Chapter 17

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(JULY 3rd)
I woke up to Jaime's hair tickling my chin. I tried to move away but he was on top of me and had me between his body. "Jaime.. Wake up." I shook him up but that didn't help. "Jaime...."

He opened his eyes and when he realized where he was he rolled over to his side of the bed. "Im so sorry."

"Its fine." I got up and walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I put on a mint shirt on with a bow on the back, white pants, brown sandals, and white pearl earrings. I blow dried my hair and curled it.
"Ariel hurry up so we can eat breakfast and get going."

I went out and Jaime was also dressed up and went to the kitchen. Brenda had made some eggs and bacon which were really good. "Mom we will be back later."

"Okay baby see you later, have fun Ariel."

We took his moms car and he started driving. "So where are we going?"

"To the studio where we are practicing." I nodded and then something hit me. "Omg Jaime what am I going to tell my mom, I totally forgot that tomorrow is 4th of July, I usually go over."

"Oh wow I didn't really think of that, give her a call, tell her you are on a trip with your friend."

Ugh why didn't I think this thru, I can't just tell her that Im with a friend cause then she is going to ask a lot of questions. We arrived to a building and got out. "Come on in."

We went in and I met his band members. I also met his best friend Xavier which he was really cool. They practiced and I decided to call my mom.

A:Hey mom!
M:Hey mija, how you doing?
A:Pretty good mom, hows dad?
M:He is doing good mija, are you coming over tomorrow?
A:About that mom, Im kinda of in Puerto Rico.
M:Que tu que! Mija how did you not tell me this, who are you with, Ariel you are in big trouble niña.
A:Mom calm down, Im 18 so I can take my own decisions, trust me mom.
M:You are right, I trust you mija, just tell me who you are with.
A:Im with my... Boyfriend..
M:And we didn't know about this.. When you come back I want to meet him.
A:Okay mom, I got to go bye, love you.
M:Adios mija, be careful.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. "What she say?"

Jaime took the seat next to me. "I told her I was with my boyfriend, she wants to meet you."

"Well when we go back we can go over and meet her."

I nodded and he squeazed my thigh. I went out to take a walk while they finished practicing. I found a mini store and went to buy some chips and something to drink, I walked over to the counter to pay. "Is that all for you?"

A tall handsome guy was at the counter and scanned my things. "Yes thank you."

"Are you from around here?"

"No Im not, Im from Georgia."

"Ohh thats nice, can I get your number." I laughed at how easy he thought I was. "Hmm not sure if you should."

"Why not?"

"Because she's mine." I turned around to find Jaime walking over. "Oh Im sorry man I didn't know."
I rolled my eyes and paid. "Ugh really Jaime are you serious!"

"What I was just trying to help you."

"Help me in what! I like meeting new people what do you have against that, I don't understand."
I sped back to the studio while he yelled my name. "Ariel don't get mad." I walked in and ignored him for the rest of the day. We left around 3 to go eat at his house.

"Hey Ariel, how was it?" Brenda asked me, she was just so pretty with the warmest smile. "It was good, they are doing a great job."

"They are, we ordered pizza so come on a get a slice." I grabbed a plate and got a slice of peperonni and beef pizza and got me a water.
"Tomorrow we are going to the lake to celebrate the 4th, do you want to come?"

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