The Pouring Rain Of Feelings (Lucaya Moment)

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It was Saturday night, Riley had slept over at Maya's Place lastnight. "Is your Mom home yet" Riley asked Maya when they went to the bathroom to brush there teeth. Maya grabbed her toothbrush, "She said she was going on a date with Shawn and that she'd be back late" Maya said Putting her toothbrush under the Faucet. "You don't think they pulled an All nighter do you" Riley said looking at Maya. Maya smiled, "I am just glad she's finally moved on from Kermit" Maya said grabbing the toothpaste. Riley sat down on the toilet seat, "Maya" Riley said. "Yeah" Maya said while brushing her teeth. "I like Lucas" Riley said, Maya choked on the toothpaste and quickly spit it out. "What?!?" Maya said finally putting her toothbrush down and Looking at riley. "I'm sorry, i can't control how i feel! It's just.. when i saw him that time in the hospital i kinda fell for him" Riley said. "So what do you want me to do about that?" Maya said grabbing a towel and Wiping her mouth." Nothing" Riley said getting up from the toilet. "I just wanted you to know" Riley said, "i'm gonna go make us some breakfast" Riley said before leaving the bathroom. "aren't you gonna brush your teeth?" Maya said, "Yeah right after your done" Riley replied walking into the kitchen and Getting out some yogurts. The dor bell rang, Maya andRiley ran to the door. "Why do you have to open the door!?" Maya yelled pushing riley to the side. "Because i'm a Cinnamon roll!" Riley said, "WELL cinnamon roll AND MAC AND CHEESE DON"T GO VERY GOOD TOGETHER DO THEY" Maya screamed shoving riley on the couch. The doorbell rang again, "Coming" Riley said all sweetly. Maya finally opened the door, "Hey Lucas" Maya said Opening the door just a little bit. Riley was trying to pull her away from it. "Hey! is everything okay?" Lucas asked seeing that Riley was trying to pull Maya away from the door. "Yea! Everything is just wonderful" Maya said Smiling at him. "Would you just give me one second" Maya replied. "Uh, Yeah sure" Lucas said. Maya slamed the door and Tackled Riley, "Your not the only one that gets to have crushes on someone!" Riley screamed. "Since when did i say i had a crush on mac and cheese?" Maya screamed back at her. "You didn't have to! I can tell! Because why else would you have wanted to open the door if you didn't like him?" Riley said. Maya looked stunned for a minute, Riley pushed her off of her. Maya screamed and fell on the floor. Riley ran to the door and opened  it to see lucas's face. "Hey There" riley said smiling at Lucas, "Hey" Lucas laughed. "Come on in" Riley said opening the door wide enough to for Lucas to walk in. "Where'd Maya Go?" Lucas asked seeing that Maya was nowhere in the house. Riley looked around, "I don't know she was here a minute ago" Riley said. Maya Jumped on Riley's back from behind her which Made Riley fall forward and Slam onto the couch. "Why do you have to get EVERYTHING?" Maya yelled. "What's going on?" Lucas said, "Oh! Right you're still here" Maya said getting off of riley and sitting on the couch. "Yeah what are you doing here anyway?" Riley asked fixing her Hair which Maya ruined while jumping on her back. "I was gonna return Your cellphone. You left it at my house" Lucas said getting Riley's cellphone out of his pocket and Handing it to Riley. Maya Glared at Her, "Oh i left it? huh.. i was wondering where it went. Thanks" Riley said smiling. "Are your Parent's Home?" Lucas asked Maya, "No, why?" Maya asked. "Just wondering" Lucas said Smiling at Maya. "Alright, well i gotta Go, But i'll call you later" Lucas said to Maya And with That he left. "Bye" Riley said to Lucas closing the front door. "You went over his house?" Maya said. "Yeah, What he didn't take you over his house before? Awe that's a Shame" Riley said. Maya rubbed her forehead, "Riles, Can we just stop fighting over-" Before she could finish,

Katy walked in through the front door, "Oh Hi Riley, i wasn't expecting you here"Katy said closing the door. "Hi Ms.Hart" RIley said, "How was your date, Mom" Maya said getting up from the couch and hugging her Mama. "It was wonderful, But, Riley could you give us a minute" Katy said Putting her purse on the couch and Taking Maya's hand. "Sure" Riley said and walking to the back porch. "What's wrong Mom?" Maya said sitting on the Sofa with Katy. "I signed you up to see a phychiatrist" Katy said. "what? Why! I don't need a shrink asking me how i feel everyday" Maya said. "I think it would be best, if you had someone to talk too" Katy said. "I do have someone to talk to! Riley, Farkle,Smackle,Zay and Lu- i Mean uh Yoggi" Maya said. "I mean somebody who can help deal with you were going through" Katy said. "When do i start going to see this Phychotic Bitch" Maya said. "Maya! Lauguage! in 2 weeks" Katy said. "what that wasn't her name?" Maya said sarcastically. Maya walked out onto the porch with Riley. "Hey" Maya said closing the back door, "Hey" Riley said. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier i guess i was just Jealous of how close you were with Mac and Cheese" Maya said. "It's Okay, and I'm Truly sorry about how reacted when you wanted to open the door and i Tackled you." Riley said Laughing. Maya Hugged Riley, "Bestfriends?" She asked, "For life" Riley said. "What were you and your mom talking about?" Riley said letting go of Maya. "She signed me up for therapy" Maya said. "What's so bad about that?" RIley said Looking at Maya, "What? You think i need it too?" Maya replied. "I never said that" Riley said, "Yeah, but you were thinking it" Maya said. She quickly left the back porch and Slammed the back door. "Maya" Riley said, 2 weeks went passed and it was time to go to therapy. "Maya Penelope Hart" The nurse said at the therapy hospital "does she have to say my full name?" Maya said annoyed looking at her mother. "Just go! And be on your best behavior" Katy said. Maya Went up to the nurse and followed her into a room. "Hello Maya" The lady said Sitting on her floral chair. Maya ignored her greeting and looked around her office. She saw Vases of Many colors over a fireplace and Paintings hug over the thearpist's desk. Maya's traveled from Left to right as she watching the clock tick tock. The lady cleared her throat, Which Made maya snap out of her Daydream with the clock and Look at the lady. "Sorry, It's Nice to Meet You" Maya said sitting back on the guest's couch. "Is this your First time with a Therapist?" The lady said. "Does it seem like it?" Maya said running her hands through her hair. "A little bit" The lady said chuckling. "Oh i am sorry, i forgot to introduce myself My Name is Jennifer Lee" Jen said. "Hello, Jen" Maya said again. "Okay, well with out further a do. Let's get started shall we" Jen said taking out a Clipboard and a Pen. Maya took a deep breath, "What's been bothering you Lately?" Jen asked sitting back in her chair and starting to take notes. "Nothing" Maya replied Looking out The office window. "Maya, This is your safe place! You can tell me anything. Don't be afraid! There is no need to hold back" Jen said. After a short Minute of thinking Maya finally Spoke. "I use to get Night Terrors of My Dad" Maya said, "He left my mom and i since i was 5 and i haven't seen him since" Maya finished. "And if you saw your Father, Do you think that would stop the night terror besides the pills that you have been taking?" Jen asked Writing something down on her clipboard. "Um, I don't know" Maya said Putting her hair behind her ears. "Do you think your Father would ever come back?" Jen said. "If he wanted too" Maya said trying not to cry. "I mean, it's been ten years! And i still haven't heard from him. What kind of Man would juts leave there 5 year old Daughter and Never look back?"Maya said Getting up from the couch and Walking towards the door. "I'm Sorry i can't do this" Maya said opening the door and slamming it. "Maya! Wait! Come back " Jen said dropping her Clipboard and trying to stop Maya from leaving. 

Maya Ran past the waiting room where her Mom was waiting for her and Out of the Hospital. "Maya!" Katy Yelled before grabbing her Purse and Running after Maya. "Maya! STOP!" Katy yelled when she caught up to Maya. "What happened?" Katy said Looking at Maya who was just Crying. "She asked if anything bothered me and i said My Father! My night Terrors!" Maya screamed Crying into her Mother's shoulder. "Awe, It's gonna be okay" Katy said Hugging Maya. "How?! How's it gonna be okay?" Maya screamed. It started to rain pretty hard, "Maya get in the Car!" Katy yelled noticing That Maya had Ran off in a distance. Maya just kept Running and Running, She didn't care if she was getting soaked from the rain. When Maya reached the Street she tried to run across but didn't see the car coming. The Car came to screeching stop, Lucas Jumped out of his truck and ran over to Maya. 'What are you doing out here? It's pouring!" Lucas said. "Are you following Me?!" Maya said yelling at Lucas in the pouring rain. "Of Course not! I was driving Downtown and i almost Ran you over with my truck! do you ever look both ways!? Come on get in, i'll take you home" Lucas said. "No! I'll walk!" Maya said, Lucas walked up to Maya and Carried her over his shoulders. "What the hell are you doing! Put me down!" Maya screamed. Lucas opened his truck door and put Maya inside, "This is called Kidnapping! I can't get you arrested!" Maya screamed at him. Lucas just ignored her and Slammed the door in her face. He walked over to the Driver side and Climbed inside the truck. "I said i was fine walking in the rain you dumbass" Maya said. Lucas grabbed a Blanket from the backseat and Put it around Maya. Maya Looked annoyed at first but Wrapped the blanket around her. Lucas started the engine and Drove down the road. After 2 minutes of silence between Maya and Lucas, Lucas turned on the heater for Maya so she coul warm up. "Why are you being so caring to me?" Maya asked him. "Because i care about you. I didn't Mean to, But we've been Friends since we were five. And ever since them i've cared about you" Lucas said keeping his eyes on the rode. Maya scooted over towards Lucas and Layed her head on his shoulder. "Thank you" Maya whispered Closing her eyes.

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