Chapter 35

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I had woken up to strong hands holding me, I turned around to Jaime smiling at me. "Good morning beautiful." He pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead. "How you sleep beautiful?"

"It was a long nap... it still hurts from what happened last night... Jaime am I mot good enough?"

"Never say that again because you are the best I ever got and if I loose you again I don't know if I would make it without you."

"I really can't believe that Yoandri, the person I thought I loved actually cheated on me." I sat up and he pulled me towards his chest. "You know that stupid bastard fucked up but im glad he did because that means you are mine all over again." When he said that I felt the heat go up to my cheeks and smiled at him.

"What happened to Becky?" I felt him tense up a little bit before he relaxed again. "I thought I loved her but really it was just my mind trying to get over you... it was like my mind and heart were having a battle and my heart won." I felt bad like I have taken someone else happiness away.

I got up and and went to wash my teeth. Today was going to be a long day and i had go do everything possible to keep my head up strong. I changed into some leggings and a sweater now that is was getting chilly outside.

Jaime was still in my bed playing some game on his phone. "Hey umm do you want to eat?"

"No Im good." I smiled and walked out of the room and saw Deisy on the couch grinning at me. "Heyyy! So um how was last night?"

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her. "You told him!" She laughed and came to hug me. "Im sorry... Im actually glad because now you and him will be together again." I hugged her back and smiled. "I love you Deisy... thank you."

Maybe she was right and this would be something positive. I never actually stopped loving Jaime and even thought it hurts my heart knowing Yoandri cheated on me I was glad that I have Jaime back. Talking about him, he came in to the living room and got on top of me where I was sitting at. "Jaime! Get off!" He started tickling me and I immediately started yelling. "Deisy! Help me!" I could see her laughing at me and Jaime smirking.

We heard a knock on the door and thats how he stopped. "I got it." He got up and went to open the door. Immediately I saw Jaime tumble back and Yoandri came in. "What the fuck are you doing here!" He grabbed him by the neck but then Jaime punched his cheek making Yoandri fall back. "Never in your fucking life will you touch me again you piece of shit!" I ran towards them and got in front of Jaime so he couldn't do anything else.

"What are you doing here Yoandri?"

"I came to talk to you and explain what happened but looks like we don't have anything to talk about."

"Im glad we can both agree, here I packed all your things and I will send Deisy to pick mines today."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. "Ariel please let me explain."

"I thought we didn't have anything to talk about?" I pulled my arm and I felt Jaime's hand wrap around my waist. "Please just go Yoandri."

He looked at Jaime, grabbed the bag and left. I turned around and wrapped my hands around Jaime's neck. "Are you okay?"

"Yes baby, I am." His choice of words made me smile. "Let me get you a bag of ice to make it less swollen. I walked into the kitchen and put some ice into a bag and handed it to him. "Deisy where is Anahi?"

"She had to go and run some early errands but she will be back soon."

It was still early morning so we stayed all day watching movies and enjoying each others company. Soon it was time to get ready because I had a afternoon class I had to attend. "I will be back later okay." Jaime smiled and pecked my lips. "Have fun babe, I will see you later."

I left the apartment and drove to my college class. I was quite happy until I saw someone I thought I would never see again. Shawn.

He was driving a very expensive car and I saw a beautiful girl in the passengers seat. At fist I felt scared but then I relaxed. This time I actually felt safe. He looked happy with this new girl and I really wished the best for him.

I kept driving until I got to my destination. I was actually pumped to get this class and ready to learn. I went in and took my seat and started taking notes.

*2 Hours later*
The class was so exciting and I was really hungry. I took my phone out and dialed Jaime's number. "Hey babe!" When I heard that my cheeks immediately heated up. "Hey... im out.. want to go out to eat?"

"Yes! Where babe?"

"What about we go to Cici's pizza?"

"Sounds great babe, I will meet you over there."

"Ask the girls of they want to come."

"Okay babe!"

I hung up and made my way to Cici's. Today was a good day and I really was taking the whole cheating thing better than I expected.

Hey girls! Omg im soo sooo sooo sorry i havent updated! Literally im so busy even in the weekends... i always have something to do and it leaves me like no time to update ... anyways this is a short chapter and I will try to update again later on.. I will be making another contest soon for a little surprise i will be letting yall know soon!

QOTD: Who else felt anger when Yoandri hit Jaime? Cause I did 😂

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