring at him, Crap Now he's gonna think i'm weird Maya thought and Ran Upstairs To get to class. He Just Shook his and Smiled while Traveling to his next class. "I hope you all did your spanish homework Last night" Mr. Benick Said to the class While Passing out a Test For a Final Grade. "Maya, what do i do? I didn't Study and now i am gonna Fail!" Riley said Looking at Maya with a Worried face. "Don't worry, Just do what i do and ask to go to the bathroom and don't come back till the end of the period" Maya Whispered to Riley. "I heard that Ms.Hart" Mr. Benick Said Giving Maya Her Test and Eyeing her Rudely. "Sorry Sir" Maya Said Sinking and her chair and trying not to smile. "May I please be excused!" Riley Said Raising her hand, "Give me one good reason why you should Ms. Matthews" Mr. B said Folding his arms. "Because..I..Uh" Riley Said Looking at Maya for an Idea, "Because I don't Feel very well and i may through up all over my test!" Riley Hollered. "Oh Well then Please Go" Mr. b said, "Oh my gosh i can feel it coming up" Riley Yelled Before Running out of Spanish Class. Maya Laughed, "alright Class before we begin we have a New student from Austin Texas" Mr.B said. "Texas?" Maya Whispered Turning her Head to the New boy that she saw in the "Hole" a while ago. "Thank You For Introducing me Sir" Lucas said. "Would You mine Telling Us Your name?" Mr B added Giving Lucas a Delighful smile. "Hey everyone, My names Lucas friar and I transferred her from austin texas" Lucas said. The State "Texas" Echoed through Maya's head sending painful memories back to life. Maya closed her eyes, and when she opened them she wasn't in Mr. B's Classroom.Maya was all alone in a Dark room with Scattered Ahes of dirt all around her. Maya Got up from the floor and Looked around, "hello?" Maya Yelled which echoed through the house. Maya walked out into the Hallway of The dark House, every Bedroom was empty. Maya's Heart started Pumping extremely fast when she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It sound like a zombie dragging it's Foot up the stairs, "Who-Who's there?" Maya Yelled. The footsteps stopped, "I am Not afraid of You" Maya Screamed. "You shouldn't have said That Maya" A Deep Voice said. "How do you know my name?" Maya said stepping backwards, The voice laughed "Because it's Me" Kermit said stepping into the moonlight from the window. Maya was horrified, standing 3 feet away from Maya Was a bruised,Burned,Cut, and Wounded Monster like figure claiming to be her Father. Maya Screamed and Ran back to the room where she came from, "LET ME OUT OF HERE" Maya yelled which made her cry because she knew she was gonna die. "No one can hear sweetheart! your just another Victim Waiting to be Mourned" Kermit Said With a Vicious Laugh.

"No,No please," Maya yelled backing into a Corner, Kermit ran to Maya and Tried to Shoot her Which made maya Scream and Cry. She closed her eyes and Screamed, "Maya! Maya! Wake Up!' Mr.B said Shaking Maya awake. The whole entire class was starring at her on the floor, "What Happened? How did i get on the floor?" Maya said Rubbing her head and sitting up. "You kept on Screaming and Crying, Peaches are You okay" riley said looking at Maya. Maya Just started crying again, Riley Helped her up off the floor and hugged her, "You Had a Night Terror didn't You" Riley said whispering to Maya. Maya Just cried on Riley,"It was Horrible" Maya Sobbed. "Riley, Take her to the Nurse" Mr.B said, "Come on Maya" Riley said Holding her hand and walking with her the Nurse's office. Maya and Riley Sat in the Nurse's Office."So what Happened?" The Nurse asked Examing Maya on the hospital like bed, "She started having a Night Terror and She must've fell out of her chair" Riley said Rubbing Maya's Shoulder for Comfort. "Okay Well Let's Check your pupils" The Nurse said Getting a Small Hand flashlight. When the nurse Looked into Maya's eye with the small light,Maya screamed and closed her eyes. When she opened them she was back in the Dark room Again. "No,No,No,NO" Maya Yelled Starting to get scared again, "Well, Well Look who's back" Kermit said Sharpening a Knife. "Why are you doing this?" Maya Yelled Backing up against the wall. "Because You were a MISTAKE Maya!" Kermit yelled. "What?" Maya said shedding a tear, "Don't you get it? I don't want to be your father! I never did! And this time your gonna get what you deserve" Kermit said before running toward Maya with the blade. Maya Slide against the floor to the other side of the room which made kermit run into the wall. Maya Got up on her Feet and Kicked him in the Face, "Ah" Kermit said dropping his knife and hitting the ground. Maya Grabbed His knife and stabbed him right in the chest. all of a sudden Maya Closed her eyes and Opened them again. "Maya!" Riley Said Coughing Up blood, "Riles!" Maya screamed Looking at the Pen stabbed into her stomach. She quickly ripped it out, "I'm Sorry Riles i was having a nightmare! Don't close your eyes! Stay with Me! RILEY" Maya said Looking at Riey in her arms and Crying. "I Love you" Riley whispered Before losing her breath and closing her eyes. "No!" Maya Yelled Hugging Riley and Crying.

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