The Flashback To Texas...

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It has been two weeks since Maya had her Last Night Terror, Those pills are Actually helping. And in all that time Lucas hasn't come to school. "Hey Have you seen that really Hot guy that was at the hospital two weeks ago?" Riley asked Maya in the cafeteria of Abigail Adams Highschool. "No i haven't. Do i care? No i don't, Thanks for asking Riley" Maya said picking at her Mash Potatoes. "And why are you so intrested in that Guy anyway" Maya asked. "I don't know, there's something about him that's Intriguing" Riley Says Eating her Ham and Cheese Sandwhich. "You mean Besides the fact that he's a Dick?" Maya says taking a sip of Her Apple Juice. "Maya!" Riley said Giving her a look, "What? he practically told me to face i was from texas and acted like he knew me" Maya said. "That doesn't mean you call him a Dick" Riley said Putting her straw in her grape juice. "Then what should i call him around you" Maya said. Riley thought for a moment, "Mac and Cheese!" She said "Literally?" Maya said giving riley a "Are you kidding me" Look. The bell rang for 6th period and Maya and Riley dumped there trays in the Garbage. 

Maya and Riley walked out of the Lunchroom together and down the Hall to P.E class, "Maya, can i talk to you for a sec" a voice said behind her. "No! So  you might as well Go eat a Dick" Maya said turning around and suprised to see farkle. "You want me to do what?" Farkle said, "Uh.. she ment eat a stick!" riley interuppted before things went crazy. "I am so sorry farkle" Maya Laughed "I thought you were-" Maya started "Me" Lucas said Behind Farkle. Maya cleared her throat, "Yeah" she said. "Okay.. well anyways i just wanted to say that Smackle and i won't be able to come by Topanga's and Do homework with you guys" Farkle said. "Why Not" Riley said, "Personal Stuff" Farkle said. "Oh, And i almost forgot! SInce i couldn't keep you company i asked lucas to stay with you guys after school" Farkle said Looking at Lucas. "Why?" Maya said, "that be great" Riley added Putting an arm around Maya, "Ignore Maya she woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" Riley said. Farkle walked to science class with Smackle holding hands. Lucas walked up to Riley and Maya, "So, about Topanga's. If you don't want me to go, i don't have to" Lucas said Looking at Maya. Maya ignored his gaze and Looked at Riley, "No, No, It's totally Fine. We'll see you at 5pm" Riley said smiling. "Okay" Lucas said and with that he left. "What is your problem Maya?" Riley said walking with Maya to P.E class. "He's my Problem" Maya said.

After school, "What about problem 5" Riley asked Lucas, "George Washington" Maya said Drawing in her sketch diary. "You are on Fire" Lucas said. Maya smiled and continued Drawing, Lucas Smiled too because he finally Got Maya to Smile. "And to answer your question, Yes i did live in Texas" Maya said Putting her sketch down on the table and looking at Lucas. "But i didn't just live there, I was born there" Maya said. "So was i" Lucas added. Maya thought for a minute, "Wait a Minute" She said getting up from her chair. "Is Your Name Lucas... Friar?" Maya asked. "Yes, is your name Maya Hart?" Lucas said getting up from his chair too. Riley looked at them both and frowned, "Wait, You guys grew up together?" Riley said. Maya Walked up to Lucas and Hugged him, "Awe" Riley said. Maya closed her eyes and opened them. this time she wasn't at Topanga's with Riley and Lucas, Now she was at what looked like a Ranch house. Two little Kids ran down the Hallway Chasing eachother. "Hello" Maya said running after them. But for some odd reason, they couldn't hear her. The little boy and girl sat down on the two steps of the ranch house. "Do you have to move?" the little boy said. Maya watched them from inside the house. "My Mama said she found a better job out there" The little girl said. "But Maya, I'll never see you again" The little boy said. Maya realized something, She opened the back door of the ranch house and walked outside. The Little girl and the little boy Were Maya and Lucas. "But it can't be? How?" Maya said to herself. "I'll write to you everyday, and when they come out with better cellphones, i'll call you" Little Maya said. "You promise" Little Lucas said, "I pinky swear" Little Maya said. "No, pinky swear is for babies, cross your heart" Little lucas said. Maya laughed to herself, "Fine, I cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye" Little Maya said. The two of them hugged and then ran off to play in the nearby sandbox. Lucas walked up to her, "What are you doing here?" Maya asked. "I could ask you the same question" Lucas said. Maya walked back inside the ranch house away from lucas. And just when she thought nothing else could be wierder she saw her Mom. "Mom? MOM!" Maya said. "Wait Maya, were still in our little Fantasy world  i don't think she'll be able to hear you" Lucas said following her to the kitchen. "Your probably right" Maya said Looking at her Fantasy Mother who was washing dishes and Humming to herself. "We have to figure out a way to get out of here" Lucas said looking around. "Okay, uh.. How did you get here?" Maya said, "I don't know, i just closed my eyes" Lucas said. "So did i" Maya added. "Okay, let's try it together" Lucas said. Maya and Lucas both closed there eyes. When they opened them they were back at topanga's. Maya and Lucas looked around, "It worked" Maya said Realived. "What worked? You guys were just standing there with your eyes closed for like 30 minutes" Riley said. "it was really werid" She added. Maya and Lucas smiled at eachother. "Well it's getting Late,and thank you lucas for the homework help Maybe we'll see you tomorrow too if Maya-" Riley started getting up from the couch. "That'd be wonderful" Maya said. "Okay Then" riley said shocked that Maya finally wanted to see lucas again. "Okay, then i'll see you tomorrow" Lucas said and Left topanga's. "Whats going on with you and Mac and Cheese?" Riley said walking towards riley and putting an arm around her. "Like you said, Theres something intriguing about him" Maya said and Walked with Riley out of topanga's.

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