Chapter 13

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I woke up feeling a body next to me. "Good morning sleepy head! I turned around and Selena was in my bed. "Lena when did you get here?"

"Few minutes ago, Erick called me and I came as fast as I could."

"But I thought you had left to Uni now?" Deisy came in with the medicine and more water. "Not until Monday."

It was Saturday and I already wanted to get the 1 year over with. "Here you go Ari, take it and come eat or you want me to bring you the food here?" I wanted to take a shower and change, to feel more fresh. "Its fine, I will go eat to the table after I take a shower."

"Okay we will wait for you." Deisy went out an Selena closed the door. "How you been?"

"Ugh good and bad, let me take a shower and I will tell you." I took some underwear and closed my bathroom door turning on the shower. I got in letting the water pour down my body. It felt so relaxing, I cleaned my hair and body feeling more refreshed. I got out changing into my undies and putting a towel around my body going to my room to change.

"Bout time!" I threw a pillow at Selena and changed it my pajamas and a long shirt, slipping into my bunny slippers. "You still have to tell me."  I told her what happened this morning and she literally was about to snap. "That little .. I will have a talk with him later."

I brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail."Im so hungry, did you eat already?"

"No I was waiting for you." The headache had gone down to a minimum and we went to the kitchen. The person I least expected to see was Jaime but he was still here. "Why hasn't he left?"

"Hmm he didn't want to so we just gave up and let him stay." I sat on the table and Deisy served me a plate. "I made chicken soup for your throat."

"Thank you so much Dei!" She hugged me and the soup was so good I asked for a second plate. I didn't realize how late it was until I checked my phone which by the way was blowing up with notification from all my social media. I saw some comments saying "I hope you feel better." , "Get well soon!.", "Lots of love." I also saw Jaime had posted a picture of me sleeping.

I responded back to some of the comments and logged out of all my social media. "Can we watch a movie?" It was 9:02 so a movie was pretty right for the moment. "Of course, you are the baby right now." I lightly punnched Lena on the shoulder and we cuddled in the couch.

"I feel so loved right now.". They all laughed and Deisy joined us in the couch as Jaime took the other one by himself. "Lets watch Freedom Writers! I love that movie." They put the movie on and we started watching it. "Im back!" Erick came in with a teddy bear. "Look who is finally up! I bought you this little teddy bear."

"Aww Erick you didn't have too." He smiled a kissed my cheek. "I know but I wanted too."

"I have to go, I still have somethings to pack up.. Bye baby sleep good and hope you get better, I'll call you later." Selena hugged me and left. Erick took the chance and took Lenas spot and cuddled with me. "Hmm your hair smells good."

"Omg stop! You're so weird."

"What I mean it does."

We spent the whole night watching the movie until it finished around 11. "Okay lets go to sleep." Erick stood up and headed to my room. "Wait! No! Erick sleep with Deisy."

"But I want to sleep with Ari." He turned around to look at Jaime then at me. "I can't sleep with her because I barely know her, you have gotten closer to them more than me."

"Or what if you guys sleep together while me and Dei share rooms." They looked at me and I smirked at them. "I refuse to share a room with him, sorry bro but you know how it is."

"Fine! Lets rock, paper, sciss this."
Me and Deisy giggled at how silly that was. "Omg guys stop! What are y'all? 5?" I laughed at them and they just rolled their eyes at me. "Ari come on give me a hand."

"I don't think Deisy wants either of y'all in her room so one takes the couch and the other on the floor."
They both gasped at me and crossed their arms. "Fine then.. Can I stay with you Dei?"

She blushed and nodded. Ohh looks like Deisy had a little crush on somebody. This was going to be interesting. "Dei you don't have to if you don't want to!" I assured her and she smiled at me. "No that's fine, I trust Erick."

Me and Jaime went to my room and I really didn't want him to sleep with me. "You know I really don't want you with me."

"I know but we have to talk." I got in my bed and so did he. "Im sorry for what I did, it wasn't me, the call I got this morning made me feel mad."

"You didn't have to lash out on me."

"I know, its just that whenever this person calls me I always get in a bad mood, I'm sorry."

I was getting so sleepy so I tuned him out for a while. "Yes Jae whatever just let me rest please, good night."

"Good night Ari." I put my teddy bear between us and turned the other way. I hope tomorrow I felt better. Somehow I started thinking of HIM and I didn't want to but I couldn't help it.

I started to feel myself get weak, Jaime next to me didn't help because as of right now he was one of the person that either made my day good or bad. Today was probably one of the worst days, I usually never get sick so this was unusual.

Everytime I think of HIM my heart hurts because he broke it and its been so hard to make it heal. HE left so many emotional scars on me that I don't how to make myself feel better and get over this. Too much thinking made me fall asleep but HE was also my nightmare that never left me alone.

When would the day I get to be happy arrive? Who would that person be? I felt a tear drop and wiped it away. I turned around and hugged my teddy bear which always helped me.

Jaime was asleep and soon I fell asleep too. The night was short and tomorrow would be another day in which HIS face still hunts me. I couldn't let go as 😭much as I tried.

Hi! I know this chapter is like super late but I got busy helping my dad putting the tiles for our kitchen but anyways I hope y'all like this chapter and vote... Also share it with your friends So who do y'all ship Ariel with? Jaime or Erick? And who do you think HIM is?😏 big surprises coming soon!😁 oh and btw did any of y'all get my message🙄? Chapter 14 up tomorrow! Good night)

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