Chapter 11

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Even in his mid 30's Mowry was still kinda wild, although he had kids. He still was very sexy.

He just didn't look like a father, especially of 3. He had those enticing chocolate eyes that he had passed onto his two sons, the soft plump lips that spread apart to honor a gorgues white smile.

Ever since they had came to California, Mowry had been face to face with alot of beautiful women. Several brought their sons to get their hair cut, and other women came to get it all shaved off, or just a line up.

Most of the women Mowry got to see everyday were gorgues, and curvacious. Since he had been down here not one women had been ugly -- big or small. Tiffany could care less about that, He had eyes and he was still a man.

What pissed her off was Kathi.

A beautiful busty black and latina women. She always wore blonde highlights, and she had 2 sons. Jamicheal and Salander.  Tiffany always put her highlights in for her, so she had always seen her. Mowry was off those days. Every Wednesday and Friday they always had the same schedule, but as far as the other days they didn't

Kathi was a fairly new comer so it was obvious that when Kathi met Mowry while getting her 2 son's hair cut. She had no idea that Mowry was Tiffany's husband. So when Tiffany did her highlights again, and Kathi started talking about this man she met .Tiffany had no Idea that Kathi was talking about Mowry.

She just kept mentioning how incredible sexy he looked, how she wanted to rip his clothes of, how she love his sense of humor. his smile. Tiffany just simply praised her not thinking it could be one of her workers, but maybe a regular customer who always came in.

There were alot of handsome guys that came in regularly every week.

All in all at the same time Mowry started complaining that he wanted to do more than just always take care of the kids, work, and be home. Tiffany said fine. So Mowry started hanging out more with a couple of guys he had met at the shop.

Curtis was divorced, with 1 child and a baby mama because he didn't want any further commitment. He was fine taking care of his daughter just as long as he got to do what he wanted to do. Curtis was 29 going on 18, handsome guy with a rugged beard and a dark complexion similar to Mowry's

Lonney of course was Mowry's cousin, Chocolate, Thick lips, tall. No kids,but Hazel and him had been working on it. Lonney and Hazel had been living in California since they had gotten married .down there.

They thought it was gorgues and had decided to stay.

Then there was Bobby. Married with 7  kids. He obviously was good in bed because of the amount of kids he had with his wife Val. He was tall, and  light skinned. A true sweet heart. He sported a large beard a faint mustache.

He loved to excersize, and the man was gorgues.

When Mowry first introduced Tiffany to Bobby Tiffany heart was jolted awake. The man was handsome, voice that could make a fire blaze. His wife was Italian. Bobby was more into women out of his race. He was black, but throughout his life he had always prefer ed to date some one out of his race.

Tiffany and Hazel kind of stuck to each other ideally, because alot of women in California were to bitchy, emotional, and materalistic,. Not all of them just the ones they had met. Kathi was even cool till Tiffany found out that she was talking about Mowry.

Tiffany walked into the shop to tell Mowry that Mowry Jr was sick, and she was picking up Anthony from the airport. Mowry was cutting Jamicheal's hair, Kathi was all smiles as her lips moved and Mowry smiled to whatever she was saying.

Tiffany felt the bubble of jealousy rise.

This bitch had been describing her husband to her for the passed month. Tiffany walked over. Mowry looked over hearing the click of heels. What made Tiffany's jealousy settle was when Mowry smile widen even more because he seemed happy to see her.

Tiffany stopped her rabid stomping over to her husband.

Tiffany didn't kiss Mowry she decided to let Kathi have her little fun. Mowry loved her and she had to remind herself of that sometimes, he never had cheated and never ever would. She was the one he was laying that pipe on when that got time alone.

Tiffany just walked over and lightly touched his upper forearm gently. Mowry leaned down. Tiffany whispered in his ear. "Im picking up Anthony, Mowry is sick, and I think that women likes you." Mowry nodded. "Okay and I know." Mowry shrugged.

Tiffany nodded leaving the shop.

It was fine up until 2week later when Tiffany realized that Mowry found Kathi just as attractive as she found him. Tiffany had asked him to be honest and he said. "Yeah. She beautiful, but I'm married to you, so you aint got to worry about."

Tiffany felt a bit childish, because maybe she shouldnt have been so antsy about it. Mowry loved her, but he thought Kathi was beautiful, and the thought annoyed her.

It was late. The kids were sleep. Mowry rolled on top of her. Tiffany rolled eyes as he lips kissed and teased her neck. "What made you want to fuck all of a sudden?" Mowry mumbled into her neck. Tiffany felt a shiver run down her spine.

"We haven't had time alone in 3weeks."

Tiffany felt his erection poking her.  "What Kathi didn't let you." Mowry paused. "What the fuck you talking about? Damn Tif this aint high school why you doing that? You my wife, and I'm about to make love to you "

Tiffany laughed out loud when he yanked her panties off.


The arguments started when Mowry started to hang out with Kathi

 "TIffany what the fuck, It was only a couple times, I don't even want her, damn. I cant have fun?"

"MOWRY WE ARE MARRIED!" Tiffany screamed at him before looking at the TV again. Mowry zipped his suit case up sitting by her. "I mean I know, but damn don't you just wanna sometimes hang around other people. We always cooped up in the house." Tiffany looked at him. "We have kids Mowry."

Mowry shook his head. "Anthony is 18 and shit he could move out at any point. He making paper for all the shit he doing. Tiphany is 14 making friends she ain't never gonna be here pretty soon and Mowry Jr. is always out."

Tiffany didnt say anything. He was right the kids were growing up, but why was he choosing to hang out with Kathi?

It was 3:00am when the sound of Mowry's phone woke her up.

Tiffany reached for it to cut it off. Mowry jumped up and tried to grab it. Tiffany eyed the screen, on the front it read Kathi. The call hung up but the voicemail icon pop up on the screen.

Mowry eyed Tiffany as she dialed the voicemail.

"I had fun today. I cant wait to see you again tonight.

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