20. Betrayed

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"What is going on here?"

"Really, my dear, I thought you were smarter than that. Surely you recognized the very same people who plundered the capital and killed your father and the king. They might not be the exact same people but, I think you get what I mean."

"But ... you're a close friend of the king. Saenar calls you uncle! How could you –"

"Save all that for someone who cares, my dear. I do not care about the prince. He's been dethroned, why should I mind what he thinks of me?"

Mynera frowned. Who was this man standing before her? Surely it could not be same Lord Ingstad that was bubbly and excitable and touching her every moment he got? This man was nothing like him. He was cold and his words could slice bread.

"Don't take this personally, my dear," Lord Ingstad drawled, taking a seat on a nearby white bench. "This isn't personal at all. In fact, I had been hoping that we would be able to ... get to know each other a bit better."

At her face, he grinned. "But alas! It wasn't meant to be."

"Why are you doing this?" Mynera asked him.

"Why? I'm sure you know why. The servants love to talk so I'm positive you know that I'm a bit low on funds. There's a pretty penny for your head, you know?"

"I am quite aware, my lord," she muttered. Her anger was building by the second. She knew coming here was going to be a mistake. Her instincts had told her so from the very beginning. She just wished she had continued to listening to her head instead of falling so easily for the comfort and 'safety' this manor offered.

"Are the claws coming out? Save it for when you return to the capital, my dear. You'll be needing it." He turned to the red enemies standing by the door. "She's all yours."

They started forward, grins on their ugly faces. They must be damned if she was going to let them just take her just like that.

Mynera turned around and sprinted towards the door at the other side of the courtyards.

"Get her! Don't let her escape!"

The unmistakable sound of footsteps sounded behind her making her pump her legs even more, pushing herself to go faster. Just a little more to go.

Suddenly, her dress caught under her feet and she fell, face first. The red enemies crowded her immediately and pulled her upwards

"Oh no, what have we here?" Lord Ingstad walked up to Mynera and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. He wiped her face, blatantly ignoring the glares that were boring holes into him.

"We can't have you going to Lord Gavin with a bloody nose, now can we? Or should I say, King Gavin?"

"You traitor!"

She lunged after him. The red enemies held tightly unto her arms, not allowing her to get very far but Lord Ingstad stepped back nonetheless. The glimmer of fear she saw on his face gave Mynera a bit satisfaction.

"Take her away," he dismissed with a wave of his hand.

"You can't do this! King Damon was your friend! His son ...! Saenar is –!"

"I will sell all my friends out for money. That is the world we live in. Money will always be more important to anyone over friendship."

"You sick, sick man."

"Didn't I tell you take her away?"

The red enemies started forward, pulling her with them. They still thought she was going down without a fight, did they?

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now