Chapter 33

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The next morning I woke up to get ready for my first college class that was Education and Training. I felt Yoandri's arms around me and pulled away from him. Today it was a little windy so I decided to go for some leggings, a cute long shirt, nike shoes and my hair in a bun.

I grabbed some breakfast and went to get my keys and books from my room. Yoandri was still asleep so I went over to him and kissed his lips. His eyes opened up and he smiled at me. "Have a good day babe."

"Thank you baby." I left and climbed into my car. The memories from last night were still clear on my head. Having Jaime so close to me wanted to never let him go but I had Yoandri and he was so beautiful.

When I got to college I parked my car and walked to my first class. Today all my clases were really interesting and soon it was time to go home. I first decided to take a short trip to Plaza Fiesta which was like a mall but for latinos. It was pretty big and they had lots of things. I found this really pretty shirt and bought a piña-colada.

It was about 1:30 so Yoandri was at the studio and wouldn't come back till 7. It took me about 30 minutes to get home so it was 2:00 now. The girls also had classes at this time so I didn't see them all until night time.

To not get bored for the whole day I started cleaning the apartment. I started with the kitchen, then the living room, and finally my room. I did the bed and the picked up Yoandri's clothes.

When I picked his pants up to fold them I saw a little paper sticking out. I grabbed it and there was a number in it. It also read "call me whenever you need me-M."

Maybe it was another producer he met or maybe a singer. I folded the paper and put it back in his pants.
I finished and grabbed a snack and put a movie on netflix. Everything was so peaceful until someone knocked on my door.

I went to open it and was really shocked to see who it was. I tried closing it but it was to late. "Ariel! Talk to me."

"How did you find me?"

"I followed you yesterday after the party."

"Jaime you can't be here." I didn't realize that I started backing up and he was coming forward. "I know but I wanted to see you, to feel your skin."

"Jaime can't you understand that I can't go back with you because I love Yoandri." My back touched the wall and he was even closer to me.
"Ariel you don't understand how much I love you.... you don't love him you love me."

"Jaimee.." His hands grabbed my waist and his lips kissed mine. I didn't kiss him back and he bit my lip. "Ariel kiss me."

No, I couldn't kiss him because I would be cheating on Yoandri. "Ariel don't do this to me." Soon enough my hands wrapped around his neck and his tongue licked my lips asking for permission.

I gave in to him and he picked me up taking me to my room and laying me on the bed. I was addicted to his kisses and didn't want to let him go. Even though I wanted to stay like this forever I pushed him away and stood up.

"Jaime please don't do this to me."

"I will not give up on you Ariel!"

"What about Becky?"

"She is a very sweet girl and she deserves some one who can treat her better, Ariel do you know how many times I went out looking for you hoping I would find you!"

"Im sorry Jaime but my reason where good enough, I just wanted to protect you because with me your life was in danger." He got up and walked over to me holding my hand, I felt the tears come down and he wiped them away.

"Don't cry Ariel, You know we could've worked this out. Im not mad at you but really disappointed that you didn't trust me."

"Im sorry Jaime." He hugged me and I felt like everything disappeared, it was just me and him. "Please Jaime, understand we can't be together anymore because we both have someone."

"I do understand but that doesn't mean I will stop loving you. I will fight for you even if that means cheating but I will do it for you."

"No Jaime, cheating will not solve anything. Just go and forget me."

"I will go but I will never forget you. I will come back for you." He walked out of my room and I walked behind him. He looked at me and pecked my forehead and left.

I locked my door and let myself fall to the ground. I cheated on Yoandri! I kissed another person! Jaime is making this so hard for me. I felt bad, I felt like a bitch, a hoe, a slut, everything I didn't want to be just happened and it was all because... I still love Jaime.

How was I going to tell Yoandri what happened today? How would he react? What would happen to us? I cried and cried until I had no tears left.

I got up and went to take a shower. I let the water pour down my body and relax my muscles. I dried myself out and out my pijamas on. The door to my room flung open and Deisy came in.

"Hey Ari!" She gave me a hug and I returned it. "We have to talk Deisy."

"Yeah what's up? Everything okay?"

"No! Nothing is okay... I saw Jaime yesterday at the party and today he came here! He found me and the worst part is that he kissed me."

"He kissed you! Omg Ariel! Why did you let him."

"I didn't but soon I gave in, I couldn't help it.... Deisy I practically cheated on Yoandri and that hurts me a lot." I felt the tears coming down my cheeks and she gave me a hug. "Ariel, baby girl calm down... its okay... you couldn't help it... are you going to tell him?"

"I have to Deisy."

"Why don't you do that tomorrow I think you had a rough day today."

"Yes you are right, thank you Deisy!"

I hoped everything turned out better and Yoandri could understand what happened.

Hey girls! Sorry I was supposed to post this Chapter last weekend but I got a little busy... im really hoping to update more often... as of know I only hve weekend and even then I still have hw and things to do so I try my best... Hired Girlfriend is almost at 5K and Im really happy about that..👏🏼 thank you all and remember to vote! Also its been 2 weeks since i saw CNCO and I miss them so much😭 see you maybe tomorrow!


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