Maya's Stranger

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When Maya's eyes opened the next morning she felt different. Here she was 15 years old with this some sort of Gift or Curse that allowed her to see the future. But why her? Why not another girl who wasn't broken and had a terrible life? Why not Riley for instance?. maya Layed there in her bed, Thoughts crossed her mind as she let the sentence "Your father's been murdered" sink in. Katy walked into maya's room quietly thinking she was probably still sleep. "It's weird, You Know?" maya said sitting up on her bed. Katy sat down next to her, "Who would do such a thing?" maya said looking at her mother. "Sweety, he was a troubled man. He never wanted to keep in touch with us. Who knows why somebody torchered and Killed him" Katy said putting maya's hair behind her ear. "You want me to call the school and tell them to give you a couple of weeks to yourself" Katy said. "No, I think going to school will give me sometime to clear my mind and put this all behind me" maya said pushing the covers off of her. "Okay, i'll be downstairs if you need me" katy said getting up from maya's bed. "Thanks Mom" maya said smiling, Katy gave maya a kiss on her forehead and Left the room. maya sighed and Got out of Bed. She grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower. "No breakfast?" Katy asked maya when she saw maya grab her backpack. "Nah, i'll eat at Riley's" maya said giving her Mom a kiss goodbye and leaving for school. When maya walked into the Matthew's apartment Riley didn't say a word to her she just gave her a Warm, Loving, Hug. "Don't worry, Were gonna find out who did this to your father" Riley said hugging maya. "Thanks Riles, But really it's no big deal. My Mom's Hosting a Funeral Later this evening" maya said holding her tears back. "You guys are all invited, Just so you know" maya finished sitting down with Riley at the Kitchen table. "I am Terribly sorry about what happend to your daddy Maya. My prayers are with you" Auggie says giving Maya a Side hug. "Thanks augs, Um can we change the subject now. It's kinda getting really depressing" Maya says giving auggie a hug and Looking at Topanga. "Whatever you want Maya" Topanga says handing her a plate of Pancakes. Maya Took the plate and Laughed, "What is it?" Topanga said suprised by her sudden change of attitude. "Oh it's nothing it's Just-" Maya started, "Maya and i, Whe have Food Nicknames" Riley said Looking at Maya. "Yeah and Mine is Peaches and Pancakes, While Riley's is Cinnamon Roll" Maya said Laughing with Riley. "It's beautiful to see you Happy again Maya" Corey said. Maya smiled, Riley Hugged her again. "Hey Mac and Cheese" Riley said to Lucas in the Hallway of Abigail Adams Highschool. "Oh, Hey Riley" Lucas said, "I am Really sorry about your date with Maya, The death of her  father really gave everyone a shock" Riley said. "Yeah, Where is she?" Lucas said Looking around the Halls. "She's in the Bathroom, But i just wanted to Tell You that thing. Anyway! i gotta go! But i'll see you around Cowboy" Riley said giving Lucas a slight punch on the arm and Walking away. "Yeah, See ya. Wait, did she just call me Mac and Cheese?!" Lucas said to Himself walking off down the hallway. 

"We are gathered her today for the tragic death of Kermit Hart, He was an on again off again father but he was also a Kindhearted Man who deserved Way much more time to live than just 40 years. May you rest in Peace Kermit and Never be forgotten" The Priest said as everyone gathered around Kermit. "Maya hart, Kermit's daughter would Like to sing a song in favor of his death" The priest said looking at Maya. Katy squeezed Maya's hand, Maya walked up to Kermit's Casket and gazed at his brusied and cut face. When she closed her eyes a tear left her eye and plopped onto Kermit's tuxedo. "Any day now" a person called in the back. "Give her a second, this is her father for god sakes" the priest said. Riley walked upto Maya and Held her hand for confort. "It's Time to Let him go" Riley said Pearing at Maya's Face with a sorrowful expression. Maya turned around so that she was facing the audience. She cleared her throat and Began to sing: "Seems Like it was yesterday when i saw your face, you told me how proud you were but i walked away, if only i knew what i knew today" Maya sang from her heart and trying not to tear up again. the audience was quiet, the only voice that was heard through out the cemetry was Maya's. Lucas, Farkle, Zay, Katy, Shawn, Auggie,Ava,Doy,Topanga, and Corey were there standing together. When the Ceremony was over Maya stayed behind. "You comin'?" Riley said to Maya, "Nah You go, i'll stay here just a bit longer" Maya said wiping her tears. "I'll see you at home" Riley said Giving Maya a Thoughtful hug and Running off with Farkle. Once everybody was gone Maya tried having a vision again but someone stopped her. "What are you doing out here alone?" a Voice said behind Maya. Maya turned around to see a Young buy with a black beanie and dark jeans. His jean Jacket glistened in the moonlight, along with his Plain purple shirt. "I was just trying to get a last look at My fa- Wait this is none of your business. What are you doing out here alone?" Maya said Folding her arms as if she had a point. "I'm Not alone, i'm here with you aren't i?" The boy said smiling a little. "I'm Josh, Your bestfriend's with My Niece Riley Matthews"Josh said walking up to Maya. Riley never mentioned an uncle to her except Uncle Shawn, who was this Hot stuff? Maya thought to herself. "How come Riley never speaks of you?"Maya said thinking that Josh was lying about being the uncle of her Bestfriend. "Riley's Like that sometimes, But don't worry, I know what you're thinking and i'm not Lying"Josh said. Maya looked around the Grave yard to see if anyone was around. "Where's your car?" Maya said, "Around Back, what you need a ride Blondie?" Josh said. "The name's Maya, Never Call me blondie" Maya said walking past Josh. "Fiesty, Alright" Josh said turning around and Catching up with Maya. "So, there's this party at my place and i was wondering if Maybe a Beautiful girl like you would wanna come" Josh said jumping infront of Maya. "Sorry, not intrested, I've got better things to do then hang out with guy's like you" Maya said approaching the sidewalk. "Just this one night, Come on Blon-" Josh started, Maya gave him a death glare. "I mean ... Uh Maya. Sorry"Josh said chasing after Maya down the sidewalk. "Look, Josh,  i just got down with a funeral a few minutes ago. that's the reason why i was in the grave yard alone. Stop asking me to come to party with you! I barely know you! Plus i'm already intrested in somebody else and seriously don't have the time to be telling you why" Maya said Walking a Little faster. "Okay, well, I guess you won't be needing that ride" Josh said Walking to his car. "Wait" Maya said stopping on the side walk. Josh smiled and turned around, "Yes?" He said, "Fine, I'll go to this stupid party .But aslong as you take me straight home afterwards" Maya said. "It's a Deal" Josh said opening the car door for her. Maya just rolled her eyes and got in the vehicle. When Josh and Maya arrived on the subway Maya was already regretting there deal. "You know Maybe You should just drive me home" Maya said Sitting down with Him on the seat. "Nope that wasn't the deal, Relax Maya" Josh said Looking at her. "It's just that My Mom doesn't know where i am right now and again i barely know you" Maya said. "Okay, call your Mom and tell her you're running late because something came up" Josh said. Maya texted her mom: 

Maya: Caught a ride with Riles's uncle brb sooner than ya think

Maya tapped send and slouched in her seat, What has she gotten herself into? She's with this guy who she just met at the grave yard who "Claims" he's Riley's other uncle and now she made a deal with him to go to this party?!. Maya took a deep breath as the subway started off down the track. 

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