Love Triangle Begins....

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Girls were taking abnoxious and Provocative selfies, Guys were drinking aggressively by the bar. "Oh My god" Maya whispered as she walked into the house filled with people that Josh called his friends. Music pounded through the huge speakers and boomboxes in the living room. Everywhere Maya looked there was a couple making out or somebody throwing up into a nearby plant. "Do you know all these people?" Maya hollered to Josh. "What?" Josh yelled Back walking into the kitchen with Maya where the beers were. "You want one?" Josh asked grabbing a beer from a red cooler and handing one to Maya. "Um... No thanks, You see Josh. I'm a Minor, I'm under age to drink" Maya said trying to sound smart. Josh Laughed and Cracked open a beer bottle, "So uh how long do i have to stay here to get a ride home?" Maya asked, seeing another guy throw up would make her lose her dinner. "Once you let loose and have fun at this party, Then Maybe i'll drive you home" Josh said. "Hey we had a deal Jackass" Maya said giving him a glare. "Yeah, In which you agreed to come to this party with me! So the least you could do is have fun Cupcake" Josh said leaving the Kitchen and Walking out to the living room. Maya watched him leave, "The least you could do is have fun cupcake" Maya said mocking Josh. "The least you could do is drive me the fuck home" Maya yelled wishing he hadn't heard her. "Hey there" a drunk voice said behind Maya. "Hey! This!" Maya said pointing at her self, "Ain't for sale, so unless you have nothing else better to do! I suggest you leave me alone!" Maya said Grabbing a beer from the red cooler and walking off. "Oooh, Tiny and fiesty, She's hot" The guy said sipping his beer. Maya cracked the cap off of the beer bottle and walked outside so she could finally hear her thoughts. She sat down on the steps to the house and took a sip. "So you do drink" Josh said sitting next to her. "What do you want?" Maya said taking another sip of her beer. "You're not enjoying that are you?" Josh said looking at maya's expression as she swallowed the sip of beer. "No, Please take this from me" Maya said gagging. Josh laughed and took the beer bottle from Maya. "So, besides you being Riley's Uncle. What's a Guy like you doing hanging out with these pathetic people who call themselves the cool kids" Maya asked Looking at josh. "A guy like me? What kind of guy do you think i am?" Josh asked curious about Maya's answer. Maya thought for a second, "From your appearence, you seem like the kind of Guy who cares for the people he loves but doesn't seem to be intrested when somebody has feelings towards you. Because..... You're scared" Maya said. "Scared of What?" Josh said, "Scared of Falling in love" Maya said. Josh and Maya looked at eachother for a moment, until a certain song came on that snapped Josh back to earth. "Hey, Dance with me" Josh said tossing his beer bottle in the grass and getting off the step. "This song?" Maya said hearing the song We Are Young playing in the living room. "Yeah, it's a classic, And then i promise you i'll take you home" Josh said extending his hand for Maya to take. "Maya Smiled and grabbed his hand, When they got to the living room. 

Josh's car pulled up into Maya's apartment complex, "I had a great time tonight Maya" Josh said looking at Maya. Maya smiled, "So did i, Even though i saw Many People throwing up and Making out. I think i'll survive" Maya said Laughing. "Goodnight" Josh said, "Goodnight" Maya said back and Leaned over to Kiss his cheek. "Where were you" Katy said to Maya when she walked into her apartment. Maya wasn't listening, She was to busy watching Josh's car drive off down the street. "Maya Penelope Hart" Katy stammerd. "What?" Maya said playfully, "You are grounded!" Katy said. "Why? I texted you and told you were i was" Maya said dropping her bag on the counch. "Riley called me and told me when she went back to the Funeral to give you a ride home and you weren't there! And as far as that text! I never even got it" Katy said folding her arms. "Can't you just be one of those mom's that don't care if there daughter gets home late?! oh wait! I forgot! You can't! Because your to busy trying to get a Life!" Maya said Walking into her room and slamming the door. "Don't talk to me like that!" Katy yelled from the kitchen. Maya ignored her mother and quickly showered for bed, The only thought that crossed her mind over and over was Josh. I don't know, There was something about him that was just Mysterieous and Fascinating. When Maya layed in bed that night she thought about that Moment Josh and her shared on the steps of the party. But then Lucas's Name was reminded when she thought about Riley. Oh god, Was she already in a relationship with Lucas?! Well, he wouldn't of cared right? And i mean it wasn't like she wen't on a date with josh. Just aslong as he doesn't know everythings fine. 

"Hey Maya!" Lucas yelled down the hallway of Abigail adams highschool. Maya had been thinking about this moment all last night about not bringing up the Josh so called "Date" Thing. "Hey..." Maya said not sounding so happy to see him. "What happened yesterday? Riley texted me and said you were out with her Uncle" Lucas said. FUCK Maya thought, But he doesn't seem jealous or hurt or even annoyed. Maybe they had this open relationship that she didn't even know about. "Uncle? What? No... i was at a Senior Party with some old friends" Maya said gripping her spanish book in her hands. "Maya, You were at a Senior party on the day of your father's funeral? Seriously?" Lucas said looking at Maya for a better lie. "What? Don't believe me?" Maya said smirking at little. "No, it's not that i don't believe you. It's that, that's really weird to have fun on a sad day" Lucas said. "Well i.. was feeling a little inspired and uh.. Yeah" Maya said feeling a little awkard. "You know what? I'm just gonna go now" Maya said walking off down the hall to Spanish. "Buenos Dias Maya" the spanish teacher said to Maya when she walked into her class. "Buenos Dias Senorita" Maya said plopping down in her chair infront of Riley. "So..." Riley whispered, "So what?" Maya asked turning around. "Did you like my uncle? Did you like him more than Mac and Cheese?" Riley said. Maya laughed, "Riles are you trying to set me up with your uncle?" She said finally understanding the conversation. "Not unless you want me too" Riley said smiling at her. "Espanol Roberta" the spanish teacher asked. "De acurdeo el profesor" Riley said smiling. "We'll finish this at Lunch" Riley whispered. "ESPANOL" the samish teachered screamed. "Soy el profesor lo siento" Maya said. "admit it! You like Josh!" Riley said to Maya walking down the halls together. "Riley let it go! It was just a small moment" Maya said walking to her locker and putting her spanish book inside. "I'm suprised he didn't kiss you" Riley said leaning against her locker and looking at Maya. When Maya closed her locker, Reality washed away from her eyes as a vision started accuring. "Seriously? Right now? Can't i just go to Science first?" Maya whined but finally accepted the vision.

It was Dark, All she could Make out was the smell of Fear and the sound of screaming from a distance. At least she thought it was a scream, "Hello?" Maya said walking into complete darkness. "No! Stop! Why are you doing this to me?" a familar voice yelled. Before maya could react Riley's Face flashed before her eyes. Riley wasn't her usual self, her clothes weren torn and her lipstick was smeared. Red bruises were on her arms and legs. A small but dark hickey was on her neck. Maya tried screaming her name but it was no use she couldn't hear her. When Maya saw who Riley was screaming her Mouth dropped. "Is that... Charlie?" Maya screamed starring at Charlie leap on to Riley and Try to pull her skirt down. "Oh my god! He's! He's trying to rape her!" Maya cried. "Let me out!" Maya hollered in her vison demanding it to let her see reality but it wouldn't. Riley screamed and kicked and tried pushing charlie off of her but it was no use. "NOO!" Maya screamed closing her eyes and finally seeing reality again. "Maya!" Riley said to her, "NO!" Maya screamed opening her eyes and screaming. "It's Okay! It's Over!" Riley said conforting her. Maya hugged Riley and Cried, "Promise something" Maya said. "Yes, anything, What?" Riley said looking into Maya's eyes. "Don't Hang out with Charlie" Maya said. "Cheese souflee? Why would i want to? it's not like i- Oh god what did he do? What did you see Maya?" Riley panicked and let go of Maya's embrace. "he's... He's gonna" Maya tried but she just couldn't tell her. "Maya! What the hell is he gonna do to me?" RIley yelled. Maya got up off of the bathroom floor and walked over to Riley. "Nothing, i was just messing with you" Maya said fake laughing. A rush of relief came over Riley, "Don't do that to me peaches! You almost gave me heart attack" Riley said shoving Maya a little and Walking out of the public bathroom. Maya looked in the Mirror Really fast before leaving but something scared her. Where was her reflection?

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