48. To End it All

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Last chapter guys! It's short and I hope you like it :)


It was her worst nightmare come to life.

The back of the man she had pined for for years, the man she had loved for so long, facing her. The rejection was like a stab. It left her bleeding, spilling everything out onto the floor to give him ample space to step all over it. She couldn't believe her ears. But the words echoed over and over.

He didn't love her any more. He didn't love her any more. He didn't love her anymore.

When the first tear came, she didn't notice it. It ran unheeded down her cheek, soaking into her clothes and opening a door for more to come. Soon, she was full on crying, watching the man she loved grow blurry as he made his way to the door.

She took off after him. She just had to make sure she heard right, she just had to make sure she hadn't imagined it and that this was all just a sick, horrible dream. Her steps were slow, small, but it picked up. Soon she was running. She wanted to wrench her man away from Lady Mynera. She gets everything! Riches, titles, and now the only thing Charmaline had for herself, she had that too.

Why can't she ever catch a break?

The door opened with a loud, ominous bang. Charmaline was upon them then, grabbing Saenar's hand, holding him back as she pulled herself before him. Her mouth opened, ready to ask through the tears if he was serious. If he really intend to leave her all alone.

She never got that far. Her mouth was still open, but no words came out. Instead, she gasped, then choked. Then fell, right into Saenar's arms. They enclosed around her, warming her as her body grew cold. She tried looking at him, but it was still too blurry. She couldn't see what he said, couldn't hear it. All she felt was pain, then a spreading numbness. It started where the arrow hit her back, stretching throughout her body, enveloping her. Soon, her eyes closed, and her final thought was that least she got the chance to feel his arms around her again.


Saenar saw nothing but red. It blurred his vision as he laid Charmaline's body on the ground, it consumed him as he drew his sword. Up ahead, the slimy King Gavin drew another arrow, trembling fingers and frantic looks, but Saenar wasn't afraid. He stalked forward, right in line of fire.

Clink! He blocked the first arrow. Kept on walking.

Clink! He blocked the second. His steps never faltered.

Clink! He was halfway there.

Clink! The arrow ricocheted, almost bounced back to slice King Gavin himself. Finally he was upon him. Saenar roared, shouting his pain, his loss, everything, as he bought his sword down.

King Gavin blocked it with his bow. "No, you can't do this to me. You can't!"

Saenar never heard his words. He struck, again and again, hitting the same spot over and over in blind rage, forcing King Gavin to the ground.

Mynera had followed behind him, leaving the others to stand by Charmaline's body. She didn't interfere. She stood by, giving him the support he knew he needed. It didn't matter that he didn't love Charmaline anymore. She didn't deserve such a death, and at the hands of such a man either. As much as Mynera wanted to kill him herself, she allowed Saenar his time. She watched as she made the same blow, repeating it again and again.

His back was turned, standing on the dais before the throne. Mynera's heart ached for him. He was hurting so much right now, she didn't know how he could survive such an ordeal. She vowed to be there for him, through every tear, every angry fit. He would need her now more than ever.

Hale moved. Normally, she wouldn't have noticed it since it was no spectacular feat if he did, but it was the way he moved. With a sudden jerkiness and the drawing of his sword. He was coming towards them, both hands on the hilt of his sword. But the look on his face! He was fuming, and his eyes were trained on Saenar's back.

Over and over, Saenar's sword came down. Closer and closer, Hale came.

"Hale, no!"

Everything happened in a blur. Mynera moved without thinking. She ran before Hale, gasped when his sword came down into her abdomen, running straight through her and nicking Saenar himself. At the very same time, King Gavin's bow broke away and Saenar's sword came down onto his head, splitting it open in two.

Then everything was still for a moment. Hale's horrified stare as he realized what he just did. Mynera coughing up blood. Saenar's anger draining away when he realized what just happened. Barron's quick curse.

And then Madeline screamed.

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now