13. Escaped

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The walk was much longer than she hoped. By the time they reached halfway down the long corridor, Mynera's body was shaking so hard, it was like her bones were making music inside her body. She could no longer control her chattering teeth and by now, she certain everyone had grown accustomed to the annoying sound. Still, she tried keeping it in check, biting down hard to keep it from moving but it was to no avail. The cold was so bad there was no controlling it.

"Where are we?" she asked Saenar for what was about the tenth time. And for about the tenth time, he ignored her completely, his eyes trained straight ahead of him. "Are we still under the castle? Are we in the city? I can't hear anything. Why can't I hear anything?"

"We cannot hear anything because of your nonstop chatter!" Queen Madeline's face grew red. Mynera glanced over at her just in time to see her stomp her foot in annoyance. It was a small movement but Mynera's brow rose nonetheless. The queen stomping her foot like a child throwing a tantrum? Not something one would see every day.

"I know you're anxious to get out, my lady," Hale said to her right. "But we have to remain silent lest they hear us."

"We're underground," Mynera mumbled. She was far too uncomfortable to keep her mouth shut. "How will they hear us?"

"The floor is not as thick as you might hope."

They stood crowding around a blank wall. From what she could see, it looked like a dead-end. Saenar leaned close and pressed his ear against it, so she presumed it was some sort of trap door. She hadn't known there was a trap door near the king's throne until they had pulled it open. Maybe this was wall the same. Saenar held his finger up to his lips, cutting off any next words. She watched as he shifted his ear higher, coming to his toes.

Mynera couldn't bear to keep silent anymore. "C-can you hear something?" she whispered to him. Damn it, her teeth just would not stop their incessant chatter, would they?

"Not with you constantly speaking like that," he muttered.

"I-I just w-want to know what's happening, t-that's all." She hugged her arms to her chest in another desperate and failed attempt to warm herself. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hale step forward and she held her hand up to ward him off. "D-don't bother w-with it."

He sighed. "If you keep this up, you'll be frozen to the ground, my lady."

"Not to w-worry. We'll be out soon. Right, Saenar?"

Saenar, once again, didn't answer. He was becoming very adept at this rude and blatant ignoring of her presence. On any other normal day Mynera would have been upset, but today, when they were in such perils, it was probably best to keep quiet. She didn't want to come off as petty and foolish. He needed to be alert. And complaining would not make her feel any better.

Again, her father's face flashed before her mind's eyes. They'd never been close, she knew. He was too hard and unyielding, and those years she spent in Arcadia made their strained relationship no better. Still, he was her father and now he was dead. Tears gathered in her eyes every time she thought of the sword that had pierced his heart. She lifted her gaze to Saenar, watching as he continued searching for the wall.

If she was like this, then what could Saenar be feeling, since he had been closer to his father. He should be in two right now. Yet, here he was with a brave face, trying to lead them to safety.

Mynera wiped the tears from her cheek. "I-I think I'll take that coat now," she said, turning to Hale.

"Took you long enough," he grumbled. Nevertheless, he took it upon himself to wrap the coat around her shoulders. She didn't complain, although every independent bone in her body resisted. She didn't think her fingers would be able to move enough.

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now