Light and Shadows

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"How long until she wakes up?" Topanga asked the Doctor, "A couple of Hours i suppose" Dr. Yang Said Before leaving to the Emergency Room. Corey Got up from the waiting room to Confort Topanga. "Maya, What Happened?" Katy Whispered To Maya Who was extremely Quiet the Whole Drive here. "I had a Night Terror... About Kerm- I mean Dad. And When i think i'm dreaming i end up hurting People in reality" Maya Said. "Maya, When did this Start Happening?" Katy asked. Maya Sat back in her chair and thought for a minute. When Lucas Came everything started to Fall apart, But it was that one word. "Texas" Maya Whispered,  "Hmm?" Katy asked. Maya sat up in her chair again, "Remember when we use to live in Texas" Maya Asked Her Mom. "Yeah, But that was 10 years ago" Katy said, " I know but that's not the point, Back in Texas i had a Friend, and I think his name was .. Lucas" Maya Said Getting Up from a Chair. "Honey What does this have to do with-" Katy asked but got interrupted, "FARKLE" Maya Screamed and Ran to hug him. "Hey, Has She woken Up yet?" Farkle asked after hugging Maya. "No, but the doctors said probably a couple more hours" Maya Said. "Well, while we wait i wanted you to meet somebody" Farkle Said before turning to Lucas who was standing behind him this entire time. Maya's Heart started pumping faster, "Yeah We've met  before Farklestien" Maya Says trying to hide the nervousness with her Nicknames. "Oh, Well did i tell you that-" Farkle started but his phone rang. 

"Oh Crap, it's Smackle, Her and I had something important to talk about" Farkle said and with that he left the building. Lucas walked up to Maya, "Hey, I don't think We've actually had a Conversation before" Lucas said. Maya Just Smiled and Looked at the Floor, "Your From Texas also" Lucas said Which made Maya Look at Him. "Why Would You think That Hopalong" Maya Said. "I saw what happened in Spanish class Today. And I heard You whisper Texas to yourself" Lucas said. Maya Got closer to Lucas, "Look, I don't why you're acting like you know me, But i was Born in New York if it's any of your business" Maya Lied Looking  at Lucas Right in HIs Beautiful Green Eyes. Lucas Touched her arm Which Made Reality dissapear from her eyes. Now she wasn't in the Hospital instead she was in a grave yard. Filled with Dead Bodies Rotting Under her feet and a Musty Smell Floating in the Air. When Maya Looked At What Grave she was standing on she cried. The Grave infront of her read, 

RIley Matthews

A Loving,Beautiful, and Caring Daughter

Rest In Peace My Love, May Your Soul Never be Forgotten

Maya Touched the Grave and Cried, "How does it feel to be the Murderer of  Your bestfriend?"Kermit asked Walking up to Maya From Behind a Tree nearby. "This Can't be Real" Maya Cried Trying not to believe that Riley was dead. "You Killed Her Maya, Of Course this is Real" Kermit Said. Maya Got Up from the ground. "What about you? Are You dead? Are you still gonna try to kill Me? Or Have you given up because you realized you were Pathetic" Maya Said Wiping her tears and stepping towards Kermit. "Pathetic? Wow i was about to make a deal with you! But your Mother was right" Kermit said Turning away from Maya. "My Mother was right about what?" Maya Said but Kermit ignored her. "ANSWER ME" Maya Screamed. She looked at the ground and saw a Rock which she grabbed and threw at kermit to get his attention. But Then all of a Sudden Maya was back in The Waiting room of the hospital standing on the coffee table. "Maya! Stop It!" Katy Yelled Grabbing Maya and Pulling her down to her. All the nurse's behind the counter were staring at Maya. Lucas was nowhere to be seen, "Maya, are you okay?" Katy asked which echoed through Maya's Head. Maya's Vision became Blurry and Her nose started Bleeding, Before she could say anything she fainted. 

Maya Woke up from her sleep in a hospital bed, "Maya" Riley said. Maya's eyes Traveled across the room, "Riles?" Maya said Looking at Riley who was in the hospital bed right next to her. "Your alive?" Maya Whispered. "I'm Alive" Riley said Smiling. Maya sat up and helled her arms out for riley. Riley Hugged Maya, "I thought i lost you forever, i thought you were never gonna wake up" Maya Said. "You didn't have Hope?" Riley said Letting Maya Go. "No" Maya said. "where's my Mom?" Maya said Looking around the room. "She went out to look for Shawn" Riley said Sitting on Maya's Bed. Lucas Walked in, "Get Out" Maya Said. "I Just Wanna Say Something" Lucas said. "Who's this?" Riley said looking at Lucas. "I'm Lucas" He said, "I'm Riley" She said smiling at him. Maya Looked at them both. An Ounce of Jealousy Came over Maya, "Visiting Hours are over Sir" A Nurse said to Lucas. "This" Lucas said pointing to him and Maya. "Isn't Over" He finished and Left There Room. "He's Hot" Riley said. "i Guess" Maya said even though she wanted to say he was hot to she acted like she wasn't intrested.

After a Couple of Days in the hospital  Dr. Yang Subscribed some pills for Maya's Night terrors and Gave some Pills To Riley For the Pain in her Stomach. "Take these Twice a day" Dr. Yang said handing the subscription to Riley. "Yes Mam" She said. "Why are my pills Purple and Large?" Maya asked. 'Hey, i 'm just subscribing the pills i am not the one who made them" Dr. Yang said Handing Maya a Batch of Pills. "Take one of these every 2hrs" She said to Maya. "Seriously?" Maya said "But there-" Maya started. "No Complaining, It's just to keep the night terrors away for awhile" Dr.Yang said."Ready to Go home?" Riley said after Dr.Yang left. "Ready as i'll ever be" Maya said

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