Chapter 25; ANB

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It kind of pissed Tiphany off. Why hadn't Chelsea nor he twin told her about the kiss? They just continued on acting like two pretenders.

"So you have anything you want to tell me?" She had egged both on with this statement, cluelessly they always answered no. Tiphany wanted to smack them both in the back of the head and yell out LIAR, but she was trying to be a good friend, and sister by being patient.

Maybe they were too embarassed? Maybe It was a reason why the were keeping this to themselves.

Tiphany didn't know what the case was really.



Tiphany watched Travis whisper something to this girl named Ashley -- who he sat beside in science class. "If your gonna watch him all class period, maybe you should work on the assignment yourself." Chelsea said it quiet enough for just Tiphany's ears.

Tiphany looked over at Chelsea.


Chelsea looked over at Travis. "I dont understand why you like him so much anyways. You only dated for 2 months, he had a kid, and you know he fucks around. Despite him being smart. Nothing else about him should really screams; Come love me."

Chelsea eyed Tiphany weirdly.

Tiphany sighed. "I dont understand either." Chelsea poured a green liquid into one of the empty beakers, Tiphany slid her lab glasses over her eyes as Chelsea did the same.

"Is it suppose to bubble?" Tiphany eyed the beaker.

Chelsea eyed the instructions again. "No...?"  Tiphany's eyes widen as they got the attention of everybody in the class. "GET OUT. EVERYBODY GET OUT!" The science teacher yelled.

It was to late as the beaker brusted and the chemical flew and splattered the floor, and the ceiling while coating Tiphany and Chelsea's clothes.

Everybody else had managed to avoid the chemical spray by ducking. "IN THE CHEMICAL SHOWER NOW!"

Mr. Baiden raced them in and shut the glass door.

The cold water made both Tiphany and Chelsea shriek loudly as it showered them both. Tiphany started laughing as the cold water beat down on her soaking her bare legs, and her purple tanktop.

Chelsea's hair was matted to her head as they both stepped from the shower

The squish of their flip flops made them both laugh. Mr. Baiden handed them both towels. Chelsea scrubbed her hair dry before she wiped herself down.

Tiphany let her hair stay wet.

It had been a while since anyone saw her curly hair. She had started straightening her hair out since her ex-boyfriendDaniel said she looked sexy with her hair straight.

Travis's eyes slyly bore into her.

Tiphany and Chelsea walked wetly back over to their station still drying off. Mr. Baiden didn't tolerate anything. So alot of the guys in class were looking, but saying nothing. Tiphany hit Chelsea with her towel when he started explaining why you should always mix the green liquid with water.

Tiphany looked over Chelsea's head meeting Travis's eye's from across the room.

Tiphany's eyes widen as she looked away again pretending to be focused on the getting her shorts dry. Her eyes wondered up again, but he was talking to Ashley again.

Ashley was taking it all as she overly flipped and twirled her hair.

Tiphany rolled her eyes, only to see Chelsea giving her a look. "What?" Tiphany said. "Get over it." Chelsea told her. The class bell rang, and Mr. Baiden gave them a pink slip to change clothes, and return to school.

One more class and she could go home and stay close to the internet.

Tiphany thought this as she walked to her 8th hour class. It was just english class. The only thing they did was watch movies,write, and take notes. Tiphany pulled the door open slipping into a middle seat.

Within 5mintues the class room was full.

Travis slipped in late sitting in the empty seat behind Tiphany just at the english teacher came in.

The lesson immediately started.

Class was in for 30 mintues now and everybody was quietly taking notes. Travis had even tapped on her shoulder asking for a pen. The way he looked at her, when he asked her had her losing focus on the teacher writing notes on the board as she copied.

His tongue ran across his lips slowly.'You gotta pen I can use."

His eyes shift from her own eyes to her lips. Tiphany nodded nervously handing it to him. His finger tips touched her own as she passed it to him. He smiled. "You got soft hands, and thank you."

Tiphany turned around catching her breath as she took more notes.

The class bell rang and Tiphany started packing her note book and class book into her backpack. "Aye here." Tiphany looked up to see Travis standing above looking down at her holding the pen out to her.

Tiphany took it, and Travis walked passed her out the class.

Why she liked him still she would never understand it.


Tiphany had finally caught Chelsea and Mowry and never again did she want to re-live it.

It was awkward as Tiphany woke up out her sleep.She remebered Chelsea had slept over, but the left side of the bed was empty. Tiphany sleepily walked to the bathroom her mind still sleep but her body was awake.

Tiphany yawned siting on the toilet for the couple mintues before getting up to wash her hands. Shuffling over the kitchen to get a glass of wate, she regret it as she pushed the kitchen door open.

Never had she though she would see her twin's bare ass before in her life time.

Never had she though, she'd see Chelsea's head rolled back into the kitchen cabinet in pure ecstasy. For just a couple second's she heard, Mowry's hips loudly clapped against Cheslea's Tiphany's eyes popped open in shock and a subconcious scream came out.

Chelsea's eyes popped open she gasped. Mowry dropped Chelsea and Chelsea's bare bottom hit the ground with a loud thud

and in rushed Tiphany's Dad suddenly.


Tiphany why you scream though? .. You just got everybody in trouble..ugh lmao!

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