Chapter 14

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I woke up feeling arms around me. I opened my eyes and let my eyes adjust to the light and those arms belonged to Jaime. We were entangled together, his arms around my waist and my leg around his body. I tried moving away but he pulled me closer. "No.. Stay."

He opened his eyes, his brown eyes were so beautiful, he was beautiful even if I hated to admit it. "Im sorry, I didn't mean to put my leg over you." He didn't say anything but pulled me even closer and he put his leg over me. "Jaime!"

"Stop you are ruining the moment."

"There is no moment." I rolled my eyes and he smiled making his dimples show. My first instinct was to poke them. "What are you doing?"

"Umm playing with your dimples."
He slappes my hand away and I giggled. "Weirdo."

"Yes but can you let go of me please." He didn't answer so I huffed and started playing with my hands. I looked up to see Jaime looking at me. "What?"

"Nothing." Someone knocked on the door. "Ari are you up yet?" It was Deisy and I tried getting back up but once again he didn't let me. "Yes! Hold up I'll be out there in a minute." She said okay and Jaime closed his eyes again. "Jaime stop playing!"

If we wanted to play than thats exactly what I was going go do. What a best way to get him to let me go than pinching him. "Ow! Ariel what was that for!" I got up and quickly ran to my bathroom and locked it. I couldn't help but laugh. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair.

"Are you done?"

"Yes! I am." I unlocked the door and went to the kitchen were Deisy was with Erick. "Morning guys."

"Morning Ari." Deisy gave me my medicine and we sat on the table. "I don't about y'all but I don't feel like cooking."

"Ari do you feel better?" Erick asked me and I nodded. "Lets got to McDonalds then." We all agreed and got ready. I put on some leggings and a long shirt with my sandels. We went down and decided to go on Ericks car. My phone started ringing and it was Lili so I picked it up.

*Phone Convo*
L:Hey doll, I heard you got sick, how you feeling.
A:Hey Lilo, im feeling much better.
L:Im glad you are, you should come over to the boys house, we are having another little cook out.
A:Oh thank you, I'll let you know if we go.
L:Okay doll, bye.

I hung up as we arrived to McDonalds. "They guys are having another cookout Erick."

"I believe they are, Potato called me this morning and I was going to tell y'all but I forgot." We ordered our food and sat in a booth. "Hmm what a nice morning." I bit into my bagel when I saw another photographer come in. "Oops you spoke to soon." Jaime laughed and I huffed.

"Shit man we can never go anywhere with out being followed."
Erick rolled his eyes and Deisy giggled. "Aw that sucks."

After 30 minutes we left and headed to the apartment. "So Ari are you going to the cook out?"

"I don't know if I should." I still felt exhausted and wanted to sleep. We got to my apartment and headed up. "Why don't you take Deisy with you?"

"Oh yeah Deisy want to come?" She smiled and I winked at her. "Omg and meet all the CNCO guys! Of course I want to come! Wait you aren't coming?"

"No I still feel very tired and sleepy."

"Aww ok let me go get ready."
I nodded and went to my room. Jaime came in and sat on my bed. "Hey do still feel bad?"

"Just a little bit." Dei and Erick came by and said bye. Jaime stayed and being honest I wanted him to leave. "So are you just going to stay here all day?"

"Yes probably, Im tired."

"Aw come one lets do something." He got up and opened the mirror door to the balcony. "Wow this looks amazing." I smiled at his compliment because I also liked the way the balcony had turned out from the extra things I had left.
"Lets go shopping!"

I thought about it and I really did need new clothes. "Fine then let me get ready." He went out and I changed into some mint jeans with a black top and black flats adding a mint necklace and black earrings. I put some mascara and lipstick on and left my hair down. "Jaime Im done lets go."

We got in the car and left to the mall. He turned the radio on and his song came on. "Omg thats your song!" I turned the volume up and he laughed. We got to the mall and went into Dillards first. "Are you going to buy anything?"

"No just making you company." I started looking for some clothes but didn't find any that I liked. We started walking towards Aeropostal when I saw a familiar face. He was walking with another girl. "Oh my god noo.." I grabbed Jaime and pulled him into a store, thank goodness he didn't see me. "Whats wrong Ariel?"

It was HIM!

This Chapter was a little short but I promise Ch.15 will be longer... Who wants a Jae P.O.V chapter? But anyways i hope yall like this chapter and remember to vote!!)

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