10. Wedding

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The unbearable weight of his stare rested on Mynera for the rest of the night. While she smiled, danced and laughed, however awkwardly, she could always feel his gaze burning through her clothes, filled with hostility. She didn't dare to look at him. Out of fear? She wasn't sure, but she didn't know what she would find when her eyes met his.

Hale did not appear again for the remainder of the ball. Though she had looked when she had the chance, she had not seen his blond hair towering overhead, nor the slim berth of his shoulders. He had simply disappeared. Or he was staying out of her line of sight. The second sounded more believable.

But, at long last, the tiring night passed and the morning had begun. The morning of her wedding. Streams of glittering sun rays rested on her face, and slowly brought Mynera from her sleep. She didn't want to open her eyes. If she did, she would be giving herself up to the day. She would be forced to start the day beginning with the preparations for the wedding. She didn't want any of it.

"M'lady!" Mynera jerked slightly when her handmaids rushed into the room. "M'lady, you overslept!"

Slowly, she opened her eyes and sat up. "I didn't oversleep," she said, her voice a bit croaky. "I merely did not want to get up."

"Oh, but m'lady it's your wedding today."

"Do you not think I know that? I've very much aware of what today is." With a soft sigh, she stood. The muscles in her legs burned slightly; all that dancing and standing taking its morning toll. Mynera's feet made light sounds as she padded over to the window and sat gracefully at the chair, concealing the hiss of pain with a sigh.


"Where is Charmaline?"


Her green eyes shifted to the window. From her vantage point, the ground was impossible to see. A thick layer of fog coated the base of the castle, but now and then she would see a head rush past, then another, then another. All probably running about setting up for the royal wedding. "Charmaline. Where is she?"

"She is receiving the bridal gown, m'lady. She will be here soon."

It seemed as if Mynera would be sighing all day today. Once again, a soft sigh escaped her lips. She continued watching the rushed commotion down below. Charmaline would be arriving shortly, to hand over a wedding gown to the very woman who was going to marry her love. Pity trembled within her.

And Mynera would be slipping into that same dress, praying over and over again that somehow this was all a dream and that soon she would wake up in her own bed in her own castle, with this whole wedding ordeal behind her. That pity within her grew. Akin to the weird annoyance and anger whenever she was near, Mynera couldn't deny that Charmaline was in a sad state. She had no choice in who she fell in love with than Mynera had in who she would marry. It was simply unfair, but there was nothing either of them could do.

A knock sounded at the door. The handmaids almost tripped over their skirts in their haste to get it. Mynera's back remained to it all, but she heard the low creak as the door was pushed open, and soft footfalls coming towards her.

"Lady Mynera." This voice was lovely. It was strong, and beautiful at the same time. Mynera turned slightly, out of curiousity, but when she saw who it is, she sprang to her feet and made a deep curtsy.

"Your Grace," she greeted. Her head remained bowed as she straightened. It was the king's wife, not the late Queen Margaret Naiger but the king's second wife of five years, Queen Madeline. Mynera had seen her during the ball last night, sitting prettily on the throne beside the king. Regal, back straight, hair styled beautifully, dressed like the queen she was. She had not gotten the chance to speak to her last night, or to even get close for that matter, but seeing her now, standing before her, she felt clumsy and foolish. Not at all like the lady who had walked down those steps last night on the arm of the prince.

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now