Chapter 20

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I changed Chelsea from Emma Stone to Hayden Pantettiere. remove Emma from your mind :)

She does fit Chelsea better


Tiphany turned Courtland down, and decided not to skip school with him. He seemed cool with it, like he didn't care. He began to come to her less frequently though. Espically when Tiphany caught him kissing somebody else .

She was even coming up the hall one day when she saw him kissing on some other chick named Kayla.

He was all into it -- his hand's holding her waist, just like he did Tiphany at one point. Tiphany just shook her head. It hurt because she liked Courtland. As stupid as it was too even feel anything for him at all.

She did.

So she just quietly,but quickly sped passing the kissing duo with out a word.

She had told Ken about it. They were on the phone one day and her mind kept drifting off,and finally he asked her what was wrong, and she told him. He didn't seem to mind. Chelsea would have probably been harsh with it because that's just how she was, but Ken he was real sweet about it, telling her it would be okay, and the crush would pass.

It didn't seem like it would though.

It had been 2weeks, Courtland had not kissed her, or nothing. He was strictly friend's with Mowry now it seemed. He would talk to her only when Mowry was around but that was it. They would be at their lockers and he was just glance at her, get what he needed and then leave

Tiphany's heart ached because all she had ever wanted was for Courtland to pay her some attention.

Mowry then had the nerve to ask this boy to sleep over. She heard him ask Mom, and Mom loved her some Courtland she thought he was so sweet, friendly and nice. If parent's only knew how teenagers really were then they wouldn't be allowed out.

Tiphany was sure they would let nobody out the house.

Tiphany stayed locked up in her room on the phone with Chelsea to ensure that as they night grew longer and her parent's went to sleep, that she was about to let this boy do nothing. she had been out her room about 3 times, making sure she was covered up from head to toe, with 2 pairs of panties, 2 pairs off socks, some real thick pajama pants and a big ugly colored t-shirt that Mowry had.

Courtland wasn't even looking her way though which made her wanna rip everything off in the first place. She wanted to jump around and say NOTICE ME, but refrained from doing so as she went to the bathroom than back to her room.

"Why won't he notice me though." Chelsea laughed, "He probably does, but you aint easy so he doesnt bother to look your way. he's a boy, that's what boy's do sadly." Tiphany bit in her frootloops watching TV as somebody knocked on her door. "Hold on." Tiphany said put her phone down and walking over to her bedroom door opening it.

"Here Twin."

Mowry handed Tiphany her favorite candy. "I walked to the corner store with Courtland." Tiphany kissed her twin's cheek. "Thank you." He kissed her back nodding while walking off. Tiphany shut the door back tearing into the bag of mini snickers.

"Can I tell you something." Chelsea said after a mintue.

Tiphany bit into her candy. "What?"

Chelsea sighed. "I like your twin."

Tiphany almost choked on her candy. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" Tiphany spit up the snickers on her floor. "Are you serious why? He's an ass to you." Chelsea groaned. "I don't know I think it has something to do with the fact that's he really cute. When I first met him girl I thought he was fine."

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