41. Raised from the Dead

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Mynera kept her back straight, kept herself poised as she followed King Gavin to her bedchambers. She paid extra attention to every turn they took, every painting she walked by she studied and every door she counted. She knew not what the future held, but knowing how to find her way around this massive castle would definitely come in handy.

She was sandwiched between King Gavin to the front, and Barron and the man she assumed was King Gavin's head councilman, Garkun Layot, behind her. It took everything inside her not to act out on the emotions coursing through her.

There was fear, as much as it wasn't wanted nor needed. She hated that she was a little scared, hated that it was that fear that had her palms sweating and her mouth going dry too often for comfort. That traitorous emotion wasn't welcomed here; she needed to have her head in the game and succumbing to trembles definitely wasn't the way to go.

So instead, she focused on her anger. Red hot rage burned her veins, scorching her thoughts until she could no longer feel her heart beating madly, but felt pain in her hands as they curled into too tight fists.

Disgusting man, she thought. Disgusting, evil man. This was the man who killed her father. The one who was behind all of the pain she's been through. The one who had them on the run for almost two years. This man, practically skipping in front of her, was the man who she hated the most in this world. Oh, she couldn't wait to sink a sword into his heart.

Mynera's hands itched to punch him in the back of his head. She almost did too, before Barron stepped forward and whispered, "No," in her ear.

"What was that?" King Gavin asked, turning to her in question.

"Oh nothing, Your Majesty." She tucked her fist beneath her hand. "I just coughed, that's all."

"What a pretty cough."

She could kill him right now. Stab him and make a run for it.

"Are we almost there, Your Majesty?" Mynera choked out. Saying 'Your Majesty' to him so many times made her want to rip her own tongue out.

"Just about, my dear. I know you've been sleeping like slums lately but there's no need to rush. Let's enjoy the journey." King Gavin saddle up beside her. With a quick glance, he forced Barron to walk back with the councilman. Mynera resisted the urge to stiffen when his breath hit her. It wasn't bad, but it belonged to him and that spoke for itself.

"What would you like to talk about, Your Majesty?" Mynera asked politely.

"I want to know everything about you," he answered excitedly. He turned to her, grinning like a child. Mynera took that moment to really study him.

He was small. Beady eyes, thin hair that fell sloppily over his forehead. Even dressed in kingly garb, he looked nothing like a king, nothing like a lord. He looked like a stable boy playing dress up.

But there was something lurking behind those eyes. Evil intent, shining just beyond the excitement clouding them now. This man may not look like much, she realized, but he was an ambitious sort. Someone who knew how to get what he wanted no matter the cost.

Judging by the fact that the population of Tosh City was down to half and her father's and the late king's bodies were in unmarked graves, lives were just as easily dispensable to him if it meant achieving his goals. She wanted to spit into his face.

Instead, she smiled. "There's not much to know about me, Your Majesty. I've lived a pretty dull life."

"I don't believe that for a second. I know you have many interesting things about you, my lady. Please, do tell. How was your childhood?"

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now