Chapter 5

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They were the members of CNCO my favorite band. "Jae my boy glad you could make it." All they guys were sitting down in chairs and some were in the pool. Some of them were with their girlfriends which they were all gorgeous. "So this is the famous Ariel!" Chris greeted me and gave me a hug. Omg I felt like I was dreaming. "Thats me! Call me Ari."

"Ari it is then finally nice to meet you." Zabdiel with his charming smile shook my hand. "This is Lizzy my girlfriend." She was so pretty and gave me a hug. "Oh my hey finally another girl who we can talk too."

"Yes! Finally!" Another girl I can hang out with!" A girl who came out very happy and loud gave me a hug. "Hey im Kemberly, call me Kem nice to meet you. Im Richards bae."

I laughed at how funny she was. "Nice to meet you too call me Ari."
She smiled at me and gave me a lot of hugs. "Im Richard sorry I can't give you a hug, I don't want to burn the food." We laughed and Kemberly was still hugging me. "Kem youre going to kill her! Hey im Lili! Nice to meet you."
She was a really cute girl and she walked to Chris pecking his lips.

I knew Joel and Erick didn't have girlfriends. Thats when it hit me Erick. I searched for him and met with those beautiful green eyes he had. Joel and him were in the pool and got out walking towards me.

"Hey im Joel." He didn't hug me because he was wet so he just shook my hand. Then Erick came from behind Joel and hugged me making my shirt wet. "Hey im Erick and its nice to finally meet you!"
I laughed at how he was full of energy and so funny. "Okay guys I think y'all are going to scare her away." Lizzy told them and I honestly didn't want Erick to stop hugging me.

"Come and eat the food is ready." Richard who was the one cooking
Started serving everyone burgers.
"So Ariel hows Jae treating you?" Richard asked me as I took a seat next to Lili and Erick sat next to me which made me very happy. "Pretty good, he is a nice boy."

I looked at Jaime and he laughed. I didn't know what else to say because we didn't talk much. "Well Jae like shes your fake girlfriend I might take the chance and make her my real girlfriend." When Erick said this almost all us chocked on our food. I could feel the heat in my cheeks and looked at him giving me a big smirk.

"Erick chill she don't want you." Zabdiel laughed punching his arm. Only if he knew he was my ultimate crush. "Sit down cubanito that she's my responsibility right now." 
We all laughed at Jaime but it gave me a weird feeling.

"Ariel you should totally come with us to our girls night out." Lizzy who was across from me gave me a warm smile. "I would love too just tell me when."

She was so pretty no wonder why Zabdiel picked her. "We are going out Thursday." I didn't have any plans for that day so I accepted her invitation. "We should get in the pool when we finish." A very excited Kemberly smiled.

"We didn't bring swim suits and probably leaving early." What no I was having so much fun here with them. "Aww can't we stay a little more?" I looked at Jaime giving him the puppy eyes. "No I have some stuff to do." I rolled my eyes and finished eating.

After we all were done I exchanged numbers with the guys and the girls. I just couldn't believe I had their numbers, I was trying so hard not to fangirl. We waved goodbye and headed to the car. This was probably one of the best days of my life. "Bye Ariel! Text me!" Erick who was by the door waved at me. "Okay! I will!" I yelled back at him.

Jaime opened the door for me and we took off. "Don't get to cormfatable with them especially Erick." I was confused as to what he was talking about. "What do you mean they are very nice."

"They are but what I'm trying to tell you is that he isn't yours."

"Im not trying to get with him who do you think I am."

He was hurting my feelings, did he really think I was some sort of thot who wanted to get with his friends. I may have a crush on Erick but that doesn't mean I'm going to get with him. "All I'm trying to do is help you out by not getting your hopes up, he's way out of your league."

Omg did he really say that to me who hasn't done anything but try to help him with his little stupid situation he is in. "You know what Jaime I have tried to be your friend and understand you but you aren't helping! I know you don't like me but its okay cause I'm officially giving up on this and letting you solve your stupid problem."

"Thats fine with me another thing I don't have to worry about!"

We stayed silent the rest of the ride until we got to his apartment. I got out and took the elevator by myself and opened the door with my key. I went to my room and locked the door. I could feel tears coming down my cheeks so I cuddled in my bed and plugged my headphones in listening to music. Why did he have to ruin my day. Soon I drifted off to sleep.

Hey again I really like this chapter😁 hope you girls like it too😍 chapter 6&7 up tomorrow😄 go watch my #CNCOchallenge and tag CNCO❤️ thank you! Remember to vote💘

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