35. Arcadia

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The air was a light butterfly fluttering on her skin. Mynera didn't move, out of fear that the dragonfly that was currently resting on her knee would fly away. Even with the pestering ant crawling on the back of her neck, she remained still, captured by the beautiful colours reflecting off the dragonfly's wings. The morning was a beautiful one and she had come out to enjoy it, sitting on the fresh, green grass that rose high and looking out into the sea far away, before this dragonfly had come to pay her a visit. She hadn't moved an inch since.

The top of Mali Mountain was always the best place to be. With Arcadia sitting wide and massive behind her, she would always come to sit right here, right where the grass was the greenest and she had the perfect view of the sea. Mynera never thought she would be able to see this sight again but here she was, feet dug into dew of the grass and peace and serenity waving about her. Life had a funny way of turning itself around.

When the dragonfly finally flitted away, she took that as her cue to leave. She had been summoned to the High Priestess' chambers a while ago, and Mynera was sure she would not take kindly to her being late. But on her way there, Mynera just couldn't pass up the opportunity to sit and rest, and by the time one thing led to another, the afternoon sun was beginning to blaze. She got to her feet, brushing any stray grass or leaves from her blue dress and turned towards the massive building behind her. Arcadia was massive, almost rivaling the King's Castle. She padded over to it, her feet bare, sinking into the soft ground and feeling the cool blades of grass tickle her toes.

Inside, Mynera greeted a few of her fellow priestesses as she passed by. They all greeted her back with a smile. Some had been scared and angry when she had first arrived arrived bringing hundreds of supernaturals in tow but soon that anger passed. They preached forgiveness amongst themselves so Mynera knew that it wouldn't take them very much to get over it. She just hoped that they wouldn't one day live to regret their kindness to her.

She headed down the large open corridor. Arcadia was always open and free, trees and flowers running wild so that a natural allure was an associated decor. Mynera loved it with all her heart, and briefly thought of how her mother had loved it too. Her hands sought her necklace around her neck and she held on to it, smiling to herself.

The walk to the High Priestess' chambers didn't take very long. Mynera stood outside the massive door and knocked, waiting for the permission to come in. When it came, she pushed it open and went inside.

The High Priestess stood by the window, her head buried in a massive book. She held the book with one hand, with ease despite its large size, and her next hand had a finger running along the lines as she squinted to see the tiny scribbles. Upon Mynera's entrance she turned around with an annoyed frown.

"Well, you certainly took your time," she said, putting the book down on her desk.

Mynera smiled ruefully and came farther into the room. "Terribly sorry," she apologized half-heartedly. "I got ... caught up with something."

"That's always been your excuse, hasn't it?" The High Priestess walked forward and sat behind her desk, pushing papers and books aside. Her name was Ceres and she has been the High Priestess since the day Mynera first arrived. Even so, Ceres only had a few sips of grey lined in her hair, which was brought back into a tight bun that exposed her handsome face. She looked up at Mynera with startling green eyes and she looked back at her with her own.

"So," Mynera said, breaking the small silence. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I did. Hence the reason you're here." Ceres' lips twitched and she leaned forward. "I know it's been three months since you arrived here and, trust me, I love the company. I've never seen the place as lively as it is now. But ... do you have a plan?"

The Beauty in Pain | Book One of In Pain Trilogy *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now