Mac and Cheese with a side of Jealousy

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It was Friday morning  and Maya finally Wanted a chance to stop taking her Pills, "No, Uh-Uh" Katy said walking into the kitchen to Make breakfast. "Why not? Mom it's Friday! I wanna hang out with my friends! I wanna let loose and have fun! And not stay on these pills for the rest of my life, because of my Condition" Maya argued to Katy. "Sweetheart, you don't have a condition. There just night terrors and if you stop taking those pills There gonna come back" Katy said Getting out the Pancake mix from the cabinet. Maya sits at the table facing her mom, "Mom, just this one night! And then i'll take them tomorrow, I promise" Maya says trying to convince her mother. "No, and that's final" Katy said Putting on her apron. 'UGH" Maya screamed and Walked To her bedroom. She sat on her bed for  a minute thinking, 1 minute went passed. Maya grabbed her phone and Texted lucas,

Maya: Hey, you busy?

Lucas: No, Whats up

Maya: I wanted to talk to you about what happened Lastnight

Lucas: Me too, I was kinda freaked out

Maya: What are you talking about? That Flashback was amazing!

Lucas: Speak for yourself, Okay we'll talk after school

Maya: Can i bring Riley, i wanna tell her too

Lucas: Sure

Maya:Okay, see you then

Lucas: Bye

"Maya! Breakfast!" Katy yelled from the kitchen, "Oh and By the way i'm going on a Date with Shawn tonight, so i won't be home until Late. No parties! No boys! and No drinking!" Katy says. "Mom, why would i do that? I'm a responsible human being" Maya said Sarcastically. "I mean it Maya" Katy said giving Maya a kiss Goodbye and Grabbing her car keys. "Yeah, Yeah, And i call you when the house burns down" Maya says Grabbing 2 stacks of pancakes and a banana. When Katy Leaves for Topanga's Maya Grabbs her Bookbag and Heads for School. But first it's time to pick up Riley, Maya knocks on the door of  The Matthews Apartment. "Who is it?" Auggie said. "It's Your worst nightmare" Maya replied. Auggie opens the door and Maya Hugs him. "Hey Litttle Guy, Where's your sister?" Maya said Putting him on the floor. "She's still getting ready" Auggie said Running to the kitchen to eat his breakfast. "Hey Maya, Breakfast is ready if you want some" Topanga said Putting eggs on the table. "No thanks Mrs. Matthews i already had Pancakes" Maya said. "RILEY! Maya is here" Corey said walking into the Kitchen. Riley Walked out of her Bedroom and into the kitchen. "You ready?" Maya said to riley."Ready" Riley said, "Have a great day, girls" Topanga said.  "So did you meet up with Mac and Cheese again" Riley said putting her arm around Maya and smiling at her. "Riley you can all him lucas if you want, his name doesn't bother me anymore" Maya said Laughing. "I know, but Mac and Cheese is so catchy" Riley said Laughing with her. The girls arrived in the hallway of Abigail adams highschool, "Maya, Riley" Lucas said walking up to them. "Hey Cowboy" Riley said smiling at him. Lucas chuckled, "So are we still on for after school?" He asked Looking at Maya. "Totally" She said smiling at him. Riley looked at her confused, "Wait, what's happening afterschool?" Riley said. Maya and Lucas just stared at eachother, Riley Nudged Maya. "Maya! Peaches! What's happening after school" Riley said another time. "OH! uh.. right" Maya said Looking away from Lucas's Gaze and Finally about to answer Riley's question. "We were gonna talk about what happened yesterday at Topanga's" Maya replied. The First bell rang for History, "Would you excuse us for just one Minute" Riley said to Lucas. Riley Found a Janitors Closet and Grabbed Maya's hand. After closing the door, "What the hell is going on with you?" Riley asks Maya who is still a little stunned from staring at Lucas. "What?" Maya asked. "Don't play dumb with me! I remeber you calling him a dick and saying how messed up Mac and chee- i mean lucas was! Now all of a sudden your falling for him" Riley said. "I never said i was falling for him" Maya said. "I can see it in your eyes, Your starting to fall for him" Riley said. "Even if i am starting to like him-" Maya started "oh! Nope! That's all i needed! For you to admit it! Come on were gonna be late to My father's class" Riley said opening the door from the janitors closet and walking out with maya. "Were you guys Making out? Cause that would be Hot" A Guy said walking up to them from his locker. "EW! No! get a life" Riley said Walking with Maya to history.

"Class, Today we are going to be talking about Things that don't last very long in someone's life" Corey said. Riley raised her hand, "Yes Ms. Matthews" Corey said. "What does this have to do with history" Riley said putting her father on the spot. "It gives you a reason to understand it" Corey says. Lucas raises his hand, "Yes" Corey said annoyed. "Why don't things last forever?" Lucas asked. "Because, Not everything is Supposed to become something beautiful and Long-Lasting. Sometimes people come into your life to show you what is right and what is wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better for a little while, or just to be someone to walk with at night and spill your life to. Not everyone is going to stay forever, and we still have to keep on going and thank them for what they've given us" Corey said. During Lunch, "What do you think your father was trying to say in history this morning" Maya said getting her Nachos from the lunch lady and smiling. "It was pretty self-explanatory, He was telling us that we have to thank the people that are in our life. Because soon they'll be gone" Riley said Grabbing her tray and walking with Maya to there lunch table. "God, i've never been so hungry in my life" Maya said Eating her nachos. "I'm suprised you didn't ask for Mac and Cheese" Riley said. Maya Looked at her while eating her Nachos, Riley laughed. "Hey Ladies" Zay and Farkle said sitting down at the table with them. "Hey boys" Riley and Maya said in unison. "How are you and smackle, Farkle?" Riley asked putting ranch on her salad. "Were.. Okay" Farkle said Picking at his Mac and Cheese. "awe, Whats the matter" Maya said Looking at him with a pouty face. "He's Mad that Smackle is good at everything and he's only her sidekick" Zay said Laughing. "It's Not funny, i don't know how i could love someone so much but still get jealous of them so much" Farkle said Looking at riley. Riley was to busy enjoying her salad that she forgot Farkle was talking in the first place. Lucas came by, "Hey is this seat taken"  He said pointing to the seat next to Maya. Before Maya could say anything, "YES! BUT THIS SEAT ISN'T!" Riley hollered quickly getting Lucas attention when she was pointing at the chair next to her. Maya Looked at her, "What are you doing?" She asked. "Letting you enoy your Lunch without a distraction" Riley said. After school, Maya , Riley, and Lucas walked to Maya's House together." Come on in guys" Maya said unlocking the door and walking inside with her friends. When they walked to Maya's room, "Wow! Beautiful room you have" Lucas said Looking at the drawings on her wall. "Do you play?" Lucas said Pointing at the guitar in the corner of Maya's room. "A little" Maya said walking over to lucas and Taking the guitar from him. "She sings a Little too" Riley said smiling. "Could you probably play us something?" Lucas said intrigued. "Just really quick" He finished. "Okay..." Maya said sitting on her bed with her guitar. Lucas and Riley sat on the floor together Watching her. Maya cleared her throat and started Strumming her guitar, "Car drove off, Airplane flew, i stay here, Missin' you, We grow old, and never know, That you were there.. Missin' me" Maya sang closing her eyes and strumming her guitar. Lucas and Riley clapped and Cheered. "Oh come on it wasn't that good" Maya said putting her guitar back in the corner. "You're right it wasn't good" Lucas said, Maya's face went from happy to broken. "IT WAS AMAZING!" Lucas said. Maya laughed, "Thank you" she said sitting on the floor with her friends.

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