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I am not the same girl I was...

I no longer wear the same old blue hoodie everyday to school.

I don't have people making fun of me cause of my hair,and my clothing,and my weight.

And I no longer drink.

Which made me feel a lot better.

Drinking was never suppose to be an option for me.

Why did I ever feel like it was?

But the thing about "The New Amanda Waterson" was that I get into more trouble lately

I wonder why.

I only got detention for three days this week.Not that bad.

But somehow my grades are still good.

But even thought I have good grades.

Friends from every corner.

Boys falling onto their feet for me.

I was still missing something in my life.

And I always wondered what it was.

I had no more time to think.Ive already bumped into something hard.

Or someone.

"Watch where you're going!"They yelled.Pushing me more.

I feel down,Out got back up again and attempted to push them back.

"I can say the same thing to you!"I said and crossed my arms,"Now move,you're blocking my way.Asshole!"I said.

He chuckled.And pushed me again.

I yelled out as soon as my back slammed against the lockers.

"You shouldn't have said that to me,You know"He laughed,"That was very disrespectful!"

"Do you think I care?"I laughed but shut up as soon as he pushed himself on me more.

"You say one more word"Jordan smirked."And I will-"

"Get away from my girlfriend!"..Phew.I was able to breathe again."Don't hurt her,Who do you think you are!"Matthew yelled at Jordan.Matthew was my boyfriend.We started dating since I changed my appearance.But I'm happy with him.And I love him too.

"You're girlfriend?"I could see Jordan hesitate as Matthew pushed him away.
He then blushed but Tried to cover it up,while crossing his arms and "trying"to punch Matthew back.He "missed"And was pushed against the wall by Matthew.

"Let's get out of here"Matthew told me and kissed my forehead."I don't want anyone hurting you anymore"He added and dragged me away from the scene where Jordan was apparently bleeding.Mrs.Handsworth,the teacher who I hated the most since I've arrived at this school for calling me wimpy and a worthless bitch,gasped as she stepped out of her class room.She looked in our direction and yelled,"Goodness!"She gasped,"DETENTION"

"Why would he do that to you?"Cristine said at lunch.She was the first girl who bullied me back at the start of the year.And now we're friends."You don't deserve it Amanda,none of it"Oh,what a surprise...She knows my name.

"If I could break up with him,I would"She added before biting her Apple.

"Nah,I mean,it wasn't that serious"Cristine shrugged.

"Are you just saying that because you think his hot?"I asked and laughed.
"He is hot!"Cristine smirked,"you wouldn't mind if I didn't break up with him,would you?"

"What..NOOO"I smiled,"it's you're life"

I opened the door to my apartment after school.And work.Yes,I did get a job.

So far so good.

Father was probably asleep.

"Sweetheart!"I guess not."I'm so proud of you,2 Jobs already!"He laughed
Waving my paycheck around.I started to reach for it but he took it away,

"Not so fast!'He laughed."I'm sorry baby,but I need this money"

"If you need money!"I snapped,"why don't you get your own job!"

He laughed and shook his head."You're mom is gonna be so happy when she comes home"

I sighed.He must gone crazy.

"If only she came early!"He sighed."But I'm gonna be waiting for her until she comes!"

"Yeah,You do that"I said and took off my coat.Going up to my room.
When I got there,I undressed and got into my pjs.

But I also noticed a box of chocolates,roses,and a note.

From Matthew Anderson
Love ya Xoxox

I grabbed a piece of chocolate and ate it.I smiled and read the note.

Another Date!
I missed and eat some more of the chocolate.Then went to bed.

Another day or school tomorrow.

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