Visions Of The Unseen

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"How do i look?" Maya said turning away from the mirror in her mothers bedroom and facing Katy. Maya was wearing a Crystal Necklace and an Elegant Black dress that came down to her knees. The black dress was plain with no Design but it looked beautiful. "You look beautiful" Katy said tearing up a little. "Mom, why are you crying? I am just going on a date, it's like i'm leaving for Prom" Maya said Laughing a Little. "Cause this is your first date! And i've never seen you Look Hot before" Her Mom said Laughing. "Okay, i don't know whether to be grossed out or flattered" Maya said Putting on her Make up in The bathroom Mirror. "Oh it was a compliment! Just go out there and have fun okay! But you know the rules, no drinking, no underaged clubbing, and No sex in his car" Katy said folding her arms."Mom, i'm 15 You act like your talking to a Twenty one year old over here"Maya said closing her mascara bottle and putting it in the drawer next to her. "You know what i mean Honey" Katy said. "Okay, Okay, I promise i won't do those things. But who has sex on the fiirst date?" Maya said Walking to her Bedroom and Grabbing her coat. "Who has sex when there 15?" Katy said. "Good point" Maya replied. The doorbell Rang, "Oh! Thats him, Can you go stall him i wanna fix my hair really fast" Maya said getting a litle nervous. Katy laughed and ran downstairs to get the door, Maya grabbed her black converse. She looked in the Mirror, "You is Broken, You is Short, You is Pancake" Maya said to herself in the mirror while putting a bobbie pin in. "MAYA!! WE AIN'T GETTIN' ANY YOUNGER" Katy yelled upstairs.Maya took a deep breath and went out into the living room. Lucas's Mouth fell open, Maya smiled and Walked up to him. "Wow, you look Stunning, I mean you always look stunning but today you decided to embrace it" Lucas said. Maya blushed, "Aw Look at You two, Let's take a Picture" Katy said getting out herself from her pocket. "Mom,No" Maya whined, "Oh come on Just One!" Katy said. Lucas and Maya Posed and Smiled together for Katy to take the picture. Before Katy could Snap the photo she got a Call. "Seriously Mom, We gotta go" Maya said, "Hang on, Just one sec" Katy said stepping away from Maya and Lucas for a Minute. "You Look Very Handsome by the way" Maya said Looking at his Tie. "Thank You, i was wondering when you might notice" Lucas said. Maya laughed, Katy walked Back over to them. "Mom, What's Wrong?" Maya asked seeing her face looked pale. "Maya it's Your Father, He- He's been Murdered" Katy said dropping her phone from shock. Thousand of thoughts and worries came rushing through Maya's head. Her head became dizzy and her sight became Blurry. "Maya! Are you Okay?" Lucas said Seeing that Maya wasn't looking to well. "I need to Lie down" Maya said Feeling her head. Lucas Helps Maya over to the couch and Lays her down. "Mom" Maya said Faintly, "Corey told me, he said that Kermit was found in barn which was Located in a Junk Yard" Katy said. Maya's Memories came flooding back through her mind, 

"Maya what did you see?"

"Junk Yard, Darkness,Abandoned Barn, Blood"


"Do you think your night terrors will stop after you've seen your father?"

"How does it feel to be the murderer of you bestfriend"

"You were a MISTAKE MAYA"

Maya got off the couch, "He's body was found in a Junk Yard with an abandoned Barn? That- That was in My Night Terrors!" Maya screamed."Mom! Lucas! I don't think i am having night terrors no! These are Visions! From like the future or something!" Maya said pacing and thinking. "But how do you explain all the killings and you stabbing him the chest that time?" Katy said."I think my mind is playing tricks on me! It's Tricking me into seeing the Very picture! My visions were trying to tell me something! But i couldn't focus i was to caught up with Being scared and Hating on him!" Maya explained. "What about that time when you stabbed Riley? What happened there?" Lucas said. "Okay, so we've established that My visions can take it a bit to far sometimes" Maya said still pacing. "Wait i'm getting a Text from Topanga" Katy said sitting on the couch. "What's it say?" Maya said taking off her coat and placing it on the chair next to her. "It says, Omg Kat i just heard the news. How is  maya doing? Also Corey just told me that Kermit was being torcherd in a Dark house that was still in construction and had fires happening" Katy said looking maya. "Did you go to a house with fires in your visions?" Lucas asked Maya. "No" Maya said thinking harder, "Wait! There was a Dark and gloomy house that i was in before with uh, uh, ASHES!!" Maya screamed. "So the fires have must've gone out when you got there" Lucas said. "This is INSANE!" Maya said, "But that totally explains why he was scratched, bruised, and burned so much! He was being torcherd!" Maya said. "Anything else from topanga?" Lucas asked. "No, she hasn't sent anything except a crying emoji"Katy said. "Wait a minute! What about the grave? that Read Riley's Name!? What's that spouse to mean" Lucas said. "Like i said my visions always have this way of tricking me into seeing the very picture. I don't know why it said Riley's name and not My dad's" Maya said sitting down in the chair finally. The doorbell rang, "I'll get it" Maya said Running to the front door and peering through the small hole. "IT'S RILES!" Maya said swinging the door open and Hugging Riley. "Thunder" Riley said, "Lightning" Maya yelled with her finger in the air with Riley. "Oh my god, I heard the news! Are you okay!?" Riley said. "Yeah. I'm Fine" Maya said smiling. "Maya your father just died! Your not even a little bit sad?" Riley said closing the front door. "Why should i be? i mean he left when i was 5 i barely remeber him" Maya said. "You look gorgeous by the way. Did you have fun on your date?" Riley asked walking into the living room. "Yeah,about that" Maya said following her. "Hey Riley" Lucas said, "Oh, So you didn't go on your date" Riley said Looking at Lucas."No, but we've been figuring out how My father got killed" Maya said pushing riley into a Chair. "Okay, so your telling me, You're not having Night terrors they are just visions from the future that are telling you how someone was gonna die. And that someone is your Father?" Riley said after hearing hours of explaining from Maya. "YES! See you finally got it" Maya said. "That's Insanely Awesome" Riley said. After sometime of talking to Riley and Lucas Maya finally said goodnight. "Well i guess i'll see you at school" Lucas said. "I'm Truly sorry about our date" Maya said laughing a little. "Yeah, But i got to spend time with you and that was what i'll treasure the most"Lucas said. Maya smiled at the floor, "Before i go, I wanted to do something" Lucas said. "Anything.." Maya whispered,Lucas leaned into Maya and Kissed her lips. Maya Kissed him back, "Goodnight" Lucas said after kissing Maya. "Goodnight"Maya said biting her lip, She closed the door and sighed. Katy smiled at her, "MOM!?! Were you staring at us the whole time?" Maya said. "What can i say? Young Love is beautiful" Katy said. "Oh my god" Maya said walking to her room. Maya took a shower and went to bed. instead of dreaming she had a Flashback, Maya woke up in the Ranch House again, "Why am i here?" Maya said to herself. She saw her mom walk through the front door with a suitcase, Her mom was whispering to herself and packing things into two suitcases. "Mom?" Maya said hoping she'd hear her. Katy stopped packing and turned around, "Go back to bed babygirl" Katy said in her direction. Maya turned pale, she COULD HEAR HER? This was the end of her silentness- "But i can't sleep" Little Maya said behind Maya. Guess not Maya thought, Little Maya walked into Katy's bedroom,"where's daddy? Why hasn't he comeback yet" Little Maya said walking up to katy. "Honey we gotta go!" Katy said closing the suitcase and grabbing Maya's Hand. "But i don't wanna go! I wanta stay here with Lucas! and daddy!" Little Maya said. "well you can't always get what you want!" Katy said picking up Little Maya and walking out to the car in the front. Little Lucas saw Maya leaving and Tried to give her a Goodbye hug, "Make it snappy kid, We've got a Plane to catch" Katy said throwing the suitcases back into the trunk. Little Maya hugged Little Lucas Goodbye, "will i ever see you again?" Little Lucas asked. "Come find me" Little Maya said, And with that Katy and Little Maya were gone. Maya watched them drive off in the distance. Maya closed her eyes and Opened them, Now she was in Hospital. "excuse me?" Maya aksed the nurse. No answer, "Great, they still can't hear me" Maya said. She walked down the Hallway. What was werid was that only one door was open, So Maya Walked down the never ending hallway to the Paitient's Room.When she walked inside, Lying in the hospital bed was her father. "I thought you were dead?!" Maya said to herself. "But since this is my vision, it's telling me your still alive! i mean not that i care or anything..psh" Maya said. She pulled up a chair next to her Father and sat down. "You ruined my first date you know" Maya said laughing.Kermit's eyes were closed and he was breathing through a tube. Every second you could hear a beep. Maya Looked at him, "Everyone thinks that i am totally fine right now" Maya said beginning to cry. "But the truth is, I don't want them to see how broken i am" Maya said to kermit. a tear went down her cheek, "Dad, I didn't care when you left us!" Maya started wiping a tear from her eye. 'That's not what hurts the most,No, what hurt the most was that You never came back" Maya said crying even more. "I waited for you! For 10 years! And not once did you send me a letter or come find me!" Maya said now holding kermits hand. "I waited for you..." Maya said again. "Anyways, i just wanted to say Goodbye. I don't wanna tell you how much i hate you or how you've hurt me" Maya said letting go of his hand and getting up from her chair. "But i guess now it's my turn to leave and never come back. I want you to suffer like i how i suffered! I want you to feel broken just how you made me feel" Maya said. She wiped her tears and left the room. When her eyes opened she was in her bed staring at the ceiling. "Goodbye Dad" Maya whispered and went back to sleep.

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