Chapter 7

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*Phone convo*
J:Ariel why the fuck did you leave!
A:I told you I was quitting to let you solve your problem remember.
J:I thought you were kidding!
A:Well I wasn't bye Jaime.
J:Oh no get ready I'm picking you up in 30 minutes.
A:Im not going anywhere with you so leave me alone!

I hung up and turned the tv on and just to make it worse I saw a picture of me and Jaime coming out of his apartment. "And here we have Jaime Cruz with a mysterious girl! Is it possible that this charming boy has a new lady?"

I turned the tv off and soon my mom arrived with Deisy. "Hey mija how are you?"

"Hola ma I'm good." I hugged my mom and offered her a water. "Thanks mija for letting her stay with you, I have to go cause I left los frijoles en la lumbre! Adios!"

I laughed at my mom as she gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. "Hey Deisy nice to see you again."

"Hey thank you so much for letting me stay, it will just be until I get settled."

"Don't worry stay here as long as you want, so why you move back here." We sat down in the kitchen chairs and talked. "Well college and I also wanted to come back here to make my life here."

"Thats great let me show you to your room." I took her to my guest room and let her get settled. "Thank you."

My stomach growled and I remembered that I hadn't ate nothing since the morning. I made myself some quesadillas when my door knocked. I got up and looked through the little whole in the door it was Jaime. He knocked and I went back to my food. I was not going to open that door.

"Ariel open up we need to talk! Open please!" Deisy came out of her room and I told her not to panic. "Ariel if you don't open the door I'm going to knock it down!"

I opened the door and he came in. "Whats your damn problem I told you to be ready!"

"No whats your damn problem coming to my apartment for something that I don't want to be part of anymore so leave me alone and get out that I have a guest."

He looked at Deisy and grabbed my arm taking me outside. "Ow stop you are hurting me!"

"Ariel I cant let you quit because it will be a bigger problem now that the media know about us! Im sorry okay!"

"No I'm not going to go back to a place where the person there cannot appreciate what other people are trying to do to help him!" I was getting really mad when it started to thunder and I jumped getting closer to the door.

"I already said that I'm sorry! Why cant you accept my apology?"

A big thunder stroke the sky making me jump and close my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Leave me alone!" I got in but he didn't let me close the door. "Ariel stop being so stubborn and tell me whats wrong."

"I don't like thunderstorms! Happy now leave me alone and get out my apartment!"

"Hey Ariel!" I looked over to the door and it was Erick. "Erick what are you doing here?"

"Yes Erick what are you doing here?" Jaime crossed his arms and looked between us. A big thunder stroke the sky and I ran to Erick hugging him. "I came to make you company because I know you don't like storms."

"How do you know that you barely met her yesterday?"

"I came to visit her today and he hanged out, why is that a problem?" He hugged me tight as Jaime went to the door. "No I don't"

That was the last thing he said before he left. "Im sorry did I interrupt something?"

"No you actually saved me but what are you doing here its almost 11?"

"Sleepover?" I laughed at him as my mood got better. "Oh my of course but I have to let you meet my new room mate."

I went to knock on Deisys' room and when she saw Erick she gasped. "Oh my god am I dreaming or what!"

We both laughed at her and she joined us. "No you're not dreaming, he's staying over so don't mind us."

"Omg okay but before you leave I need a picture okay."

"I got you don't worry."

"Want to watch a movie in my room?"

"Yes lets watch a funny movie!"

We went to my room and we ended picking "Journal Writers" it was one of my favorite movies. Another thunder stroke with lighting and I moved closer to Erick. "Hey its okay I'm here."

I laid my head on his shoulder and with out realizing it I soon fell asleep. Today was a very eventful day.

Thats it for today! Ch. 8&9 up tomorrow! Enjoy and good night🌺 remember to vote❤️

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