38. Failed Seduction?

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Her slippered feet led to the very centre of Arcadia and down a lonely hallway. Here the path was dimly lit, growing darker and darker as they made their way down the sloping hallway and towards the stairs that greeted them at the very end. No one uttered a word, all enraptured in the prospect of seeing what laid ahead. The only sound that could be heard was the soft pit pat of footfalls and the heavy breathing that grew even louder as the walls began to close in on them. Mynera led the pack, a very excited Hale breathing down her neck. She didn't mind the closeness. She liked it, liked the waves of excitement she felt radiating off him.

Madeline was close by and Mynera could practically feel the bottled tension emanating off the blond queen. She knew she was enthusiastic and Mynera sent a quick glance over her shoulder, a smile tugging on her lips when she saw Madeline gripping Barron's sleeve in an attempt to control her eagerness. Barron didn't seem bothered by the grip on his sleeve however; she even spotted a soft smile grace his lips before falling away when they came to the end of the stairs.

Mynera walked forward, not looking back when she heard the others spill out behind her and the gasps of surprise and awe that rose up into the air. The armory was massive, spanning out so far that there were corners to take and doors that led off to other sections. The area they stepped out into had swords of different shapes and sizes all spanned out on the right wall, rapiers, broadswords, longswords and the works.

On the opposite wall held spears, of different lengths and grips, battle axes, iron claws, iron fists. More weapons than all the guests who set foot down here have ever seen in their entire lifetimes. They gathered near the entrance, lycans, Hale, Madeline, Barron, all looking around with their jaws dragging along the floor. Even Lute, who hid in the shadows, had interest and shock sparking his bright gold eyes. Mynera turned to them with a wide smile.

The priestesses mingled in among them. She had asked them to help her with the training, knowing that every single one of them had intense knowledge and skill with every weapon in this expansive armory. The only person she saw missing was Ceres, who had headed back to her office to finish up whatever High Priestess work she had to do. Mynera didn't miss her presence too much. She knew that, for now, they could handle this much. The hundreds of lycans continued poring in, the extremely large armory able to accommodate them all. Mynera waited patiently until the last of them entered.

"Welcome to our hidden armory," she said, once she knew everyone was present. "As you can see, there are more than enough weapons available for every one of you, so, by all means, help yourself." She raised her hands behind her, indicating that they go wild. And they didn't disappoint. As soon as she gave them the get-go, every single one of them started running, racing each other towards the weapons along the walls.

"This is incredible." Hale stepped up beside her. "Who knew something like this existed underneath Arcadia?"

"It runs as far as the building above." Mynera felt pride bloom in her chest at the awe in everyone's eyes. She clasped her hands in front of her, unable to keep the smile off her face. "You could get lost down here."

"I don't doubt it," Barron said beside her. His now washed brown hair was held up in a small ponytail and folded over. Mynera saw the wide grin on his face. "You priestesses never fail to surprise me."

"I'll take that as a compliment," she laughed. "What are you waiting for? Go check everything out before they're all gone."

Madeline looked like a child being offered candied apples. Her grin spread even wider at Mynera's prompt but she refrained from running forward. Instead, she smiled widely up into Barron's face, sneaking closer to him as she gazed up at him. Mynera laughed again at the child she saw before her, nothing like the dominant queen who had made it her mission to insult her whenever she could. Whatever it was Barron said or did to her, it made her a different person. Now, he just smiled at her. "Let's go then," he said, gesturing with his hand. Madeline let out a tiny squeal and ran forward, Barron walking close behind her.

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now