I Gotta Go My Own Way (Finale)

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Dear Riley,

I don't know how to say this without breaking,but i've decided that me being apart of your life in anyway ruins your endless supply of great days. I said a prayer last night for you and your family, Please don't tell my Mom but i have decided to run away for a while with Mac and Cheese (God i still can't believe we called Lucas that LOL) Don't get me wrong, you mean everything to me Riley but.. Before Shawn came into my life with Katy and Lucas and all of you beautiful people. i got left... left by someone who i thought had loved me.... would care for me.. but instead changed me into a depressed sack of sorrowful heartbreak. God Riley i can't even look at myself in the mirror without hurting inside. It's not your fault i'm leaving or anyone's really.. it's just i gotta go my own way. I love you so much Riles you have seriously no idea. Oh and My visions i haven't had one since i've seen you.. That has to mean something.... Farkle will take care of you Riles i know he will because he loves you. If You care about me Riley, here's what you do. Go find Farkle tell him you love him.

Your's Always and Forever,

Maya Penelope Hunter

P.S  Iightning, Thunder, Always and Forever

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