Chapter 32

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Today Yoandri had gotten invited to the release of an album by a producer because they are great friends and he had invited me to go.

I was really excited because I loved going to release parties. It would start at Seven so I wanted to get ready early. It was still quite early so I decided to start paint my nails. Yoandri came in and kissed my lips. "Aren't you excited for today babe?"

"I am actually? What about you?"

"Just a little nervous but very excited!"

I wanted to look cute today so I looked for a dress, shoes, jewelry and everything I thought I would need.

I was so concentrated looking at my closet for a dress that I didn't hear Yoandri come in. He put his hands around my waist and pulled me with him. "Baby did you know that I love you so much."

When he said that I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I smiled at him and answered back. "I love you too."

His smile grew wider and he laid me on the bed. He took his shoes off and got next to me. "Babe you still have time to pick an outfit, besides anything you choose will make you look beautiful."

I blushed and he kissed my cheeks. "Just cuddle with me and let me hold you."

"Thats all I ever want from you babe. You are the best boyfriend ever."

We cuddled all morning and ordered Chinese food, we watched movies until it was one thirty. "Babe we should probably get up. I have to clean my house cause you know me, I like to be organized."

"Oh yes and I have to go pick up my clothes from my house so we can leave together."

He put his shoes on, kissed my lips and left. "I will be back shortly."

I nodded and started cleaning the house. Deisy and Anahi were at a friends house in a sleepover and would be back soon. When I finished I grabbed my purse and keys and left to the mall. I was gonna get my eyebrows done and my hair.

Soon it was five and I left to get ready. Yoandri was already there watching tv. "Oh look at my Princess! Eyebrows on fleek!" I laughed at him and sat on his lap.
"You are so crazy babe." He smiled and I put my hands around his neck. "Crazy for you babe." He kissed my lips and bit my lip.

"Yoandri!" I giggled and he laughed. "Couldn't help it babe."

We ordered pizza and ate before we started to get ready. I went into my room and grabbed my dress which was a simlpe baby blue lace dress that stopped at my thigh. It was short but it covered everything it needed to cover. It had a white cup in the arms that I liked a lot. It also had a turtle neck that made it look really nice.

I started on my makeup and grabbed some simple silver heels that made the outfit look stylish. For jewelry I put on a simple silver earrings and twisted half my hair and put it to the side.

Yoandri came im with some black pants, a white dress shirt and some suspenders and he had some dress shoes. He looked smoking hot. "Damn baby! You look so sexy!"

He grabbed my chin and kissed me. "You look hot too babe."

"Not as hot as you." I laughed and grabbed my phone. It was now 6:25 so we decided to leave because it was a little far away. Before we left the girls came in and awed at us.

"OMG! ARIEL YOU LOOK SO HOT AND DAMN YOANDRI!" I laughed at Deisy's enthusiasm and Anahi started to take pictures.

"I love you guys but we have to get going." They hugged me and left.
We made a 20 minute drive to where the party woud be taking place.

It was a big building with a beautiful view to the city. We walked in and there was already people hanging out and dancing. Yoandri grabbed my waist and led me deeper into the place.

He waved at some guy and we walked towards them. "Yoandri my man! Im glad you made it."

"Here we are.. this is Ariel my girlfriend, Ari this is YoFred."

"You have a beautiful girl, nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet too." He shook my hand and I smiled at him. "I want you to meet one of my great friends and I would love for you two to make a duet together."

"Oh sounds nice, shall we go."

"Yes follow me." Yoandri followed YoFred to a separate room with his hand still around my body. When we got there he took us to a group of people where there was a guy with his back to us. "Yo my man.. I want you to meet Yoandri."

I was now behind Yoyo and couldn't see this guy anymore. He let go of my hand to shake the other guy hand. "Nice to meet you man."

"Same to meet you too."

"Oh and my girlfriend Ariel." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up and when I saw who it was I was shocked. He looked at me with surprise and I could tell he was disappointed. "Jae Cruz, pleasure to meet you."

"Same to you." He grabbed my hand and I immediately felt sparks go down my body. He let go and my hand felt cold. Not much longer a beautiful short girl came over to hug him. "Becky meet Ariel and Yoandri."

"Ohh nice to meet you guys, I love your dress."

I smiled at her and she grabbed my hand. "Come on lets go talk." Yoyo let go of me and kissed my lips. "Have fun babe, I see you in a bit."

I smiled and followed Becky. "Finally someone I can hang out with. "

"Your dress is stunning." She had a short tight red dress that hugged her curves perfectly. "Thank you doll."

Becky was actually really cool and funny. We ate, talked, laughed and danced. "Hey Im going to the bathroom, I will be right back."

She nodded and I made my way to the bathroom. I was almost there when I felt strong hands grab me and pull me into a closet. I was about to scream when the person put their hands in my mouth.

"Calm down Ariel, its me."

"Jaime?" I turned around and immediately saw him there. He didn't even think it twice and attacked my lips. I wanted to kiss him back but I couldn't. "J-Jaime stop."

"Ariel kiss me back."

"No Jaime! I can't" I pulled away from him and didn't look at him. "Ariel! Why can't you kiss me?"

"Because I have someone and you do to."

"Ariel I've waited for you to come back and you never did. You disappointed me really bad. Why did you leave me? Ariel do you know how much you hurt me?"

"Im so sorry Jaime! You just don't understand."

"I've waited so long to kiss your lips again! To touch your body to have you and now you have someone else.

"Jaime please let me go... I can't do this... I have Yoandri."

"You don't love him... I still love you Ariel... you don't love him right?"

I looked down and fumbled with my dress. "Ariel... you fell in love with him."

"I-I did, im sorry Jaime."

I got out the closet and went to look for Yoandri. "Babe! I have been looking for you, where were you at?"

"Im sorry babe... I was in the bathroom."

He pulled me by the waist and kissed me. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him back. "I love you baby!"

"I love you too Yoandri."

I could feel Jaime's stare on us but I ignored him and snuggled to Yoandris neck. We danced all night long and left after the party ended.


QOTD: Do you think Ariel made the right decision im saying no to Jaime?

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