Chapter 27; ANB

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After Travis placed that kiss upon her head outside the cafetria that day. He never said much to her afterwards, Espically since he seemed to be taking a serious  interest to that Ashley chick. Tiphany was crushed about that.

Travis did seem a bit better though. Ebony had a life sentence, and she was going to tried as an adult.

He did smile at Tiphany when they passed by in the hallway, but that was it.

Tiphany had to suffer through science class, having to watch him stroke his finger tips through Ashley's hair. Was he just vulnerable, or did he actually like her? Tiphany rested her chin on her fist in science one day staring at Travis every so often.

He'd lean down, kiss Ashley, stroke her hair, and Tiphany would boil over with jealousy. She wasn't even all that. Tiphany thought with annoyance

Chelsea pouted in her direction. "You could have any guy literally." Tiphany shruggged, maybe that was true, but she didn't just want any guy. She wondered why Travis paid her no mind, its not like she was ugly.

Was she to timid? She knew wasn't timid like that. He just had to know her well like that, She'd go off on you in a mintue.

Tiphany was out of line though when she went off on Ashley.

She had been watching Travis be "Boyfriendly" to her for the past week every class period. "Watch were your going.' Tiphany snapped on her when SHE bumped into Ashley.

Ashley eyed her pushing her hair from out of her face. "You bumped me. Your rude as hell for catching a attitude." Tiphany ignored her though she made sense. "No you bumped me, maybe you should watch were your going."

Eveybody was watching.

Then Travis walked in, and Tiphany raised her voice trying catch his eye, his  attention, his ANYTHING. "So are you gona say you sorry." Ashley eyed her stupidly. "No, because you bumped  me. I dont have time for this, Im actually trying to get out of school." Ashley shook her head shuffling past her.

Travis eyed Tiphany with a weird expression before pushing past her to sit down.

So he liked Ashley because she was mature?

Tiphany thought as she sat down a blush on her face. Damn did she feel stupid. It had nothing to do how pretty she was, he liked her because she had her head on straight.

Tiphany had no idea what she really wanted to with her life. Her head definately was not where Ashley's was.

"Im a fucking idiot. I swear." Tiphany said her head stuck inside her locker after class. Chelsea giggled. "Maybe It wasn't the best idea to try to fight her to get his attention." Tiphany groaned. "I just want him to notice me damn. Thats it." Tiphany pulled her head out her locker eyeing Cheslea before putting her head back in

"On the bright side atleast we got hired at starbucks."

Chelsea patted Tiphany's back. "Maybe he will see your more level headed with a job. You know Ashley works at victoria's secret." Tiphany shugged. "He will definately ignore me now. Im passing out coffee, she's handing out lingerie."

Chelsea tried to pull Tiphany from inside the locker. "He's coming up the hall." Tiphany pulled out from inside the locker stumbling clumsily back into him -- knocking him down along with everything he was holding. Chelsea's eyes grew wide and her mouth opened into an O.

Tiphany looked at Chelsea embarassed before she hopped up turning to see Travis sprawled out on the hallway floor, trying to collect his books up again. "Im so sorry." Tiphany apologized profusely before handing him his scattered note paper.

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