Chapter 28

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When we got to the hospital and I tried to make him calm down. "Im sorry ma'am you can't go in." I didn't want to let go of his hand. "Everything will be okay baby! I will see you later okay."

They took him in and I cried at the thought of loosing him. Soon everyone arrived, Richard, Joel, Zabdiel, Christopher, Kemberly, Deisy, Lizzy, and Lilli. They all sat around me and told me soothing word. "Hey.. Everything is gonna be okay... Im sure it is." Deisy gave me a hug and Richard handed me a coffee.

A few hours later the doctor came out. "Family of Mr.Cruz?" I got up and walked towards her. "Yes thats me.. Tell how is he."

"He is fine, we took out the bullet and saved him on time, he is resting right now."

"Omg thank goodness.. Can I see him."

"Of course, follow me." I walked behind her and she opened the door for me and I walked in. My heart shattered as I saw him there sleeping. The tears immediately went my cheeks and I grabbed his hand. "Ja-Jaime.. Im so sorry.. All of this is my fault... I have caused you so many problems... Im so so sorry baby."

I looked at him and slowly his eyes started to open. "A-Ariel?"

"Jaime omg! Its me!"

"What ha-happened?"

"He shot you and we brought you here, how are you feeling."

"I feel exhausted and sleepy."

"Go back to sleep Jaime.. I will stay here with you."

"Can I tell you something?"

"Yes of course you can." He grabbed my hand and gave me a smile showing those dimples that madd him so adorable. "The only thing that kept me going through the surgery was you."

I blushed and kissed his cheek. "Jaime you are the sweetest but I really want you to rest."

"You called me Baby." I gave him a confused look and he laughed. "You called me baby in the ambulance and before I went to surgery."

"I did?"

"Yes and I loved it... Keep calling me baby." I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. "You are so silly."
He laughed and I grabbed a chair next to him. Soon his eyes started to close and he fell asleep. I didn't want to ruin his moment but what was coming ahead would hit him hard. I left him sleep and let the rest go and stay with him.

"Ariel.. Honey go to sleep, you have been here for a while now."

"I don't want to leave him Kem."

"I know you don't but you have to rest and change." I nodded at her and she hugged me. "Oh they called us from the police department and told us that Shawn is locked up now." That made me feel a lot better, I didn't have to worry about him anymore.

"Thanks Kem, tell Jaime I will be back soon." She nodded and I called a cab. All the way there I could only think about how Jaime would react to my decision. I got to my apartment and went straight to the shower and let the water run down my body.

I wanted to somehow get rid of the feeling that Shawn touched me. I felt so disgusted at the thought of it. I cried, I scrubbed off every inch of my body.

Shawn why? What happened to the Shawn I met, the sweet guy that I fell in love. What did I do to deserve this. Jaime! I didn't want to hurt you more but me being with hurts you the most and I don't want to put you more in danger.

I got out and dressed into some leggings. I called Brenda and let her know what was happening, she immediately got a ticket and got in the first plane.

Everything seemed to fail for me. I only wanted a life where I could be happy. I was starting to feel something stronger towards Jaime, I was falling in..... Love.

I didn't want to let myself because I would only end up hurt and disappointment. I made myself some cereal and logged into Instagram. The amount of notifications was huge! I saw some photos of me and Jaime together, edits, stories, new, and other things. The  support from the Cruzers was so admirable. The news of Jaime being shot was the talk of the day and so many "I hope he is okay" messages were sent to me.

I brushed my hair and grabbed my car keys. It has been such a long time that I didn't use my car. I arrived to the hospital and saw that Erick was there too. "Hey! How are you feeling?" He gave me a hug and held my hands. "Im still tired from all of this."

"Im so sorry that you had to go through all this,  I wish I could've been there to help you."

"Im fine Erick.. Thats what matters."

"I know but you don't deserve any of this." I smiled at him and made sure not to hurt him. "Is Jaime awake?"

"He is, actually he is waiting for you."

I went in to see those eyes that made me want to melt. "Hey how are you doing?"

"Im feeling better, where were you at?"

"I went to take a shower and eat, I also called your mom, she told me she was on her way along with your dad and Amaia."

"You shouldn't have, I don't want them to worry."

"They were going to find out either way." He laughed and I joined him, his laughter was so beautiful it was like music to my ears. "Can I tell you a joke?"

"Hmm yes sure go for it."

"Why did the gum cross the street?"

"Hmm cause it was sticky?"

"Nope! Because it was stuck to the chicken!" I laughed at his terrible terrible joke. "Jaime that was the worst joke ever."

"I know but I like seeing you laugh." I blushed and smiled. Everything was going great until someone came and knocked on the door. "Come in."

When I saw who it was I immediately regretted it. "Omg baby! How are you.. Baby I missed you so much." It was Mia she was all over him. "Mia stop you are gonna hurt him."

"Shut up! This is my baby."

"Mia stop you are hurting me! Get off."

"Im so sorry baby... I just can't believe you got shot."

"Mia please stop hurting him.. Im just trying to help."

"Ugh why are you here anyway... All of this is your fault anyway." Her words hit me hard, I put my head down because it was true. "Mia get out! NOW!"

"But Baby! I want to be here with you!"

"GET OUT!" She huffed but got up and left. "Ariel? Are you okay?"

"She is right, all of this is my fault."

"No its not.. I wanted to keep you safe and I failed."

"But I put you in danger just like I put Erick and Deisy in danger too. "Come here." I went over to where he was at and he pulled me towards him. "Don't say that, things happen that we don't have control over them."

A tear fell down my cheek and he wiped it away. "Never think it was your fault cause it wasn't Ariel, it was Shawn who started all of this."

I didn't know what to say so I hugged him making sure not to hurt him.

For all I know.. This could our last hug.

Hi I am back! I told you girls I would update! Well let me tell you that being the new kid in high school is so hard but I've made it through the first week! But here is chapter 28.. This was actually such an emotional chapter! I will try to update ch.29 today also and ch.30 tomorrow! When do y'all go back to school? I hope you all like this chapter and remember to vote and comment!

QOTD: Do you think Ariel will get to LOVE Jaime?

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