Chapter Two; Rejuvenated

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Tiphany snatched her ringing phone from her night stand.

It was 6am on a saturday. Who in the hell in their right mind would be calling her right now? Everybody knew her and Mowry slept in. Tiphany pushed her curly hair away from her face as she pulled the phone to her ear, the caller didn't matter, she was about to give someone a piece of her mind today


The other end was quiet. "Is this Tiphany?" The cool masculine voice that came out her cellphone speaker had Tiphany sit straight up in bed. "Who is this?" another pause. "My name is Miles, and I was looking for Tiphany." Tiphany shook her head embarrassed. She had snapped on him,and they barely knew each other and he probably thought she was crazy as hell.

Wait how did he get her number? Probably Bailey, or Anthony

"This is she" Tiphany said trying to sound a sweet as possible. "I know it's early, but I just wanted to know I could take you out to breakfast..I really enjoyed talking to you at the baby shower." Tiphany wanted to do a cartwheel, but refrained from doing so. "Sure. I'd love to.. What time?" Tiphany started scooting out of bed.

"I was thinking I'd come pick you up at 8 before I had to go to work?" Tiphany started grabbing every perfume she had off her dresser. "Yeah that's fine, I live at Davis Street 2045." He was making time before work too.. Oooh this boy was about have her spread butt naked on his bedroom floor. "See you then." Tiphany dropped all her stuff on the shower floor pulling her tooth brush out the cabinet.

"Cant wait." Miles chuckled just before he hung up. "and trust me, It's worth the wait baby." Tiphany heard the double standard deep in his smooth tenor tone just before the dial tone met her ear drum. Tiphany brushed her teeth making sure she got each tooth before she hopped in the shower.

Tiphany didn't notice what time it was till she got out the shower and walked to her closet. Her phone started vibrating a second later. She picked it up as Miles number flashed on her screen again. "I'm at your front door." Tiphany eyed the clock. 8:00am sharp.

Tiphany eyed herself in the mirror. Her hair was stringy and wet, she was naked wearing nothing but a towel. Shit.. "Okay give me a sec." Tiphany hung up and rummaged through her closet quickly pulling on a pair of jeans which were hard to get up with her skin still very wet. She got a cute top over her wet hair and slid a pair of sandals on her feet

Glancing at her hair again she sighed, nothing but time could make it look better. Tiphany squeezed it out a little bit. Mowry's door was shut so he was still sleep. Tiphany pulled the front door open. Miles looked her over, she couldn't tell if he was pleased or not but she damn sure was.

At the baby shower, he had been sitting and talking to her, his outfit covered up what was now being revealed this morning. tattoo's scaled both his strong arms, and his black collared shirt hung free but it could not hid what was underneath, and his blue jeans hugged him just right.

He smiled simply. "Nice to see you again. You look beautiful" Tiphany smiled trying to regain control of herself. "You too." He eyed her outfit, whatever he was thinking Tiphany could not read him.  "You ready?" Miles questioned. "Can you come in for a second? I just need to grab my purse."

He nodded politely as Tiphany stepped back to let him in. He took a seat on the couch and Tiphany jogged up stairs shaking her hair out a bit to let it curl up before she grabbed her purse from her doorknob while sticking her wallet and phone in it before she walked down stairs to see Miles wait patiently.


Tiphany was careful not to be a pig as she ate a couple pancakes at a time. Miles sipped his orange juice. "What do you do?" Miles asked studying her face. Tiphany drank her water trying to swallow her the food in her mouth before she spoke. "I plan to apply for a job at a later this week. I just recieved my license is cosmetology and I design clothes."

Miles nodded seeming interested. "A creative kind of women, sounds like we can have some fun together." Miles spoke with a straight face and a serious tone as he cut into his pancakes eating some too.

He made her so nervous that she really didn't know how to talk to this man. Miles took notice of it too. "Where did the wit go Tiphany? Was that just for show?" Tiphany blushed drinking her water. Miles smiled.

Tiphany shook her head."No. I just was having fun with you at the shower." Miles nodded. "Well have fun with me while its just us." Tiphany wondered what kind fun he meant. "Well what do you do Miles?" Miles smiled. "I approve and market clothes by people such as Kimora Lee and  Russell simmons, Beyonce, Jay Z, P. Diddy. just to name a few.

Fine, bold, and paid. Tiphany shook her head at the man the seem to take interest in her. 'Whats the name of your company." Miles ate a fork full of his eggs before speaking. " Mr Merchadise." Tiphanys fork hit the plate. "You are THE Mr. Merchadise." Miles shrugged a smile playing on his lips. "Should I give you my autograph too or is breakfast enough."

Tiphany laughed getting more comfortable.

"Thank you for that." Tiphany told Miles as she started to get out the car. "Can I see you after I get off work?" Tiphany nodded. "I'd like that." Miles smiled. "I get off around 9."

Tiphany nodded. "Okay."

"Bye Miles." Tiphany spoke looking back at him as she started walking toward her place.

Miles waved as she got out walking to her front door. "Tiphany." Tiphany looked back at him as she stepped to the door of the condo. "Yeah?

"You look just a nice walking away as you do walking toward me. See you." Miles honked the horn twice pulling off.

Tiphany smiled and just shook her head..Men


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