"I Love You"

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It Was the middle of the semester, Riley and Maya hadn't really Talked about there Love triangle with Lucas. Everyone was occupied with Homework , Late Studies and Over-due Library Books. Maya was at her Locker before the  3 period bell Rang for Lunch, "Hey Maya" Riley said walking up to her locker next to Maya's as if nothing was awkward between them. "Hey" Maya said a little unenthusiasticly as Riley. "How'd it go at the Phyciatrist last week?" Riley said Putting her Book and Binder in her locker. "Uh, Fine i guess" Maya said putting her hair behind her ear. "Your Mom told me you almost got hit by a car! What were thinking running out into the that open road without looking both ways?!"Riley asked Maya While closing her locker with a Big slam and Looking at Maya worrily. "It was Raining, I wasn't thinking straight" Maya said alarmed by Riley's slight slam of her locker. The 3rd period bell rang for Lunch. "I'm Gonna go grab lunch, You coming?" Riley said walking off towards the Cafeteria. Maya saw Lucas walk into the hallway with Zay. "Actually, I'll meet you there" Maya said closing her locker. "Okay" Riley replied walking off down the hallway to lunch. "Lucas, Can i talk to you for a Moment?" Maya said walking up to Lucas. "Yeah sure, Zay Mind giving us a Moment?" Lucas said Looking at zay with a "Leave" Look. "Yeah, I'll be over there with the cheerleaders" Zay said walking off. "Hi Zay" The cheerleaders said Flirtaciously, "Hehe You know my Name" Zay said Blushing. Maya and Lucas laughed, "So about That night at the Therapy Hospital, Thanks for Driving me home" Maya said looking at Lucas. "It was no big Deal, You were just in a Emotional state and I offered to help. You don't have to Thank Me" Lucas said. "No Really if i wasn't for you i would've Got lost in the woods or sick from the Rain" Maya said. Maya hugged lucas, "So thank You" she said. Lucas smiled and Picked her up while hugging her. Maya laughed and Pulled away from his embrace, "Your welcome" Lucas said. Maya smiled and Turned around To walk to lunch. "Maya" Lucas said Stopping Maya from Walking, "Yeah?" She answered Spinning around. "Are you free this Friday Night?" Lucas said, "Yes" Maya replied Walking closer to Lucas. "Well, there's Restaurant That i've never been to and i was wondering if you'd like to Come with Me" Lucas said nervously. "I'll be there" Maya said smiling and Walked down the Hallway to lunch. "YES!!" Lucas hollered, "How'd It go?" Zay said. "She said she'll be there" Lucas said Smiling. "Score" Zay Hollered with Lucas and they walked to Lunch. 

Later on at Riley's Baywindow, "Riley, I  am going to tell you something and i don't want you to get Mad at me. Okay?" Maya said Walking into Riley's Closet to look for something to borrow. "I could nevr get Mad at You" Riley said smiling at Maya. "Lucas asked me out" Maya said excitingly, "Wow! When?" Riley said Getting up from the baywindow. "Right before Lunch in the Hallway" Maya said walking out Riley's Closet with a Black and Red dress. "Which one?" Maya said Holding up the two dresses. "Definitely the Black one" riley said pointing. Maya went back into her closet, " I forgot to tell you what happened between me and Lucas at the therapy hos-" Maya said walking out of Riley's closet and Dropping the black dress. Maya was no longer in Riley's bedroom, This time she was in an Abandoned Warehouse which looked like a Dark and Gloomy junk yard. The wind blew coldly against Maya's Skin, She could see her warm breath floating in Mid air infront of her. "Where am i?" Maya whispered. "Your in My bedroom" riley said looking at Maya weirdly But Maya couldn't see or hear her. "Maya?" Riley said Walking towards her. Maya started walking inside the Junk yard which was filled with Broken cars and Rusty Metal. "Hello" Maya screamed which echoed through the entire yard. "Maya!" Riley yelled in reality, Riley tried shaking Maya awake but nothing happened. "Kermit If your trying to Scare me again it's not Gonna work" Maya said Walking faster down the Junk Yard. Riley Ran to the bathroom and grabbed a bucket of Water to Dunk on Maya. Maya approached a Barn and quickly kicked the latch open To walk inside. "Kermit! Come out! Come out! Where ever you are!" Maya snickered Walking into the dim lighted barn. Riley ran back in her bedroom with the bucket and Dunked the Water on Maya. Maya heared a Bucket above her head, She quickly looked up and saw a Huge grey bucket filled with Pig blood and it was tipping downwards. Before maya could run Blood came crashing onto her clothes. Maya woke up in reality and Screamed, "Maya! Sh! It's okay" Riley said Conforting Maya. "What did you see? What happened?" Riley said Looking into Maya's Eyes while embracing her. "There was a Junk Yard, Darkness, A barn, Bucket Filled with blood" Maya said shaking in Riley's arms. Topanga and Corey came running into Riley's bedroom, "What happened we heard a scream!" They said in unison. "It's Maya, she had a Night Terror again" Riley said. "Oh My gosh" Topanga said Helping Maya up off the floor. "But i thought you had Meds for that" Corey said. "I guess they stopped working some how" Maya said looking confused. "Maya, i don't think they stopped working, Ever since you started seeing Lucas, You kept getting these night terrors. But They were never about him Personally. They were about Your Dad. Do you think Lucas is the key to your Night terrors Maya?" Riley said Looking at Maya. Maya didn't say anything but she knew Riley was right. These Nightmares started happening when Lucas came to new york. But why did lucas come to new york in the first place? Maya thought to herself. "I- I gotta Go" Maya whispered and Climbed out Riley's baywindow. She Called lucas on her walk home and Asked him if he could come over really fast. "Mom, a friend is coming over in a bit, can you please act cool" Maya said walking throught the door of her Home and Seeing her mom in the kitchen. "I'm Cool Babygirl, I was in a play once called Cool Girl Flammy" Katy said. "No you weren't Mom" Maya said annoyed. "Sh! Let me get into my acting position" Katy said dropping her Dish cloth gracefully onto the counter. Maya groaned and rolled her eyes with boredom. "Hey there Good-looking, Did it hurt you fell from heaven because God damn you look like an angel" Katy said trying to be cool. Maya faced Palmed her forehead, "Mom for once in your life can you be a serious, responsible, ADULT" Maya said.  The doorbell rang in there apartment, "Great now he's here" Maya said walking up to the front door and unlocking the door. "Hi" Lucas said walking into her home. "Hey" Maya said closing the door behind him. "Mom, Lucas, Lucas, Mom" Maya said. "Oh, well Maya said she was bringing a friend over not a Handsome young Man" Katy said shaking Lucas's Hand. Lucas laughed, Maya her cleared her throat. "Mom" She said giving her mom a "Get out" Look. "Oh! Well i guess i'll just leave you two alone then" Katy said leaving the kitchen. "Your mom seems cool" Lucas said. "Believe me she tries to be" Maya said. Lucas laughed and sat on the couch next to Maya. "So.. What's up" Lucas said to Maya. "I've been getting these night terrors and they've all been starting when i met you. But the weird thing is, is that they're never about you" Maya said. "Okay" Lucas replied. "Lucas, why did You come to new york?" Maya said. Lucas looked at Maya, "Ever since we were 5, i've Missed you Maya, back in texas it wasn't the same without you. And as i got older i saved up enough Money from Milking cows and working in the feilds to come down to new york and see you again. Maya, i came to new york for you. You were never supposed to mean this much to me; i was never supposed to fall so hard. But you know what? i did and that's the truth, I love you Maya penelope Hart and i always have" Lucas said. Maya got up from the couch, "Lucas i-" Maya started. "I haven't seen you in 10 years, i didn't even recognize you when you came to new york. I completely forgot about you for 10 years! When had such a beautiful relationship when we were 5 how could i ever in my right mind forget about something like that" Maya said. Lucas walked upto Maya, "Maya, Look at me" Lucas said Putting his hand under Maya's chin. Maya looked at him, "I love you and that's all that Matters right now. Not what happened ten years ago, Your strong Maya. You can get through these night terrors. I don't why there happening but aslong as you don't get hurt, i won't worry" Lucas said. Maya smiled and Pulled Lucas into a Hug, "I love you too" Maya whispered.

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