1.3. Betrothed

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Apparently it was still too long sooooo lmao, here is part three of chapter one. Enjoy!


They spoke no words on their way out. Mynera was glad for it. Annoyance trickled throughout her body. She had excused herself to her bedchambers with the hopes of climbing out the window, down the trellis that fanned itself out on the wall of the castle, and escaping into the forest. There was no hope of that now. Not when she was virtually shackle to her future husband to show him the blasted gardens.

She couldn't think of a more boring substitute. She loved the gardens, in truth. The gentle smell of flowers grown specifically in Typena, the brilliance of their colours and the arrangement stretched across the large expanse, the dots of vine-covered gazebos that provided a calming resting place. But, she'd already been looking forward to her trip to the forest and the rude Prince had to ruin it all, although it wasn't really his fault.

No matter though. She needed someone to blame.

Saenar stopped and turned to her guards.

"Leave us," he commanded.

Mynera looked at him evenly. "What are you doing?"

"Leave us, I said."

 Jagen didn't even look at the prince as he said, "Lord Daego tasked us with guarding m'lady until he has relieved us of our duties." His eyes were trained straight ahead, ever the focused one.

"Now your prince is commanding you to leave us be," Saenar demanded.

"For what reason should they leave us?" Mynera asked.

"I would rather walk with you alone. We can talk better."

"Lord Daego tasked us with guarding m'lady," Jagen said again, his eyes never touching the prince's face. "Until he has relieved us of our duties."

Mynera stared at the prince for a few moments, confusion drifting in to mingle with her irritation. Then, she sighed silently. "'Tis okay, Jagen," she said. "You may leave us. I'm sure no harm will befall me with Prince Saenar here."

Jagen shifted slightly, his eyes filling with uncertainty. "M'lady--"

"Don't worry Jagen. You know I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself either way."

"Now leave us." Saenar was growing impatient by the second. After another fleeting, worried look, Jagen and the Mutes took their leave.

 Mynera's curiosity grew. She was sure they had not gotten off to a good start in the dining hall and she was almost certain that he felt the same for her as she did for him: an intense dislike. So what was there to talk about? Titles? Gossip? Their betrothal? 

The latter sounded likely and it sent a chill down her spine. She did not want to talk about that.

It seemed Saenar was not ready to begin the talking. As soon as her guards left, he turned his back to her and strode off. His feet made soft, clicking sounds on the polished stone floor, his back broad and proud. There were only a few things in this world that annoyed Mynera. It looked as if Prince Saenar of the Five Nations was about to head that list.

If he intended to ignore her, then fine. Two could play that game, and if it was one thing Mynera knew she was good at, it was winning. While she walked just slightly behind him, she said nothing to him, not even to give directions on how to get to the gardens. 

Saenar just kept on walking and Mynera did the same, only speaking on the few occasions a servant happened by and they exchanged pleasantries. Other than that, the two made their way to their destination in such icy silence the air around them seemed to grow more frigid with each step they took.

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now