Chapter 27

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It was Anahi, Shawns sister. "Anahi?" I wasn't sure if I should run to her and hug her or stay here. It took me by surprise when she ran to me and gave me a hug. "Ariel! Omg its actually you."

She was crying and I pulled her away to dry her tears. "Anahi whats wrong?"

"You don't know how much I've missed you! Ever since you left Shawn I have been living miserable and scared!"

"Anahi you know why I left him, he was hurting me! We have to get out of here!"

"I-I don't know how to, he doesn't let me go out, practically has me trapped in here." You could see the fear in her eyes. She is such a great girl, she doesn't deserve this. "Do you have a phone or anything we could communicate with?"

"No.. Ever since..the accident.. I've been stuck in here with out any communication."

"Come on Anahi we have to get out of here! We have to find a way out of here." I grabbed her arm and got her out of the room. "Anahi try looking for a window or a door." We both went different ways, I looked in what seemed a small kitchen, I only found the things that made me leave him. Everywhere I looked there was weed, cocaine bags, and no windows.

I went into a room which I think was Shawn's. I was looking around when I saw a picture of me and him we had taken when we still dated. We looked so happy, he looked so happy, I was happy. I also found a journal and what seemed to be some sort of diary. "Ariel I found a window!" I looked at her and took the journal with me.

"Okay we have to get out of here." She took me to a small room where there was a high window. "Ariel!" It was Shawn. "Baby where are you.. You are going to get punished darling." I felt fear, We had to hurry up. "Come on Anahi!" I helped her up and then she helped me. "Everybody get out and look for Ariel! DAMN WHAT THE FUCK MY BITCH ASS SISTER IS GONE TOO! GO GO GO! LOOK FOR THEM."

We started to run as fast as we could. I could here their voices close. "Ariel we have to hide!" We were all the way on the other side of the city and didn't know where to go. Then I remembered! "Okay follow me! We have to get away from them."

I started to head to a small lake where I once went with Shawn. When we got there I saw the big tree that meant so much to me. "Anahi we have to climb the tree."
She nodded and we helped each other up. "Okay lets stay here for a while until we lose them."

For about 5 minutes they came close to where we were at but they left. I never felt so much fear in my life, I never wanted to see Jaime so much until now. "Anahi.. W-we have to find a phone."

She pulled out something from her pocket.. It was a phone! "Anahi omg where did you get this."

"I found it in one of the rooms when I was looking for a window." I was so happy and wanted to hug her but if I did I would probably fall off the tree. "Okay let me see.. Ima call Jaime so he can come pick us up."

"Who is Jaime?"

"I promise to tell you later." I got off the tree, helped Anahi get off and dialed Jaime's number. It rang until he finally answered.

*Phone Convo*
J:Hello, who is this?
A:Jaime! Baby its me Ariel.
J:Ariel where are you.
A:Im at the other side of the city at lake Greenville.
J:Okay I am on my way! Stay there.
A:Please hurry Jaime! Im scared.

I hung up and gave Anahi a hug. Then I looked at the tree where we were at. It still had the A+S carved into it. "Your brother brought me on our 5 month anniversary.. We were still so young.. So in.. Love. I don't know when everything started to change, when I lost him."

"Ariel don't feel this way.. The world is so unpredictable. Shawn made bad decisions and it wasn't your fault. It was my parents fault." She hugged me and I let my tears escape. About 10 minutes passed when I saw Jaime's car pulling up. I waved at him and got out the passenger seat. I ran to him and hugged him so tight.

"Jaime!" The only thing I could do was cry. "Don't let me go, please don't let me go."

"I will never do that Ariel. I will always be with you." Just when I thought everything was over, my happiness only lasted for a little bit.

"Well well well who do we have here. Is this your lover boy, I knew I would find you here.. Hmm the place where I made you happy.. Something he won't do."

Jaime put me behind him and I hugged him. "I will make her more happy than you dumb shit ever did."

"Shut the fuck up! Actually this tree has our initial carved in. We were so in love. She will never love you like she loves me."

"Thats it you piece of shit." He started to walk towards him ready to hit. "Jaime! No stop! He is dangerous!"

Jaime was so mad that he wasn't listening to me. He punched Shawn in the face and soon his bodyguard tried to get him off. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Then something unexpected happened. Shawn took out a gun and shot Jaime.

"JAIME!!!! NOOO!" His body fell to the floor and the body guard shot Shawn. He didn't kill him but wounded him. "Jaime baby please don't leave me.. You promised me Jaime!" At this point I was in tears. Jaime was uncunsioys on the ground. Soon the police and ambulance arrived and took Jaime in.
"Are you going to ride with him." I nodded and got in.

"Baby you can make it.. Please stay with me.. We are almost there. I was crying so hard. Why Jaime! Another person got hurt because of my fault. I put him in danger.

Hi everyone! Im sorry I haven't updated.. I have been super busy switching school and stuff that I haven't had a chance to update! Anyways remember to vote and comment❤️ Also I have the update schedule! I will be updating Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Contest winner:
Girls I want to say thank you to all of you that participated on the cover contest. All of them were really good and it was so hard to decide which one but I decided on
Lets give "Anahi" a heart warming welcome to the cast of Hired Girlfriend!❤️👏🏼
(Don't worry more contest coming soon.)

QOTD: What was your reaction when Jaime found out?

I actually screamed lol😭 while typing it😂😭

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