29. Reginald

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The last time she woke up with a pounding in her head, she had been en route to the capital in a cage. So, it wasn't very surprising to know that this time when Mynera woke up with a pounding in her head, she woke up ready to fight.

Mynera jumped up, opening her eyes. This time was different however. There was nothing tying her hands and feet together and there was no cage above her. She was able to move freely, if it wasn't for this nasty pain in her head.

She looked around her. She was in a tent of some sort. A large one at that, looking fairly permanent judging by the bed she laid in, a dining table with chairs around it and a washbasin in the corner. Whoever lived here didn't intend on moving any time soon.

That was odd. The last thing she remembered was having her blood sucked from her by a vampire. And it wasn't any dream. Her memories were too vivid to be a dream, her pain too blatant.

Mynera's hand shot up to her neck. There was nothing there. No blood, no wound. Her skin was as clean and normal as ever. It was as if it never happened.

What was going on?

Slowly, she crawled out of the bed. Fortunately, she was still dressed in her cloak and riding clothes. Where the hell was she? And what happened? Mynera ducked under the flap of the tent and stopped in her tracks.

If one or two vampires were scary, then a whole horde of them was downright terrifying. Their trademark red eyes were all staring at her and under the pale light of a fire burning in the centre of the huge camp she had stepped out into, she could see the pale complexion of those closest to her. They all looked different. Different hair types and colours, different body types and heights. The eyes, though. Those eyes told her everything.

She ran.

She didn't get very far when she almost collided in another vampire. He stood very tall, at about 6'4 and he was staring down at her. She backed up, swallowing. She could see another equally large crowd spreading out from behind him.

Dear God, there was so many of them.

"I suggest you don't run," he said to her. He was dark-skinned, rugged, and undeniably handsome.

"Do you suggest I stay and become the main course?"

His eyes didn't waver. He just stood there staring at her. "No. But you will be if you continue to stay out here. They haven't had human blood in a whole century. And you have human blood."

"You don't say." Her words were nonchalant and sarcastic but his words had put another round of fear in her heart. She glanced behind him at them.

"Come with me," he commanded suddenly.

Mynera's eyes snapped up to him. "So you can have me all to yourself?"

"I won't hurt you."

"Like I would believe a blood sucking vermin like you."

"You don't have much of a choice. It's either you come with me or you stay out here and brave your way through ... them."

Mynera looked back at the crowd he pointed on. Darn.

"Touch me, and I swear I'll make sure you choke on my blood."

The stone faced giant before her merely turned around. "As if that's possible. Still, I accept your threat,"

He didn't sound very threatened by it but she wasn't much fazed. It was her defense mechanism. Fear? Threats.

He began walking and she hurried behind him. She kept herself close to his broad shoulders. The crowd's eyes were all on her.

They were hungry, she realized. Hungry for her.

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now