"I Can't kill My Bestfriend, But i have to"

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Maya's POV

What is happening? First, My father is murdered by god knows who and then i have these stupid visions that make me able to see the freaking Future! I didn't ask for this at all! "Maya! Get out of the restroom already" Riley said outside of the restroom door. "I just need sometime to think" I yelled Back. I stepped infront of the mirror still not able to see my reflection. With out thinking i turned on the faucet and let the water flow, soaking my hands with puddles filled with water. I quickly splashed it on my face and looked back into the mirror. My reflection was now crystal clear, Maybe it was just because i haven't been getting enough rest lately. I grabbed a paper towel from the other sink and wipped my face.I took a few deep breaths and stormed out of the bathroom. "Maya, is everything Okay?" Riley said trying to catch up with me in the hallway."Everything's Fine Riles, I'm Fine" i lied heading to my locker and grabbing my backpack to go home. "Your Leaving? Maya, Talk to me" Riley says i could hear the worriness in her voice. I slammed my locker and Pulled her into a hug. "I'll see you after school" i said and walked off down the hallway to the office. "Hello Maya" The administrator said to me when i approached the door. "Hey, Is it okay i go home earlier i am just not feeling well today" I said trying to act like i was sick. "Sure, let me just call your mom" the lady said. "Thanks so much" i said sitting in one of the chairs to wait. Before i knew it Josh walked into the office, "What are you doing here? Stalking me now? " i said dropping my backpack on the seat and walking up to Josh. "Riley texted me and said you needed a ride home" Josh said putting his phone in his pocket and looking into my eyes. I never noticed this before but his eyes were beautiful, there was still something about him that was so mysterious and facsniating. "Maya" Josh said snapping my back to my senses. "Um What makes you think, i'd wanna a ride from a guy that is 3 years older than me and is practically a stranger, who still claims to be my bestfriend's uncle" I said playing the hard to get card. "Maya, Your mother was busy working so she sent Shawn a friend of her's to pick you up" The lady said. I grabbed my bag, "See ya around Uncle boing" i said walking around him and to the front of the school.  When i saw Shawn's car i threw my bag in the trunk and plopped in the front seat. "Hey Shawn" I said buckling my seat belt.  "Hey there" Shawn said driving down the rode. "So why did you wanna school early? Did something happen" Shawn asked watching the rode. "i just felt like i had to get out of there you know?" i said peeling at my nails. My eyes traveled onto the window and through the glass. All of a sudden a vision was starting, I groaned. "I'll be right back"  i said and unbuckled my seat belt. "Maya, what are you doing? I am driving" Shawn said trrying to keep his hands on the wheel. "Don't worry, i do this all the time" i said and opened the car. "MAYA" Shawn hollered but i didn't hear a sound i just jumped out of the car and landed into my vision. I knew that it was dangerous but i had to trust myself.  I was walking in this tunnel that seemed like it never ended, It was dim and barely any light. I could hear like some leaky faucet dripping from a distance. My heart stopped when i saw a girl in the corner of the tunnel feeding on Lucas. i realized then that i had a flashlight in my hand. i tried to walk closer to get a better look but when i moved my foot. The girl stopped eating and turned around. I screamed dropped my flashlight and ran for my fricking life. The more i ran the harder it was to hear how fast the girl was catching up to me. before i knew it my foot twisted into a circle and i screamed falling in pain. i took out a lighter in my back pocket and tried flicking it on but it wouldn't light. I started crying, "Come on" i whisperd in fear trying to flick it on again... nothing...again....nothing right before i was about to give up the lighter lit. I held the lighter out in the tunnel so i could see.i tried getting up but it was no use my foot was broken. Tears went down my cheeks, i held the lighter around to see if there was i anything i could use for balance. but i heard something, "Show yourself" i yelled immeadiatly doubting that i said it. When i turned around on the ground, i held my lighter upwards and there was riley with red demonic eyes, blood dripping from her mouth and two sharp teeth sticking out of her lips. "Riles" i cried, Riley attacked me, i dropped my lighter and it fell onto the floor. She bit my neck, i screamed in pain. "Riley stop! it's Me! It's peaches" i hollered fighting so hard to get her off of me. The more i fought the harder her bites got. i soon stopped fighting her and let her feed on my body. I just laid there feelling her suck the existence out of my body. i closed my eyes, Thoughts filled my mind

"Your strong Maya"

"Don't give up"

"This isn't how your gonna die! Not today"

My eyes flung open, i kicked riley in the stomach with my other foot and tried to stand. I heard a loud cracking noice from my foot and screamed in pain. Riley fell to the side but quickly got up, I ran to my flashlight, it was really hard to run with a broken foot so i had to limp run. I grabbed my flashlight and shined it in Riley's face which blined her. I checked my pockets to see if i had anything else on me. a pocket knife fell out of my pocket and onto the ground. I tried bending over but my foot cracked even more which made me holler in pain and drop my flashlight. Riley was able to see again and quickly tackled me hungry for the rest of my blood. she bit my neck again and again and i screamed in pain but i wasn't done fighting. i am not dying today, tears were running down my cheeks, i reached for my pocket knife and punched riley in the eyeball. Riley screamed and fell backwards, i was able to jumb on top of her and take my kill. But before i did i wanted to see if the real riley was still in there, "Riley! wake up! it's me!" i screamed at her holding her arms back. She tried biting me, but she couldn't reach me. All i saw was a demon, No sunshine, No smiling, No Beautiful girl just a monster. i cried, i can't kill my bestfriend. But i had to, I flicked my knife out and got ready to stab her, i held my arms in the air and when i lunged forward, "PEACHES WAIT" Riley screamed but it was to late. the knife plunged into her heart, "Riley?" i whispered but she was coughing up blood, her hand on my shoulder still trying to stop me. "Riley!" i cried but she was gone. Her arm fell on to the ground and her eyes starred into nowhere. I held her in my arms and cried, "What does it always have come to this?" i whisper. i let go of her and tried standing up, when i managed to balance on one foot i screamed, "LET ME SEE REALITY" but nothing happened."Okay! it's all over! I killed the monster!  We can all go back to our perfect lives now!!" i said. Still nothing, i sat down in the tracks of the tunnel and laid my head back. It felt like i lost 50% of my blood. lights shined on my face, the trackes shook from under me. When i opened my eyes a train was speeding in my direction. "Seriously! a Train!" i yelled, "Let's just get this over with" i said trying to get up. But i couldn't move my leg. The more i struggled the closer the train got. I waved my arms in the air hoping it would stop but nothing. before i knew it everything went black, i woke up in the hospital. My mom was by my side holding my hand, "Mom" i whispered. "Oh Your alive" Katy said hugging me. "What happened?" i asked. "Shawn was driving you home and you decided to jump out of a moving car! Honey what the hell were you thinking?" Katy said. "I wanted to take a short cut" I lied, "Get some rest, we'll talk about this in the morning" Katy said and left the room. i starred at the ceiling, and soon closed my eyes dreaming i was safe and sound in Riley's arms talking in the baywindow.

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